Chae Gyung runs into Yung and together they do a memorial service for both Yeok and his mother. She also runs into Yeok who was in the next room. She thinks he is a ghost who looks like Yeok.
낯선 사내로부터 역이 떠올라 마음이 흔들리는 채경.
자신의 마음을 확인하고 싶어 그를 찾아 나서는데..!
한편, 융은 채경을 다시 만나 반가운 마음을 감출 줄 모르고..
Yeok ist bei seiner Rückkehr nach Hanyang ein neuer Mensch. Yung und Chae-gyeong haben außerhalb der Palastmauern eine weitere Zufallsbegegnung.