This week Luis J. Gomez and Zac Amico are joined by comedians Dante Nero (Beige Phillip Podcast) and Eli Sairs and discuss Luis preparing to battle Krystyna Hutchinson, comedians who tone down their appearance, Hurricane Irma and how it caused 5 deaths at a nursing home, inventions by black and Puerto Rican people, Bodegas, animals going extinct, snakes that eat people, how much money it would take to kill a person, mercy killing animals, SDR's Firsts - the guys' first drug experiences, sleeping with someone who's married, Listener Questions and so much more! Follow the whole show: @DanteNero, @EliSairs, @LuisJGomez, @ZacIsNotFunny, @RealAssPodcast, @GaSDigital, @IMShannonLee