Demelza kommt mit den Kindern nach London, als Ross feststellen muss, dass er sich durch den Versuch Ned zu helfen auf ein gefährliches Spiel eingelassen hat …
Demelza and the children join Ross in London, but his dogged pursuit of Ned’s vindication finds them caught in a dangerous web. An ennobled George pursues the fruits of his new alliance, but his lingering grief has unexpected consequences. As Ned confronts the man responsible for his downfall, Demelza fears they are entangled with forces beyond their control, and Dwight’s expertise on insanity unwittingly place him and his friends on shaky ground.
Meanwhile, Drake and Morwenna continue tentative steps forward in their relationship, Valentine’s spirit grows wilful in neglect, and Geoffrey Charles learns he must tread carefully if he’s to gain Cecily’s father’s favour. Ross tries to find a man who may hold the key to clearing Ned’s name, but in championing Ned’s cause, Ross finds himself in a compromising situation that will shadow him wherever he goes.
Ross on elämänsä velkaa Nedille, entiselle komentajalleen, siksi hän ryhtyy suin päin puhdistamaan tämän mainetta. Vastassa on vaarallisia voimia. George voi huonosti, ja uusi liikekumppani painaa päälle.
Alors que George étend son pouvoir grâce à une alliance douteuse, les Poldark se retrouvent pris au piège dans un réseau mortel.
Demelza y los niños se unen a Ross en Londres. Un empoderado George persigue los frutos de su nueva alianza. Ross busca un hombre capaz de limpiar el nombre de Ned.
Ross è deciso a trascorrere più tempo a casa, tra le persone che ama. Ma una nuova alleanza rischia di gettare i Poldark in una trappola mortale.
Ross och Demelza försöker återupprätta Ned Despards rykte, med osäkert resultat. George ingår en mycket lukrativ allians.
Enquanto George faz uma aliança lucrativa, os Poldarks são pegos em uma teia mortal.