In Anatae, der Stadt des Königs, haben Amira, Favaro, Kaisar und Rita nach ihrer Flucht vom fliegenden Teufels-Schloss Zuflucht gefunden - und auf den Befehl der Götter sind der König und seine Armee verpflichtet, die Vier zu beschützen. Tatsächlich taucht schon bald Azazel mit seinen Teufeln auf, um sich den göttlichen Schlüssel,der in Amiras Brust verborgen ist, wieder zurückzuholen.
The demon legion descends upon the city to claim the God Key while the humans go on the defense. A happy Amira appears before Favaro, claiming she met her father within the city, before dashing off. The King's forces battle the demons at a losing pace while Amira happily stuffs herself inside the kitchen while Favaro, Kaisar and Rita attempt to get information about her father. Azazel infiltrates the castle, leaving carnage behind as he seeks Amira who is now passed out. He proceeds to taunt Kaisar about his father's death, admitting his involvement but Favaro takes the blame and challenges Azazel, buying time to get Amira and the God Key away. Eventually Kaisar comes back to aid Favaro and Azazel recalls he is actually the killer of both their fathers. Kaisar sacrifices himself to buy time for Jeanne to charge up her sacred weapon Maltet who then delivers a decisive blow to the distracted Azazel. The tide changes, the humans winning and Favaro manages to save Kaisar but in the meantime when Rita finishes fighting and goes back to wake Amira she finds her missing.
Azazel et ses démons assiègent le château pour s'emparer de la clé des dieux. Amira attire l'attention de ses amis en disant qu'elle a rencontré son père en ville.
인간의 손에 들어간 신의 열쇠, 아미라를 빼앗기 위해 직접 군대를 이끌고 온 아자젤. 성녀 잔은 신에게 하사받은 창으로 그들을 저지하지만 결국 아자젤은 성 안까지 침입하는데.
Azazel, liderando una horda de demonios, lanza un asalto al castillo humano. Su objetivo: Amira y la Llave de Dios.