Během vzpoury Michael zachrání Sáru. Vrah se pokouší zabít Lincolna, a Bellick rozmlouvá Popeovi, aby jednal s guvernérem. Veronika s Nickem letí do Washingtonu DC, aby vypátrali, kdo vlastně fungoval jako tipař.
Sara sitzt in ihrem Behandlungsraum in der Falle. Und es scheint nur eine Frage der Zeit zu sein, bis die Häftlinge mit Gewalt zu ihr vordringen.
Turk misleads Lincoln, by sending him into a secluded area, where he attempts to kill him. However, after the two men struggle, Lincoln pushes Turk over the edge, where he soon dies. Back in Michael's and Sucre's cell, T-Bag is keeping an eye on CO Hudson, who knows of the escape plan. Abruzzi enters the hole and helps Sucre with breaking down the wall. Sucre, a devout Roman Catholic, struggles with drilling through a depiction of the devil. Also adding to the dilemma is the fact that gas pipes lie behind the wall, and that drilling in the wrong place may cause a fatal explosion. However, together they are eventually both able to drill strategically placed holes and manages to break it down to see the pipe on the other side.
Sara is still trapped in the room, where the rioters almost break through, and try to set fire to it, where Michael manages to arrive through the vents and rescues her from them. However, the rioters follow her and Michael, who try to evade them. Sara asks how Michael knows about the pipes and he replies by saying that he has had PI duties to clean up toxic mold in the pipes. Soon, Michael is able to knock out one of the leading inmates and rush to an exit. However, when they arrive, a sniper, sent by Govorner Tancredi, who is adamant to do what it takes to rescue his daughter, aims at him. Michael quickly ducks as the pursuing inmates are fired at and Sara reunites with her father.
Veronica and Nick arrive in Washington D. C. and receive the address from the placed phone call, a payphone. The payphone is next to the building of the company the Vice President uses. The phone rings and Veronica answers it. The caller tells them that they are dead. In a panic, Veronica and Nick run away from the payphone. Michael returns to gen-pop and reunites with Lincoln before heavily armed SORT teams invade the prison and force the inmates back to their cells. In Michael's cell, the team discuss what to do with Hudson. Michael, Lincoln and Sucre want to
La prison de Fox River est en proie à une terrible émeute. Le Dr Sara Tancredi est en très mauvaise posture. Les prisonniers tentent de forcer la porte pour pouvoir jouer un peu avec elle. Inquiet, Michael tente de voler à son secours... Un nouveau problème se présente lorsque T-Bag et le gardien qu'il tient en otage découvrent l'issue secrète dans la cellule de Sucre et Scofield... Inquiet pour sa fille, le gouverneur débarque à la prison avec des forces armées prête à intervenir... Lincoln, lui, suit Turk, censé l'amener jusqu'à son frère...
Továbbra is tart a zendülés a cella-blokkban. Abruzzi és Sucre sikeresen átütik a falat. Zsebes ezalatt figyeli az őrt, akit foglyul ejtettek. Michael, kimenekíti a doktornőt a raboktól, majd visszatér a cellájába. Lincoln egy verekedés után megöli a támadóját. Veronica és Nick Washingtonban utazik és a hívószám alapján valószínűsítik, hogy a meggyilkolt Terrence Steadman egykori cége elől riasztották a chicagói rendőrséget. A lázadást nagy nehezen leverik a katonák, Zsebes pedig az utasítás ellenére, megöli az őrt, hogy még véletlenül se beszéljen. Sara Tancredi gyanút fog, miután Michael váratlanul bukkant fel, hogy kimentse őt.
Mentre prosegue la rivolta dei detenuti, Abruzzi e Sucre scavano assieme per rompere il muro che porta alle vecchie fogne. Michael intanto corre lungo i condotti dell'aria per arrivare dalla dottoressa Tancredi e salvarla. Il Governatore viene a sapere che la figlia è in pericolo e minaccia ritorsioni contro Pope. Bellick invece ne approfitta per mettere in cattiva luce il direttore e fare "bella figura". Turk cerca di uccidere Lincoln ma l'uomo riesce a difendersi e, involontariamente, schivando un colpo, ad ucciderlo non scoprendo così da chi era stato mandato. Intanto Veronica e Nick scoprono che la telefonata che ha incastrato Lincon è stata fatta da una cabina pubblica situata davanti l'ex-sede della Ecofield, la compagnia di Terrence Steadman. Immediatamente i due vengono minacciati di morte dai Servizi Segreti. Michael finalmente arriva da Sara e tenta di condurla in salvo: tra i due cresce la confidenza. Per giustificare la conoscenza di quei condotti, Michael spiega alla dottoressa che uno degli incarichi delle P.I. è stato quello di pulirli dalle muffe tossiche. Ormai vicini all'uscita, Sara si rende conto che la vita di Michael è in pericolo: il mirino laser del fucile di un cecchino delle forze speciali sta infatti puntando al suo petto. Con una mossa veloce Michael riesce però a portare Sara in salvo e ad evitare lui stesso di essere colpito. Tornato nella propria cella, ordina di non uccidere Bob, ma poco dopo T-Bag decide di fare a modo suo. Finalmente Lincoln trova il fratello sano e salvo e i due si abbracciano. La dottoressa chiede ad un impiegato del carcere circa gli incarichi delle P.I. e le viene assicurato che ai detenuti non è mai stata permessa la pulizia di quei condotti.
Micahel räddar Sara under upploppet samtidigt som lönnmördaren försöker att döda Lincoln. Veronica och Nick flyger till Washington, DC, för att spåra ett telefonsamtal.
Κατά τη διάρκεια της ανταρσίας, ο Μάικλ σώζει τη Σάρα, ο δολοφόνος προσπαθεί να σκοτώσει τον Λίνκολν και ο Μπέλικ αψηφά τον Πόουπ για να μιλήσει στον κυβερνήτη.
כשהמהומה מחריפה, מייקל מגיע להחלטה קשה לגבי החיים של הרופאה שרה; אברוצ'י וסוקרה שוברים את הגב של השטן; טי-באג טועם את הדם שלו בכדי להיות נכלל בבריחה המתוכננת; לינקולן בעל עימות גורלי בפוטנציה; ורוניקה וניק בדרך לוושינגטון.
Пытаясь узнать о нюансах своего спасения, Сара случайно раскрывает обман Майкла, в то время как Вероника с Ником получают недвусмысленное предупреждение от незнакомца. Тем временем Абуцци и Сукре заканчивают начатое, а Ти-Бэг ослушивается приказа ради безопасности замысла, частью которого он желает стать. Линкольн между тем предпринимает попытку узнать, кто именно отдал приказание с ним расправиться, однако вытянуть правду у исполнителя оказывается невыполнимой задачей.
Michael pelastaa Saran mellakan aikana, salamurhaaja yrittää tappaa Lincolnin ja Bellick yrittää saada Popen puhumaan kuvernöörille.
Michael redt Dr. Tancredi van de opstandige gevangenen, maar Lincoln en Veronica hebben hun eigen redding nodig.
Durante o motim da prisão, Michael salva Sara, o assassino tenta matar Lincoln e Bellick desafia Pope a falar com o governador.
Durante los disturbios en la cárcel, Michael salva a Sara, y el asesino intenta matar a Linconln. Verónica y Nick viajan y rastrean una llamada.
Podczas zamieszek w więzieniu Michael ratuje Sarę, zabójca próbuje unieszkodliwić Lincolna, a Bellick żąda, by Pope umożliwił mu rozmowę z gubernatorem.
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