Eigentlich hätte Tobys neuer Posten bei der Polizei von Rosewood den Freundinnen einen klaren Vorteil gegenüber Alis/A’s fiesen Spielchen verschaffen sollen doch es kommt anders als geplant. Als unerwartet neue Beweise auftauchen, kriselt es zwischen Spencer und Tobi. Emily und Aria versuchen indes verzweifelt, die Kontrolle wiederzuerlangen, die sie längst verloren haben.
Toby's new position in the Rosewood police department was to give the PLLs an upper hand on finally closing the door to Ali/"A's" game. But when a surprising bit of evidence show's up, Toby is put in a difficult position with his job and with Spencer. Not one to trust the police or evidence "surprisingly" showing up, Spencer tries to convince Toby to stray from his moral gut reaction, which puts stress on their relationship. Meanwhile, Emily and Aria take drastic measures to keep control of situations that are out of their hands and that could affect their future.
Aria ottaa riskin hakiessaan epätoivoisesti yliopistoihin, ja Emily haukkaa liian ison palan ottamalla hoitaakseen Ezran kirjakaupan avajaistarjoilut. Toby löytää mahdollisen murha-aseen Monan pihalta, mutta pääsevätkö ystävykset yhteisymmärrykseen aseen kohtalosta?
Toby si ritrova in una posizione difficile sul lavoro e con Spencer. Nel frattempo, Emily e Aria prendono misure drastiche per mantenere il controllo.
A nova posição de Toby na delegacia de polícia de Rosewood ajuda com que as meninas se livrem logo do contínuo assédio do misterioso A, mas isso não quer dizer que o relacionamento entre Spencer e Toby não sofrerá tremores. Enquanto isso, Alison lida com sua nova realidade.
Toby se ve en una situación delicada con su trabajo y con Spencer. Mientras tanto, Emily y Aria toman medidas drásticas para mantener el control.