Ash, Goh, and Chloe visit the frigid mountains of the Crown Tundra to investigate a report of an unusual Pokémon. Coincidentally, Lillie and Gladion are there, too, still searching for their missing father, Mohn. Along with Lusamine, they press on and find Mohn living in a cabin, but he has amnesia and doesn’t recognize them. It turns out he’s been living with a Nihilego who he believes to be his human daughter. Worried that Mohn would send it away, Nihilego did everything possible to keep him from remembering his previous life. But his memory finally returns, and the happy family asks Nihilego to join them!
Em uma terra congelada, Ash, Goh e Chloe procuram um Pokémon raro enquanto Lílian e a família esperam reencontrar o pai desaparecido.
Sacha, Goh et Chloé sont dans le Crown Snowland à la recherche d’un Pokémon inhabituel. Dans le processus, ils rencontrent Lilly et Gladio, qui sont à la recherche de leur père disparu Poppy. Ils découvrent qu’il souffre d’amnésie.
Ash, Goh und Chloe sind im Kronen-Schneelande und suchen ein ungewöhnliches Pokémon. Dabei treffen sie auf Lilly und Gladio, die dort ihren vermissten Vater Mohn suchen. Sie finden heraus, dass er unter einer Amnesie leidet.
W skutej lodem krainie Ash, Goh i Chloe poszukują rzadkiego Pokémona, a Lillie i jej rodzina mają nadzieję odnaleźć swojego zaginionego tatę.
Numa terra congelada, Ash, Goh e Chloe procuram um Pokémon, enquanto Lillie e a família dela têm a esperança de voltar a encontrar o pai desaparecido.