With Lillie’s family reunited, Ash, Goh, and Chloe accompany them home to Alola. The visit gives Ash a chance to show how much his skills have grown since he became the region’s Champion: a Battle Royal has been scheduled, and Professor Kukui, Gladion, and Kiawe are his opponents! The battling is intense, and the Battle Royal Dome is packed with people cheering for Ash and wishing him success in the upcoming Masters Eight Tournament. After the event, Ash heads to the beach, where he’s soon joined by Professor Kukui and Tapu Koko. The Island Guardian gives Ash a show of support, and our hero vows to give it his all!
De volta à Alola, Ash participa de uma Batalha Real com três treinadores. Mas se as equipes podem atacar qualquer Pokémon, quem vai sobreviver?
Sacha, Goh et Chloé accompagnent Lily à Alola. Là, une bataille royale est prévue et Sacha doit affronter le professeur Kukui, Gladio et Kiawe. C’est une bataille intense où Sacha peut montrer que ses compétences se sont améliorées.
Ash, Goh und Chloe begleiten Lily nach Alola. Dort wird ein Battle Royale angesetzt und Ash muss gegen Professor Kukui, Gladio und Kiawe antreten. Es ist ein intensiver Kampf, bei dem Ash zeigen kann, dass sich seine Fähigkeiten verbessert haben.
W regionie Aloli Ash bierze udział w Królewskiej Bitwie razem z trzema innymi trenerami. Jednak komu uda się przetrwać, skoro każdy może atakować każdego Pokémona?
De volta à região de Alola, Ash junta-se a uma Battle Royal com três outros treinadores. Mas quando as equipas podem atacar qualquer Pokémon, quem sobreviverá?