The final round of the Pokémon World Coronation Series Masters Eight Tournament is roaring along, and the power generated by 10,000,000 Volt Thunderbolt and G-Max Wildfire causes a storm of Galar particles! But the Legendary Pokémon Eternatus appears, quelling the disturbance and recharging Leon and Ash’s Dynamax bands. Leon Gigantamaxes his Cinderace, and Ash has Pikachu Gigantamax, too. Pikachu wins the matchup, leaving it and Leon’s Charizard to battle to the end. The battle is like nothing anyone has seen before, and all of Ash’s friends and Pokémon show him and Pikachu their support. In the end, Pikachu wins, and Ash becomes the new World Champion!
O lendário Eternatus aparece sobre o Estádio de Wyndon, dando uma rodada bônus para Ash e Leon. Agora a batalha é entre parceiros.
La finale du Tournoi des Huit Maîtres des Championnats du Monde du Couronnement Pokémon bat son plein. Mais l’énergie générée par Foudre G-Max et Fournaise G-Max déclenche une tempête de particules Galar.
Das Finale im Turnier der Acht Meister der Pokémon-Krönungs-Weltmeisterschaften ist in vollem Gange. Doch die von Tausendfacher Donnerblitz und Giga-Feuerflug erzeugte Energie entfacht einen Sturm von Galar-Partikeln.
Tajemnicze pojawienie się nad stadionem Wyndon legendarnego Eternatusa daje Ashowi i Leonowi dodatkową rundę, gdzie dochodzi do walki partner kontra partner.
O misterioso aparecimento de um Eternatus lendário sobre o estádio concede uma ronda adicional a Ash e Leon, em que tudo se resume a parceiro contra parceiro.