Fumihiko Matsumaru anxiously awaits his date to arrive in front of the movie theater. Realizing she is late, He crumples the movie tickets and prepares to throw them away. He then "hears" the voice of the tickets telling him not to throw them away. Actually, it was a girl who was dubbing the voice of the tickets. He gives one of his tickets to the girl and they watch the movie together. Matsumaru realizes that the girl is reading the subtitles of the movie out loud and concludes that she is just weird. While exiting the theater, Matsumaru finds out that his date ditched him for another man and thus is accompanied by the girl for Yakitori and Beer. Matsumaru finds out that the girl lives almost next door. In the middle of the night, he wakes up to find the girl's neighborhood in flames and convinces her to stay in his house. For some reason, they kiss. The girl introduces herself as Aka, shortly before they make love and fall asleep.
そんなところに、オードリー・ヘップバーンに憧れる自称声優のたまごの恩田 赤と出会う。
Fumihiko Matsumaru espera ansiosamente que su cita llegue frente al cine. Al darse cuenta de que llega tarde, arruga las entradas del cine y se prepara para tirarlas. Luego "escucha" la voz de las entradas diciéndole que no las tire. En realidad, era una chica la que doblaba la voz de las entradas. Él le da una de sus entradas a la niña y ven la película juntos. Matsumaru se da cuenta de que la niña está leyendo los subtítulos de la película en voz alta y concluye que es rara. Al salir del teatro, Matsumaru descubre que su cita lo dejó por otro hombre y, por lo tanto, está acompañado por la chica de Yakitori y Beer. Matsumaru descubre que la chica vive casi al lado. En medio de la noche, se despierta para encontrar el barrio de la niña en llamas y la convence de que se quede en su casa. Por alguna razón, se besan. La niña se presenta como Aka, poco antes de que hagan el amor y se duerman.
마츠마루는 같은 회사 경리과 직원 다나카와 데이트 약속을 했지만 바람을 맞고, 극장 앞에서 아카라는 여자를 만난다. 마츠마루는 가지고 있던 영화 표로 아카와 로마의 휴일을 보고 밖으로 나온다. 알고 보니 두 사람은 근처에 사는 이웃이었다. 그날 밤, 아카의 집에 불이 나고, 놀이터에서 혼자 정신없이 앉아있는 아카를 발견한 마츠마루는 자기 집으로 데리고 간다. 다음날 아침, 아카는 메모만 남겨놓은 채 사라지고 없다.
Fumihiko Matsumaru attend avec impatience son rendez-vous pour arriver devant le cinéma.
Réalisant qu’elle ne viendra pas, il froisse les billets de cinéma et se prépare à les jeter mais c'est à ce moment là qu'il rencontre Aka.