翠色の瞳を持つ“霊媒師”城塚翡翠は苦悩を抱えていた。彼女には犯人が視える特殊な能力がある。しかし……そこには証拠能力がない。どうすれば警察は動くのか? 犯人を逮捕に導けるのか? ある日翡翠の前に現れたのは、聡明な雰囲気が漂う“推理作家”香月史郎。論理的な思考を持ち、警察からも一目置かれる香月は翡翠の“霊視”に“推理力”を足して共に事件を解決に導く「最強のバディ」となっていく。翡翠を支えるアシスタント·千和崎真が見守るなか次第に香月は翡翠に惹かれていくが……。想像を絶する展開が二人に襲い掛かる!! ミステリー賞総ナメのベストセラー小説をドラマ化、油断禁物の最驚ミステリー!
Hisui Jozuka can “see” the culprits with her clairvoyance, but this won’t hold up as evidence. Just how will she solve complex cases? “I have the ability to know the truth, but why am I so useless?” Hisui, with her green eyes, is in anguish. As a medium, she can trace down culprits with her special gift of clairvoyance, but this won’t hold up as evidence. What must she do to get the police to investigate? Will they manage to catch the perpetrator? This is a unique detective drama series that features a psychic detective who goes face to face with criminals.
- Reibai Tantei Jozuka Hisui
- Medium: Reibai Tantei Jouzuka Hisui
- Medium Detective Hisui Jozuka
- The Invert Mystery of Jozuka Hisui
- Invert: Jozuka Hisui's Inverted Detective Collection
- Invert: Jozuka Hisui Inverted Collection
- Invert Jōzuka Hisui Shū
- Invert: Jōzuka Hisui Tōjoshū
- Invert Jozuka Hisui Toujoshu
영(靈)이 보이는 특수한 능력을 가진 영매사가 죽은 사람으로부터 힌트를 얻어 난해한 살인 사건들의 범인을 찾는 추리물