Reiji tells Elen that he will handle Cal personally. Although Elen allows him to think about it, she leaves school early without informing Reiji. She then sends Reiji a voice mail, telling him to escape without her and she promises to catch up with him once she rescued Mio. Under captivity, Mio tries to convince Cal that Reiji isn't what she thought he was but Cal doesn't listen, However deep down, all Cal really wants is Reiji's love. Shiga reports Mio's kidnapping to old Godoh, her father and leader of the yakuza. He suggests having their retainers to intervene but her father chooses to let Inferno take care of the matter, preferring not to get too much attention with Mio. Scythe prepares to unleash his Zahlen Schwestern on Elen, Reiji and Cal. Cal calls Elen to meet for their duel and releases Mio. Elen arrives to Mio's location and reveals her and Reiji's true identities as assassins.
Avec l'atout de Mio, Cal met la pression sur Reiji. Puis, Jiang Ren disparaît, ne laissant qu'un message vocal. Depuis que tu m'as appelé Jiang Ren..., ma vie ne sert qu'à te protéger... » C'était sa volonté...