Detective Gotou enlisted the help of Yakumo to investigate a supposedly ghost video taken at Nanase Mansion, where 4 members of the Nanase family was murdered 15 years ago. The video was obtained by Hijikata Makoto and filmed by a scriptwriter Hoshin Yukiko. Yakumo went off and investigate on his own after watching the video. While interviewing Hoshin, Gotou noticed that she resembles the woman seen with Yakumo's father but was unsure of his observation. Gotou and Yuutarou investigated the Nanase Mansion where Gotou was attacked by Miyuki Nanase (the same woman with Yakumo's father). Miyuki was apparently kidnapped on the day of the Nanase family massacre but has remained missing since. Yakumo tracked down the place where the ghost video was filmed and was also attacked by Miyuki, who claimed to be bringing the darkness to him and wants to destroy him.
O detetive Gotou pediu a ajuda de Yakumo para investigar um vídeo de um suposto fantasma feito na Mansão Nanase, onde 4 membros da família Nanase foram assassinados há 15 anos. O vídeo foi obtido por Hijikata Makoto e filmado pelo roteirista Hoshin Yukiko. Yakumo percebe algo e sai para investigar por conta própria depois de assistir ao vídeo.
El detective Gotou solicitó la ayuda de Yakumo para investigar un video supuestamente fantasma tomado en la Mansión Nanase, donde 4 miembros de la familia Nanase fueron asesinados hace 15 años.
O detetive Gotou pediu a ajuda de Yakumo para investigar um vídeo de um suposto fantasma feito na Mansão Nanase, onde 4 membros da família Nanase foram assassinados há 15 anos. O vídeo foi obtido por Hijikata Makoto e filmado pelo roteirista Hoshin Yukiko. Yakumo percebe algo e sai para investigar por conta própria depois de assistir ao vídeo.