Elliott Gerner takes a light-hearted look at America's religious extremists, beginning with an examination of the belief in 'the Rapture' - the idea that Jesus will descend from Heaven to summon up all true believers.
Jai Santoshi Maa, made in 1975, tells the story of an obscure goddess, and cinemas showing the film became impromptu temples, with audiences removing their shoes and throwing tributes at the screen.
Elliott Gerner visits Brazil to see how the country's three major religions use the national passion for football to attract worshippers. Elliott has his fortune told by a drunken priest and gets on the wrong side of a church bouncer.
Elliott Gerner takes a look at anti-Semitism on the Internet, exploring lists of Jews to keep an eye on. Elliott also talks to comedian Jackie Mason and communicates with the ghost of Elvis's grandmother.
Elliott Gerner concludes his trawl through religion's stranger elements by considering the lasting influence the story of Noah's Ark has had on Jewish, Christian, and Muslim theology.