This week it's a crazy mash-up with Tim Dillon and Ray Kump from Tim Dillon Is Going To Hell along with Nick Mullen from the Cum Town Podcast joining Luis J. Gomez and Zac Amico and they discuss racism within the gay community, a history lesson about race and American Indians, what laws can be broken while on international waters, Baby James taking karate in Harlem, pan handlers that try to use sympathy on their victims, gross bugs and diseases, Ray's time as a boy scout, Guess The News - Donald Glover Breaks Record At The Emmy's, Bobby Heenan's health issues/death, listener questions and so much more! Follow the whole show: @TimJDillon, @RayKump, @LuisJGomez, @ZacIsNotFunny, @RealAssPodcast, @GaSDigital, @IMShannonLee