장원을 했지만 아버지의 약을 구하지 못한 천기(김유정).
양명(공명)은 약을 선물하며 고화원에 들어올 것을 청한다.
천기는 자신을 구해준 하람(안효섭)을 찾아가
자신을 모른 척하는 그의 속마음을 묻는데...
After Cheon Gi wins the contest, her father throws a paint brush to Prince Joohyang while having a fit. Prince Yangmyeong and Ha Ram convince Prince Joohyang not to punish him. Later, the King orders Cheon Gi to enter Gohwawon, but Cheon Gi refuses to leave her sick dad. After hearing about how her father went mad from Prince Yangmyeong, Cheon Gi decides to go to Gohwawon to find the truth about her father’s madness.