The plot revolves around the life of Jake McQuillan who lives in the shadow of his dying grandfather, who was once the town's toughest hard man. Despite their hatred of each other, Jake's sole aim is to be as tough as the old man was. One day in Jake's life, as he drifts, drinks and fights, leads to a bleak realization. Just a Boys' Game features Frankie Miller, Gregor Fisher, Ken Hutchison and Hector Nicol.
Name | Type | Role | |
Peter McDougall | Writer | ||
Ken Hutchison | Guest Star | Dancer Dunnichy | |
Jean Taylor Smith | Guest Star | Grannie | |
Hector Nicol | Guest Star | Granda | |
Gregor Fisher | Guest Star | Tanza | |
Frankie Miller | Guest Star | Jake McQuillen | |
John Mackenzie | Director |