The second match of the Masters Eight Tournament semifinals is here, and it’s Ash versus Cynthia! Our hero wants to battle Leon in the finals, but Cynthia’s determined to keep that from happening. It’s a six-on-six battle, and first is Ash’s Dragonite versus Cynthia’s Spiritomb, who eliminates Dragonite. Then Cynthia switches out Spiritomb, and the next matchup is Roserade versus Gengar. But Roserade is switched out for Spiritomb again, and Gengar goes down. Ash calls out Pikachu, and Cynthia rotates through several of her Pokémon until she reaches Spiritomb again. Pikachu almost lands a win, but Spiritomb has the last laugh with Destiny Bond. Can Ash make a comeback?
Nas semifinais, Cíntia, a campeã da região de Sinnoh, enfrenta Ash, o primeiro campeão da região de Alola. Ela tenta a chance de uma batalha contra o imbatível Leon.
Les finales des Championnats du Monde du Couronnement Pokémon commencent et une bataille maxi à six contre six approche.
Das Finale der Pokémon-Krönungs-Weltmeisterschaften beginnt und es steht ein Sechs-gegen-Sechs-Maxikampf an.
W półfinale Cynthia, mistrzyni regionu Sinnoh, podejmuje Asha, pierwszego mistrza regionu Alola, w walce o szansę zmierzenia się z niepokonanym Leonem.
Nas semifinais, Cynthia, a campeã da região de Sinnoh, combate o primeiro campeão da região de Alola, Ash, pela oportunidade de enfrentar o invicto Leon.