Chae Gyung accepts Myong Hye as her handmaiden. The Queen Dowager suspects that Chae Gyung is the woman with the secret letter and sets the date for their consummation. Meanwhile, Chae Gyung's suspicion towards Yeok continues growing. This only torments her, and she decides that it is time to come clean to him and tell him what she knows and believes.
채경은 명혜를 몸종으로 받아들인다.
한편 밀지의 여인이 채경임을 직감한 자순대비는 역과 채경의 합방을 서두르고, 점점 역에 대한 의심이 깊어져 고통스러운 채경은 결국 역에게 모든 것을 털어놓고자 마음먹는데..
Beide Seiten nähern sich der Person mit dem Tattoo. Su-geun entdeckt das Versteck der Rebellen. Yeok findet eine Antwort auf die Frage, warum er König sein sollte.