Ash is training fiercely for his upcoming Masters Eight entrance battle against Raihan, and when he sees Goh’s Froakie evolve into Frogadier, he gets an idea! Realizing that his friendship with Lucario is similar to the bond he shares with Greninja, he and Goh travel to Kalos. They find Greninja, who runs circles around Lucario in battle, but eventually Lucario learns how to focus its Aura powers and connect with Ash on a closer level. And when gigantic roots attack, the Pokémon show their strengths and defeat them together! With Lucario boasting newfound strength, Greninja once again departs—but Ash knows they’ll always be close despite being regions apart!
Para ajudar Lucario a ganhar força, Ash vai até Kalos e reencontra Greninja, que ensina umas coisinhas a seu protegido.
Sasha et Lucario décident d'aller voir Amphinobi, qui a déjà voyagé avec Sasha à travers la région de Kalos, pour se mettre sous tension et rejoindre la Master Classe. Lucario défie Amphinobi, mais il lui manque quelque chose au combat. Sasha veut-il dire quelque chose sur Amphinobi ?
Ash bereitet sich auf den Acht-Meister-Aufstiegskampf gegen Roy vor. Dafür reisen Ash und Goh nach Kalos - dort lernt Lucario im Kampf gegen Quajutsu seine Aura-Kräfte zu bündeln.
Ash chce pomóc Lucario w rozwoju i wyrusza do regionu Kalos, aby spotkać się z Greninją, która uczy swojego podopiecznego tego i owego.
Na esperança de tornar o seu Lucario mais forte, Ash viaja até à região de Kalos para voltar a encontrar-se com Greninja, que ensina uma coisa ou outra ao seu protegido.