The Pokémon School is thrilled to have a surprise visit from one of its most accomplished graduates, Ilima! Ash and Lillie are amazed to hear the many legends about Ilima’s adventures as a Trainer, and they’re determined to see if those legends are true.
Team Skull is also interested in Ilima, but Tupp’s interest lies in settling an old score between them. He challenges Ilima to a battle, backed by a huge Team Skull crew! After Ilima and Eevee prove their battling skills by defeating the hapless group, Ash really wants to battle them, too—but that will have to wait for another time, as the journey continues!
Un ancien élève de l'école Pokémon vient rendre visite à la classe de Sacha et suscite l'engouement général.
En medio del aparcamiento del Supermercado Ultraganga, Severino, el experto en Eevee, libra un combate contra Ilima, quien también usa un Eevee. Tras esquivar con éxito el movimiento derribo de su oponente, el Eevee de Ilima/Liam ejecuta rapidez y sale vencedor. Seguidamente Severino halaga a Ilima y le hace entrega de un Eeveestal Z.
Ash und Lilly lernen Elima kennen. Professor Kukui lädt Elima dazu ein, an der Alola-Liga teilzunehmen, sobald diese ausgetragen werden kann, und dieser nimmt die Einladung an.
Liam, ex studente modello della Scuola Pokémon, ritorna a far visita con il suo Eevee. Ash si cimenta nei tuffi Pokémon, ma il Team Skull interrompe l'incontro con Liam!
Ilima, o antigo aluno da Escola Pokémon, regressa com o seu Eevee para uma visita. Ash experimenta fazer um mergulho Pokémon, mas é interrompido pela Team Skull.