PREHISTORIC WASHINGTON, DC The corridors of power run through its veins, a land of constant conflict and battles for supremacy. All of its history combines to tell the tale of why D.C. looks the way it does, and why it was built where it is. When the city was founded, was it really on a swamp? Before it was the nation's capital city, Washington D.C. was once a beach town whose waters were teeming with the largest shark the world has ever known. Dry-land was patrolled by a predator that looked like a dog, but was bigger than a grizzly. Tens of millions of years earlier it endured an asteroid impact that wiped out all life. Further back in time it hosted a ferocious meat-eating dinosaur that hunted building-sized plant-eaters ten times its own size, while directly over what is today the Washington Monument, flying reptiles with 30-foot wingspans terrorized the skies.