Everyone is still upset over the Thieving Genius, so SoLaMi♡SMILE and Dressing Pafé decide to hold an event in Pripara to boost everyone's spirits. The event involves a friend ticket exchange with the members of each team and their fans, the goal of which is to get enough tickets to cover the front of the PriPara Hills building within 24.5 hours. The event will also involve each team member and their friends putting on various performances which will be broadcast to the world on Pripara TV, with the aim of getting a 100% viewing rate. Hibiki also decides to use the event to evaluate potential members for his dream team. However he becomes increasingly annoyed with Laala and the others so attempts to sabotage their efforts by getting a team of workers to post complaints about the broadcast. As the ratings plummet and the queue of fans dwindles, everyone starts to lose hope. Laala however tries to keep up everyone's spirits say how much fun it is to be able to be with them in PriPara. The others, encouraged decide to reform SoLaMi♡Dressing and put on one last performance to turn the event around. With their friends support SoLaMi♡Dressing pulls it off and they manage to successfully complete their goals for the event before time runs out. Hibiki, frustrated he was unable to find anymore candidates for his dream team, turns his attention to stopping Laala ruining his plans.