Nach dem unfreundlichen Empfang in Anatae war das zwar eigentlich nicht zu erwarten - doch nachdem Favaro und Kaisar mutig halfen, Azazel und seine Teufel in die Flucht zu schlagen, werden die beiden von König Sharioce zu Rittern geschlagen. Worüber Kaisar unglaublich glücklich ist... Favaro eher nicht. Unterdessen erfährt Amira von Lavalley die traurige Geschichte ihrer Mutter...
Amira stumbles upon the statue of Bahamut, triggering a vision of the beast being freed. Meanwhile The angels discuss Jeanne being worthy of becoming a Holy Knight to defeat an awakened Bahamut, later granting her another holy weapon: a sword. Amira tells the others about when she first woke up from a long slumber and was given her necklace by an unknown figure, promising to fulfill her dream in Helheim. The King then calls the group before him and Amira points out her father to Favaro and the others, Jeanne D'Arc's lieutenant Lavalley. The King knights Favaro and Kaisar which Favaro begrudgingly accepts while Kaisar is ecstatic to have his honor restored. Elsewhere an injured Azazel confronts Beelzebub for scheming behind their leader Lucifer's back and as Beelzebub incinerates Azazel he reveals he's bringing about Judgement Day. The jealous King is tricked into thinking Jeanne is plotting his death after she is favored by the gods and not him. That night Favaro and Rita take Amira to see her father, Lavalley. Lavalley reveals Amira is half angel and half demon, her mother being the angel Nicole and that he is not her father but a human former bodyguard to her mother. When Amira was a baby the demons kidnapped her and accelerated her growth, Amira really being 5 years old. When Amira says she was promised to see her mother in Helheim if she stole the key Lavalley tells her that is impossible and uses the united pendents to reveal Nicole's true location: Prudisia, the Valley of the Demons.
Lors d'un rêve prémonitoire, Amira voit un monstre puissant. En récompense de leur héroïsme, Favaro et Kaisar sont faits chevaliers, ce qui les met en joie.
잔 다르크의 활약으로 열쇠인 아미라를 아자젤로부터 지켜낸 인간들. 국왕은 잔 에게 상으로써 새로운 영지를 내리려 하였지만 잔은 그대신 다른 것을 부탁한다.
Azazel se ve obligado a retirarse, y ahora se revela la verdad detrás de la existencia de Amira. Mientras tanto, Favaro y Kaisar son convocados para ver al rey.