While Ash was battling in the Masters Eight Tournament, Goh took on his biggest challenge yet as a member of Project Mew! He joins up with Danika, Quillon, Horace, and Gary, and his excitement mounts as he considers the possibility of finding Mew…or even catching it! But the expedition to Table Mountain is fraught with challenges, detours, and wild Pokémon who aren’t happy to see humans in their territory. Eventually, the Chasers are confronted by two Legendary Pokémon—Groudon and Kyogre. With powerful Pokémon standing in the way, will Goh and the others finally get to meet Mew?
Após captarem sinais de energia psíquica, os Rastreadores partem para escalar a perigosa Montanha Mesa em busca de Mew, mas encontram surpresas no caminho.
Alors que Sacha se bat dans le tournoi des Huit Maîtres, Goh fait face à son plus grand défi en tant que membre du projet Mew!
Während Ash im Turnier der Acht Meister kämpft, stellt sich Goh seiner bisher größten Herausforderung als Mitglied von Projekt Mew!
Po odebraniu sygnałów energii psychicznej Tropiciele postanawiają przebyć zdradziecką Górę Stołową w poszukiwaniu Mew, ale napotykają szereg niespodzianek.
Após detetar sinais de energia psíquica, os Coletores decidem-se a escalar a traiçoeira Montanha Plana em busca de Mew, mas deparam-se com surpresas pelo caminho.