  • Season ID 796445
  • Created February 1, 2019
  • Modified February 1, 2019
When available, episode names will be translated into your preferred language. Otherwise they will be shown using the series' origin language.
Name First Aired Runtime Image
S01E01 Toskana 1: Von Pisa nach Carrara 45
S01E02 Toskana 2: Arezzo und Umgebung 45
S01E03 Toskana 3: Von Elba nach Volterra 45
S01E04 Toskana 4: Der Norden 45
S01E05 Toskana 5: Siena: Die Schönste im ganzen Land 45
S01E06 Toskana 6: Der Süden 45
S01E07 Rom zu Fuß 45
S01E08 Mia bella Napoli
April 10, 2007
S01E09 Sizilien: Messina Ätna Taormina 45
S01E10 Toskana 45
S01E11 Sizilien: Hauptstadt Palermo 45
S01E12 Sizilien 5: Syrakus 45
S01E13 Umbrien
June 29, 1996
S01E14 Mailand
series finale
July 12, 1996

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