The semifinals of the Masters Eight Tournament are about to begin, with Galar Champion Leon set to battle Kalos Champion Diantha. Nearby, Ash and his Pokémon are training hard when they bump into their upcoming opponent—Cynthia! They’re soon joined by a young brother and sister with lots of enthusiasm for Pokémon, but when the sister wanders off on her own, our heroes are determined to help. After finding her, everyone returns to the stadium to see that Leon is already far ahead of Diantha, having eliminated several of her Pokémon. Leon goes on to win, claiming a spot in the finals. Next up: Ash versus Cynthia!
Na manhã da batalha entre Leon e Diantha, Ash e Cíntia encontram dois fãs com muitas perguntas sobre como escolher parceiros Pokémon.
Le jour des demi-finales du tournoi des maîtres, Sasha commence à se préparer pour son prochain match contre Cynthia. Sasha et Goh croisent la route de Cynthia, qui leur raconte comment elle a rencontré pour la première fois son partenaire Carchacrok. Pendant ce temps, le match entre Dyanthéa et Tarak a commencé. En fin de compte, le champion de Galar remporte une victoire 6-2 pour passer à la finale.
Vor dem Finale des Turniers der Acht Meister sehen sich die Helden Score City an und schwelgen in Erinnerungen an ihre gemeinsamen Reisen durch die Galar-Region.
Na początku walki Leona i Dianthy Ash i Cynthia wpadają na dwoje młodych fanów, którzy zadają mnóstwo pytań o wybór partnerów Pokémonów.
Na manhã do combate entre Leon e Diantha, Ash e Cynthia deparam-se com dois fãs cheios de perguntas sobre como escolher parceiros Pokémon.