Three months after Reiji's near fatal death at the hands of the Scythe Master in the wharf district of San Francisco, Inferno was able to take control of some of the crime families in the eastern area of the United States and integrate them under Inferno control under Claudia's command. Isaac confides to Raymond that Claudia may be acting suspicious after the conference. Claudia was later seen to be visiting the grave of Romero McCunnen. Reiji, now taking the codename of Zwei again after recovering from his wounds, is declared to be Phantom by Raymond after killing off multiple gunmen at an unknown warehouse complex.
Claudia réveille le moi de Reiji et pousse sa volonté d'être libre, même s'il est dans une organisation. Elle le favorise et le désigne pour ses propres missions qui n'ont rien à voir avec Inferno...