The Retro Core Dreamcast Shooting Special features 28 games all in high resolution (DVD version only plus 2 extra games) and stereo sound. It's been split up in to 3 sections which contain the following. Traditional Shooters Border Down Chaos Field Gigawing Gigawing 2 Gunbird 2 Gun Spike (Cannon Spike) Ikaruga Mars Matrix Psyvariar 2 Rainbow Cotton REZ Shikigami No Shiro 2 Trizeal Zero Gunner 2 Gun Shooters Virtual Cop 2 Silent Scope The House Of The Dead 2 Death Crimson 2 Death Crimson OX Confidential Mission Charge'n Blast Flight Shooters Airforce Delta Aero Dancing Himitsu Disc Aero Dancing F Aero Dancing F Fan Disc Aero Dancing i Propeller Arena Macross