Though Chris kidnapped Shinyao at Haysin's request, he's now taken her to his hideout in order to protect her. Meanwhile, Ton grows closer to the members of the Twilights while investigating her friend's kidnapping and learns Toryu the jiangshi's talisman hides a secret. When his talisman is removed, Toryu becomes a weapon bent on destroying everything before it finally self-destructs. When Toryu's creator removes his talisman and makes him lose control, the Twilights desperately try to stop him. Just when they think they're out of options, Ton uses the power of her ring and attempts to stick a talisman on Toryu, but...
Ton essaie d'en apprendre plus sur son pouvoir hérité de son arrière-grand-mère, ainsi que sur les occupants du café Forbidden. Tauryu voit toujours Rijan en elle et essaie de faire de Ton la digne descendante de celle qui vit jadis en lui plus qu'un simple outil.
Toryu sta accompagnando Ton a fare compere, quando entrambi vengono attaccati da delle misteriose creature. Una di esse riesce a strappare un sigillo magico applicato sugli occhi di Toryu, e gli effetti sono catastrofici.
Ton und Toryu werden beim Einkaufen von Umbras angegriffen. Dabei löst sich Toryus Talisman und er verliert jegliche Kontrolle. Können Luke, Vlad und Ton ihn wieder zum Verstand bringen?