Rick considers buying an 18th Century cannon that could be worth up to $40,000. But, before he makes an offer, he'll need to verify that it's the real deal by test firing it first. Then, a local woodworker needs cash to keep his business afloat and looks to pawn his 1.5 ton table saw. The Pawn Stars might lose the deal if they can't figure out a way to move it back to the pawn shop. Finally, a guy trying to sell his replica Roman armor strikes out with Corey but gets a second chance as Chumlee tries to negotiate what could be his first and last deal at the shop.
An 1861 Civil War saber finds its way into the shop--but if it's real, why was the blade never sharpened? Then Rick and the owner of a Chuck Berry autographed Fender guitar find themselves on different pages when it comes to bartering over this item. Finally, the Pawn Stars appraise a "1916 National Cash Register." It looks real, but will they pull out the money from their 2009 cash register?
Corey gets into deep water with his dad and "The Old Man" when he buys a 1984 Chris Craft boat without first testing it out. Will he bounce back and make a profit or see his investment sink? Then, an old timer brings Rick an 1849 colt revolver that he forgot to unload! Will Rick add this antique weapon to his pawn shop arsenal, or will the sale backfire? Finally, the Pawn Stars get a chance to buy an incredibly rare 1954 Gretch Guitar previously owned by Robert Duvall.
It's clear that this is no ordinary pawn shop as the Pawn Stars wheel and deal items ranging from an old school Pac-Man to a Medieval Jousting Helmet. If these items are as real as their owner's say they are--they could be worth up to $30,000! Then, an old timer brings in a pristine 1884 Trap Door rifle that the guys buy hoping that it still fires. But, when the gun range owner says that simply firing it could cause a "catastrophic malfunction" the guys decide it's time to bring out their human guinea pig.
Rick buys an old, Mafia favorite the 1962 Lincoln Continental with "suicide doors," but as the repair bills add up, so does the tension between him and the old man. Then, a guy brings in a billfold from 1857 that he found while cleaning out his garage. The best part? It's stuffed with Confederate money. Finally the Pawn Stars get a chance to buy a rare 1942 Gibson L7 guitar that was once played at a birthday party for Al Capone. But, is the seller in tune with what it's really worth?
The Old Man hopes to hit a home run when a baseball autographed by the 1951 World Series Champion New York Yankees comes into the shop but he'll need to verify its authenticity before he steps up to the plate. Then, Rick checks out a 25-piece Knights of the Round Table set but with all the kings' men accounted for, is it really worth its weight in gold? Finally, the Pawn Stars have a chance to buy a West Point Cadet jacket owned by a famous general in 1909--will they try it on for size, or send it to the Salvation Army?
A young man wants to trade a 1750 Blunderbuss gun for an engagement ring. Will Rick exchange vows and buy the gun or will he get cold feet and run? Then, the Pawn Stars get an opportunity to purchase an ejection seat allegedly from a World War II fighter jet, but is this deal destined to crash and burn? And later, a guy looking to make rent money wants to pawn his original 1966 Schwinn Stingray bike which has Rick remembering the good old days. Will his trip down memory lane include laying out the dough?
Rick tries to refurbish a 1950's coke machine into a modernized collector's item. Will his plan quench his thirst or fizzle out and go flat? Meanwhile, Corey is offered an old pirate favorite: an 18th Century flintlock pistol. But before he can pull the trigger he'll need to authenticate it. In addition, the Pawn Stars get a chance to buy a 1941 Philco Radio. Will they dial in a deal, or be stuck searching through the static?
The Pawn Stars look to buy a 1929 Chopped Ford Coupe but if they can't agree on a price, will the deal end up rusting in the bone yard? Then, a cowboy wants to sell his mechanical calf-roping machine. Can Corey rein it in without Chumlee spooking the sale? And when the prettiest pawn shop employee continues to be tardy, Rick and the Old Man dish out a fitting punishment. But is it enough to teach her a lesson?
The Pawn Stars are used to paying big money for celebrity John Hancocks but will they know how to price one from the actual John Hancock? Then the guys have an opportunity to buy an allegedly authentic Indiana Jones whip--but it all boils down to two words: Harrison Ford. And finally, will the purchase of a hot item by one of his underlings land Corey in hot water.
The Pawn Stars travel back in time over two centuries to colonial Boston but is this seller's map the real deal or will the guys tell him to take a hike. Meanwhile, Chumlee's purchase of fake art leaves Rick painting him a different sort of picture. Then will the Pawn Stars finally get their wings by buying the shop's first ever plane or will excess baggage keep this aircraft grounded.
Corey has a chance to buy a wooden crossbow that hasn't been fired in almost 40 years--will it hold together and hit its mark or splinter, crack and fracture the deal? Meanwhile Rick blushes when a woman tries to sell her husband's Playboy collection. Will he "read the articles" and buy the lot or pass on Hef's ladies? Finally, the Pawn Stars try to sell one of their most prized items, an Ormolu clock, aka "The Death Clock."
The Pawn Stars get a call about a 1979 KISS pinball machine–can it still “Rock ‘n Roll All Nite”, or will it steal Corey’s quarter and KISS the deal goodbye? Then Rick is stumped when a woman brings in a 1914 Star-note $20 bill. Will everyone walk away with new money, or will it turn out to be chump change? And when an old easy rider brings in his classic 1982 Harley Davidson Shovel-head, Chumlee decides to buy it for himself–but can he raise the cash before the Old Man sells it off.
The Pawn Stars want to buy an airplane propeller that may be historically tied to Charles Lindbergh--can they find an expert or documentation to confirm the link or will this deal crash and burn? Then when a man brings in a 1750s Flintlock Musketoon, Rick has doubts about its authenticity. And later a young man brings the Old Man a key chain that he believes belonged to Willie Nelson--the only question is--which one.
Rick and the Old Man look to buy a 1965 Shelby Cobra classic car--one of the most expensive American race cars. Will they burn rubber and make a deal or will they slam on the brakes for a fake? Then the Pawn Stars have a chance to buy a ship's clock from a 1942 WWII Ship that's worth money only if it ticks.
The Pawn Stars have an opportunity to buy a 17th Century treasure chest that nobody can open--even though what's inside could make all the difference. Will they figure out how to get in and plunder what's inside or will it remain locked keeping its contents secret forever? Then when a man wants to sell a three-sided trench knife from WWI, Rick has some concerns. And later, Rick and Corey play a prank on the Old Man by "borrowing" his 1956 Chrysler Imperial. What really happened to it?
In this episode, Rick is offered some of the craziest items ever to enter the store, everything from a pricey patchwork quilt made from celebrity autographs to an 1845 Harpers Ferry musket, one with a vintage surprise. A scientist selling ATM receipts from the South Pole and a barber's chair straight from Sweeney Todd are also on offer. As the guys find out, nothing's quite what it seems.
The pawn shop heats up after Corey spends big bucks buying a huge 12 passenger hot air balloon--and at the same time breaking one of Rick's golden rules. Will Corey rise to the occasion and patch up the deal or will his dicey decision deflate the shop's profits? Then, when a man tries to sell his classic 1960 Gibson Les Paul guitar, Rick has some concerns: will the deal rock on or rock on out? And later, a man brings in a bottle of medicinal whiskey from Prohibition and the Old Man is forced to decide: Buy it, deny it, or drink it?
When the Old Man gets concerned about shrinking profits, he offers a steak dinner and a cash prize as an incentive to boost the numbers. As the guys compete to win, they assess a supercharged motorcycle, a 1915 calculator and some two hundred year old buttons that could have connections to George Washington. Who'll claim the prize?
It’s Christmas at the Pawn Shop–time to find out who’s been naughty, who’s been nice, who’s dressed as Santa and who pays the price. The Pawn Stars look to buy revolutionary war currency that may have been printed by Ben Franklin–will they stop the presses and make the deal? And later a woman brings in a battered battle ax believed to be from the 15 century.
When Rick and the Old Man buy an antique 19th Century wine-maker, Chumlee wants to put it into action. Will he succeed and brew a magnificent “Pawn Shop Pinot”? The Pawn Stars also consider buying a 16th Century replica signal cannon used to call ships as Rick looks at the priciest pawn ever to enter the shop–a semi truck.
Rick has a chance to buy a 1940 quartermasters spyglass that may be from a WWII ship. Can he discover the ship it came from, or will this deal sink? Then Corey considers buying a customized 1996 Harley Road King motorcycle, but there is one significant flaw--a pink flame paint job. Will Corey get in touch with his feminine side, or will this bike be too hot to handle? The guys also meet with a man hoping to sell knives that his grandfather smuggled back from WWII.
The Pawn Stars have an opportunity to buy a theater playbill from the night that Abraham Lincoln was assassinated. But first they'll have to determine it's authenticity. Then Corey and Chum meet a modern day renaissance man and buy his pair of Halbert spears. But before they can put their tights on, the Old Man suspects there may be more there than meets the eye. And later, Rick takes a gamble on an elegant, perpetual motion clock that he hopes will stand the test of time.
The Pawn Stars have a chance to buy an incredibly rare 1970s Indian mini-motorcycle. Will they purchase the little hog and restore it to its former glory, or will they all be taken for a long bumpy ride and find out it's a fake? Then Rick and the Old Man consider buying a ship's bell believed to have been salvaged from a 1600s shipwreck. With suspicion that the bell was never submerged in salt water, the Pawn Stars will need to decide if the deal will ring true or crack under pressure. And later, a man takes a chance at selling his classic 1900s roulette wheel. Will Rick take a gamble with luck on his side, or will the deal spin out of control and put him in the red?
The Pawn Stars have an opportunity to buy a super fast AYT Speedboat in need of some serious TLC. But first they'll have to strike up a deal and steer the restoration from plunging off into the deep. Then Corey meets a man interested in selling the first home audio system, an antique 1901 Edison Phonograph. But before Corey can make a sound deal, the Old Man examines the piece and makes sure Edison's invention will ring out a profit. And later, Rick is presented with several pieces of small demonic sculptures cast in solid gold, but to Rick's disbelief--all are painted black. Will Rick find that these little monsters are worth their weight in gold, or will the spirits compel him to cast these devils out?
The Pawn Stars are presented with one of the most expensive items that has ever come into the shop--sunken treasure from the Taj Mahal dynasty. Will they break the bank to plunder the prize, or will they let it sink back down to the deep? Then Rick has an opportunity to buy a 1948 portable electric shock therapy machine--can he charge it up and make the deal, or will this negotiation run out of batteries? Then later Rick considers purchasing a tricked out Yamaha Rhino built for desert 4-wheeling. Will this deal dry up and evaporate like a mirage, or become Rick's new favorite off-road oasis?
The Pawn Stars have a chance to buy an extremely rare 18th century double-barrel coaching gun engraved with a mysterious golden script. Can they discover its true origins and make a deal or will the inscription hide its secrets forever? Then Corey and Chum meet an outspoken Pez collector looking to sell 50 pieces of classic Americana. Will Corey click out some serious cash for these collectibles, or will he get his sugar fix somewhere else? And later, a woman hopes to sell Rick a 1932 "S" Quarter--a rare version of the first Washington silver quarter introduced into U.S. currency. But Rick has questions about its authenticity, will this quarter be worth its weight in silver, or is it destined for a parking meter?
The Pawn Stars have a chance to buy a saddle that may have been used by Kevin Costner in Dances with Wolves. Will the gang pony-up and make the deal or will they let it ride off into the sunset? Then Rick looks to buy a late 1800s Winchester rifle that was one of first lever-action repeating rifles ever made. Can he load-up and make a big bang of a deal, or will this negotiation have too much of a kickback for him to handle? Then Corey meets a man hoping to sell his tattoo kit. Will Corey make the deal and get inked-up or will he pass on the deal and get ink-ed up anyway?
The Pawn Stars have a chance to buy a key from the 16th or 17th century, but this key doesn't just open doors, it shoots bullets! Will they use this rare antique key-gun to unlock a deal--or shoot themselves in the foot? Then Corey and Chum meet a dumpster diver with a life-size Power Ranger. Will Corey use his super hero powers to conjure up some cash, or will the dark forces compel him to cast the Ranger out? And later, Rick has a chance to buy a trophy presented to Jeff Gordon for being one of NASCARs top five drivers. Will Rick throttle up his cash register for the trophy, or will the deal go screeching into a pit stop?
The Pawn Stars have an opportunity to buy a classic 1973 pinball machine in need of some serious repair. Will they rack up a high score and make the deal? Then Corey and Chum meet a guy interested in selling his personal transporter--better known as a Segway. Will Corey shell out a nice stack of cash for a new ride? And later, a woman hopes to sell Rick a 1924 St. Gaudens Double Eagle gold coin--often called the most beautiful coin ever produced by the U.S. Mint. The only question is: is it real?
The Pawn Stars have an opportunity to buy something they've never bought before--a helicopter! Can Rick convince the Old Man to come along and spin up a deal? Then Rick has a chance to buy a 240-year-old lottery ticket signed by founding father George Washington. Is this the prize of a lifetime? Later Corey has an opportunity to buy five classic mint condition Pete Rose baseball cards. Should he gamble on baseball?
The Pawn Stars have a chance to buy a historic silver spoon made by a true American legend--Paul Revere. Can they make a deal and scoop it up, or will this piece of patriotic history ride off into the night? Then the Old Man is presented with a handmade cuckoo clock from the 1800's. Can he tick-talk his way into a deal, or will this negotiation drive him cuckoo? And later a man tries to sell a mysterious vintage archery bow. Will Rick pluck the right string and make the deal, or will he end up missing the target altogether?
When Corey has a chance to buy an extremely rare Belgium-made 1942 Sarolea motorcycle, Rick has a big concern...making money. Will they pony up and make a deal or let one of the rarest bikes in America roll out the door? Then the Pawn Stars have a chance to buy a Civil War sword believed to have belonged to a Confederate officer. Will Rick go to battle for this piece of American history, or will its authenticity spark a pawn shop civil war? Then later a woman brings in a cast iron printing press from the 1800's. Will the Old Man ink an offer or invest in a Xerox machine instead?
Rick has a chance to buy a little piece of militaria he’s never had before–a Flame Thrower. Can he turn up the heat and coax a deal or will this deal go up in flames? Corey and Chumlee head to an auction to bid on a classic gypsy fortune-teller machine. Can they foresee the future to place the winning bid, or will they wish they went out for fortune cookies instead? Then later the Pawn Stars have the opportunity to buy a rare Manhattan Arms revolver from the mid 1800’s. Will the gang be able to load and fire this antique handgun, or will it jam up and misfire the deal?
The Pawn Stars are presented with a mysterious pocket-sized sundial believed to be from the 16th Century...complete with a concealed secret inside. Will the gang be able to shine a light on this puzzling piece of history, or will the seller darken their day by shooting for the moon? Rick and the Old Man have a chance to buy a photo album of famed union organizer Jimmy Hoffa. Will they wheel up a deal for this item, or will it be sent back to be hidden and buried away for ever? Then later Corey and Chumlee set their sights on a rifle sharpshooting arcade game from the 60's. Will Corey target a good price for this vintage game, or will his plan backfire?
The Pawn Stars are presented with the most explosive item to ever walk through the door--a pair of Soviet nuclear missile launch keys. Can the gang count down and launch the deal or will it blow up in their faces? Then Rick hopes to buy an extremely unique 1920s ukulele banjo made by the legendary guitar company Gibson. Will Rick strike up a chord to buy this antique instrument or break a string making an unsound deal? And later a man walks in the shop with two of the biggest guns Rick has ever seen. But when it comes to pricing these behemoths of bang will size really matter?
The Pawn Stars have a chance to buy one of the quietest air crafts ever made--a vintage Schweizer glider. Will the gang soar into a good deal and restore this glider to its high flying status or will they take it too close to the sun and get burned? Then Corey meets a man selling an autographed jersey of famed New York Yankees icon Lou Gehrig. Can he reach deep and catch the Iron Horse's jersey or will he strike out swinging? And later the Old Man is speechless when a guy comes into the shop with an extremely rare casino chip known as "the one arm bandit." Will the Old Man bet the house for this historic Vegas relic or fold when the stakes get too high?
The Pawn Stars are presented with the opportunity to add one of the world's most recognizable trophies to their collection--a Grammy. Will the gang put up the cash to get the gold or will the deal hit a sour note and be taken off the charts? Then Corey and Chumlee hope to buy an incredibly rare mini Coca Cola cooler from the 1930s. Can they shake up a good deal and restore this classic piece of Americana, or will the negotiation fizzle out? And later a married couple wheel up to the shop with an outrageous rickshaw used to carry tigers in the Siegfried and Roy stage show. Will the shop make an offer and get into the pedicab business or will the deal steer itself out of control?
The Pawn Stars have a chance to shoot and score with a 2006 NBA Championship Ring. Will the gang make the big score or will a surprise Shaq Attack throw the shop off its game? Then Rick considers buying a highly collectible 1964 Austin Healey. Can Rick put the pedal to the metal for this fast British car, or will he find out the hard way there is nothing "simple" about an Austin Healey? And later a man walks into the shop with an extremely old and rare diving helmet from the 1800's. Will Rick sink some serious cash into this piece of early sea exploration, or will he find the deal just can't stay afloat?
The Pawn Stars are presented with one of most unique items to ever hobble its way into the shop--a pirate's peg leg. Will the gang gather up a sizable bounty for this rare piece of piracy lore, or will they be forced to walk the plank? Then Rick has a chance to buy a brand new, top of the line, archery bow. Can he find the target price with the fiber-optic sights, or will this black bow backfire? And later a man wheels up to the shop with a full size, hand carved, wooden motorcycle. Can the shop widdle down the price or will this deal get axed?
The Old Man has an opportunity to buy lost footage of legendary President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Can he muster the money for this 8mm piece of White House history or will this film end up on the cutting room floor? Then Rick considers buying a huge antique cast iron coffee grinder from the 1800’s and a lunch box from the 1960’s. And later Corey and Chumlee are challenged to compete in a parking lot obstacle course, designed just for them by the Old Man.
The Pawn Stars are presented with a classic 1946 Seeburg Jukebox. Will the gang tune up their wallets and hit a high note of a deal, or will it become the day the music died? Then Rick and Corey meet a man hoping to sell a 1775 Massachusetts war bond but is there something special hidden in the engraving? Finally Rick and the Old Man check out a 1965 Chevy Impala. Having fond childhood memories for this car, will Rick be swayed by nostalgia and rev up a good deal, or will the Old Man bring it all to a screeching halt?
The Pawn Stars look to buy an 1862 Civil War postage stamp mysteriously encased in a coin shaped holder. Will they give this stamp the priority treatment, or will they see that it’s “returned to sender?” Then Corey and Rick have a chance to rev up a deal for a 1980 10th Anniversary edition Datsun ZX. Will they burn rubber for this T-top sports car, or will the deal stall out? Finally, a man walks in with an original cast member script of the 1964 James Bond classic Goldfinger. Will the gang turn and shoot a bull’s-eye for this 007 memorabilia, or will the Old Man impersonate the villain Dr. No?
The Pawn Stars look to buy an American off-roading motorcycle classic–a 1967 Rokon Trailbreaker–but will this deal get stuck in the mud? Then, Rick is hesitant when a man brings in a rare mint condition 1715 Escudo Spanish Gold Coin. Will it be a fool’s fake or worth mucho dinero? And later, the Old Man has a chance to buy a memorabilia collection from boxing superstar Muhammad Ali. Will he come out swinging for the KO or throw in the towel?
The Pawn Stars look to purchase top-secret maps and battle plans for Iwo Jima. Will the gang storm the beach for this strategic piece of World War II history or will they be out-gunned and forced to retreat? Then the Old Man and Chumlee look to buy a 1967 Ford F-100 truck. Will they fire up all cylinders and hit the deal full throttle or will it run out of gas? And later, Corey and Chumlee have a chance to buy an 1860’s ore cart from the mines of Goldfield, Nevada. Will they strike it rich or fall off the tracks?
The Pawn Stars are presented with an engraved whale's tooth believed to be authentic 1800's scrimshaw. Can the gang make a whale of an offer or will it be a fluke? Then, the Old Man sets his sights on a pair of mysterious Civil War era rifles. Will he take aim and hit the mark or end up dodging a bullet? And later, a man brings in a pristine edition of Playboy's very first issue--featuring Hollywood legend Marilyn Monroe. Will Rick sneak a peek or just read the articles?
The Pawn Stars have an opportunity to buy a huge gold bar believed to be from a 1500s shipwreck. Will the gang dig in and strike it rich or will they end up on a fool's errand? Then Rick has a chance to shoot for the moon with a celestial navigation dome from a World War II B29 bomber. Will his offer take flight or come crashing down? And later, a woman brings a mint condition collection of golden era American League baseball field passes. Can Rick hit the deal out of the ballpark, or will he strike out looking?
The Pawn Stars meet a man hoping to sell a mysterious coin from the 1800’s believed to be from George Washington’s funeral. Will this piece be linked to one of our most revered Presidents or will it get stamped with a Presidential veto? Then the boys head out to the farm to see an early 1900s hand-crank corn shucker. Can they count the kernels and make a deal or will this husk prove too thick? And later Rick has a chance to buy an antique gaming wheel commonly used in speakeasies. Can he turn a profit, or will this deal spin out of control?
The Pawn Stars meet a man hoping to sell a several hundred-year old edition of one of the world’s most hellish books–“Dante’s Inferno.” Will they pass through the gates of hell for this evil epic or will they be tricked by the devil? Then Rick is presented with an antique serpent shaped sword from the Philippines. Can he hold on to the twisted steal weapon or will this deal slither out of his grip? And later Corey has a chance to purchase photo rights to the late great King of Pop: Michael Jackson. Can he make a “Thriller” of a deal or will he moonwalk straight out of the negotiation.
The sky is the limit for the Pawn Stars as they consider buying a 1939 Allied Forces World War II plane. Will the gang soar to new heights and make the deal or will it stall out and take a nose dive? Then the Old Man has a chance to buy a munitions receipt from the War of 1812, signed by future President Andrew Jackson. Will this correspondence from the Commander in Chief be reimbursed for cold hard cash or is this historic invoice a cheap imitation? And later, a man saunters in with a pair of life-size western cowboy mannequins. Will Chumlee boss around a couple of new companions or will these hombres pack up and hit the trail?
The Pawn Stars are blown away when they meet a guy selling his homemade mortar that fires a very unique brand of ammunition–bowling balls. Will the gang line up their aim and strike a deal or will a misfire send the deal into the gutter? Then Rick is handed an extremely rare World War II gas mask believed to have been designed for baby. Will Rick try to buy this unusual artifact, or will he throw the baby out with the bathwater? And later, the Old Man has a chance to buy an original unused ticket to the 1965 classic bout between Muhammad Ali and Floyd Patterson. Will the Pawn Stars go the distance for this piece of boxing memorabilia or will a surprise uppercut sting like a bee?
The Pawn Stars are presented with a mysterious whisky flask from the Civil War era believed to have come from a Confederate spy. Can they crack the code and make the deal or will this flask’s secret compartment leave them all thirsting for answers? Then Chumlee and the Old Man meet a man hoping to sell his rare 19th Century English dueling pistols. Will the Old Man be cordial and make an honorable deal or will he be asked to step outside? And later, Corey has a chance to buy a piece of Rock-n-Roll history — the original contract for The Who to play Woodstock. Can he afford to win this battle of the bands?
The Pawn Stars have an opportunity to buy an 1875 Remington pistol so rare that only four are believed to exist in the World. Presented to a member of Theodore Roosevelt’s legendary Rough Riders, will the gang pony up the cash for this exclusive antique or will they suddenly find themselves in rough territory? Then Rick and the Old Man meet a man hoping to sell a Civil War bugle associated with General Custer’s ill fated 7th Calvary. Will they charge into the valley of death to seize this deal or will Chumlee be called upon to play taps? And later, the grandson of a famous Prime Minister comes in with a clock presented to his grandfather by President Richard Nixon. Can Rick and Corey successfully campaign to secure the Presidential timepiece or will he refuse to negotiate?
The Pawn Stars have a chance to purchase a rare piece of American political history–a collection of personal letters from Kennedy brothers John, Bobby, and Teddy. Written during the height of the Camelot era, will the gang run a tough campaign to make a deal or will their election funds come up short? Then, Rick and Chumlee visit a man hoping to sell an enormous toy collection of 80’s iconic original Transformers. Can Rick transform this collection into cold hard cash or will this army of robots decept-and-con him? And finally, the Old Man is presented with vintage Mickey Mouse telephones. Will he dial up a great price for these collectible Disney pieces or disconnect the line?
The Pawn Stars are blasted into orbit when someone brings in a flag from one of NASA’s final missions to the Moon. Autographed by the crew of Apollo 16, will the gang take one giant leap and buy this rare piece of history or will they take steps to abort the mission? Then, Rick is presented with an 1861 Civil War Colt musket that was won in a poker game. Mysteriously perfect in every detail, will Rick risk going all-in on an offer or will he second guess his hand and fold? And later, Corey and Chumlee meet a guy selling his collection of NFL pins from the first 20 Super Bowls. Will they draw up the perfect play and celebrate the win or will they fumble the deal and lose yardage?
The Pawn Stars are presented with a supremely rare 1776 Massachusetts penny made by Revolutionary War legend Paul Revere. With only one other coin known to exist in the world, will the gang crank out a mint for this priceless coin or will they find they can’t spare the change? Then, Rick has an opportunity to buy a hand grenade made by a top-secret American World War II spy program. Will he pull the pin to make a truly explosive deal or will the negotiations have him running for cover? And later, Rick and Corey meet a man hoping to sell his 1950s peep show machine. Will they like what they see and bare their wallets or will it be too stripped down for comfort?
The Pawn Stars hope to capture a glimpse of the Old West when they are presented with an antique professional gambler’s toolkit. Complete with every game of the trade and elaborately designed with a secret compartment for trouble, will they up the ante and make an offer or will they be forced to fold? Then, Rick and Corey look to buy rare pieces of 1896 U.S. currency known as the “Educational Series.” Lavishly designed by the U.S. Treasury, will the bills receive high praises or will a series of bad reviews send to them back to school? And later, a man hopes to sell his 1950’s radiation detecting Geiger counter. Will the shop emit some serious energy for this relic of the Cold War or will the deal force them all to duck and cover?
The Pawn Stars reach for the sky when a man walks in with a custom set of 19th century double barrel firearms–including a multiple caliber dual shotgun/rifle and a hand carved pistol. Will they load up and take aim at a deal or will a pair of misfires send the seller packing? Then, Rick and Chumlee are presented with an extremely rare unopened bottle of 1921 Dom Perignon Champagne. From the first year it was produced, will Rick shake up a deal and toast his good fortune or will everything just fizzle out? And later, a man comes in with a collection of autographed talking Freddy Krueger dolls from the horror classic “A Nightmare on Elm Street.” Will the Old Man dream up a killer price for this trash talker or will the negotiations be a nightmare on Las Vegas Boulevard?
The Pawn Stars are presented with a classic piece of Detroit muscle–a 1969 Buick Skylark. Will the gang put the pedal to the metal and restore this beauty or will the deal get flooded and stall out? Then, Chumlee and the Old Man look to buy a Civil War field desk complete with captured Confederate documents. Will they sound a charge and seize this rare piece of U.S. history or will suspicion cause them to retreat? And later, Rick is presented with a piece from the jungles of the Amazon–a human shrunken head. Will he slice up a deal for this rare tribal charm or will he decide the shop doesn’t need the bad karma?
The Pawn Stars have an opportunity to buy the iconic suit of Kentucky Fried Chicken founder Colonel Sanders. Will they dig into a family-size deal and fork over a bucket of cash or will they find out they’ve bitten off more than they can chew? Then, a man brings in a Presidential commission from the only U.S. President to serve two non-consecutive terms–Grover Cleveland. Will Rick make an executive decision to secure this historic document or will the deliberations get vetoed? And later, Corey and Chumlee check out an old arcade punching bag game measuring a player’s punching power. Can Corey score this vintage game by way of knockout or will a sucker punch send him down for the count?
The Pawn Stars burn up the racetrack when a seller brings in a competition dragster racecar. Can the guys set a new track record and win the deal or will the negotiation stall out and finish last. Then, Rick and Corey are presented with a Japanese land mine training kit used to train American soldiers during World War II. Will the guys detect a good deal or will it all blow up in their face? And later, Corey and Chumlee check out a fully restored 1957 Dr. Pepper vending machine. Will they pop a cold one just like the Dr. ordered or will this soda machine deal go flat?
The Pawn Stars go off-roading as they look to buy a 1973 Jeep CJ5. Will the gang navigate through rough terrain to make a deal or will they lose traction and get stuck? Then Rick meets a man hoping to sell several photographs and negatives from the final Apollo Space Program mission. Will Rick shoot for the moon for this piece of NASA history or will he call Houston with a problem? And later, a man walks in hoping to sell an 1861 Double Eagle $20 gold piece. Could this be the Holy Grail of coins worth a cool quarter million dollars or will it not even be worth its weight in gold?
The Pawn Stars have the opportunity to own a piece of classic U.S. sports history–a hockey stick signed by the legendary 1980 Men’s Olympic hockey team. Will the gang score the game winning slap shot at the buzzer or will they lose it all in overtime? Then, a man brings in an original 1970 vinyl record of Bob Dylan’s “Self-Portrait.” Will this deal hit the top of the charts and go platinum or will Rick leave it all blowin’ in the wind? And later, Rick gives Chumlee a special assignment that requires him to run around Vegas searching for a needle in a haystack. Will Chumlee put his back into it and come back to the shop prevailing or will he simply wish he’d stayed home that day.
The Pawn Stars set their sites on a sharpshooter’s Kentucky Long Rifle from the Civil War. Will the seller shoot them straight on this deal or will he just be whistling Dixie? Then, Rick and Corey are presented with a very rare G.I. Joe Nurse doll from the 1960’s. Will Rick get ambushed, or will knowing be half the battle? And later, a man comes in looking to sell a set of silver dishes pilfered from Hitler’s mountain hideaway, The Eagles Nest. Will Rick bend the house rules buying an item of the infamous dictator or will this tableware be too hot to handle?
Travel back in time with the Pawn Stars as they encounter an 80’s icon–a DeLorean sports car. Will the gang set the tires ablaze in search of its flux capacitor or is this automobile’s best years all in the past? Then Rick and the Old Man meet a man hoping to sell a letter from President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Will they draft themselves up a New Deal to buy this piece of presidential history or will their campaign lose ground? And later, Rick, Corey and Chumlee have an opportunity to appear on the game show Who Wants to be a Millionaire. Will they jump into the hot seat and go for the big bucks or will Rick’s final answer be no?
The Pawn Stars are brushed with Vegas royalty when they are presented with a huge truckload of personal tapes from Rat Pack legend Sammy Davis Jr. Will they be singing a sweet tune to make this deal or will they be left reaching for the stars? Then, Rick meets a man with a mysterious miniature cannon believed to be from the 18th century. Will Rick make a booming offer for this little noisemaker or will it prove to be all bark and no bite? And later, Corey and Chumlee have a chance to buy a pair of pristine 1950’s Schwinn Phantom Bicycles. Will they pedal themselves up a difficult negotiation or will they be thrown off their game by one sharp turn?
Roar down the road with the Pawn Stars as they stumble upon a Down and Dirty custom motorcycle frame. In need of everything from wheels to a motor, will the gang turn this easy rider into easy cash or is this project simply sputter itself out? Then, a man brings in a collection of Mazon Creek fossils that are hundreds of millions of years old. Will Rick be able to chip away at the seller’s price or is the price set in stone? And later, Rick and Chumlee visit a man with a classic Vegas blackjack table from the Stardust Casino. Will Rick go all in for the win or bust and lose it all?
The Pawn Stars are presented with a letter signed by one of the 20th century’s greatest leaders, Winston Churchill. Will the guys stand up and fight for a deal or will unverified signature force them to surrender? Then, Rick and the Old Man meet a guy hoping to sell a Holy Relic from the first American Saint Elizabeth Seton. Will this precious religious item bring the guys good fortune or will the Old Man remain the only relic in the shop? And later, a man brings in a gas fueled remote controlled toy Hummer with some mechanical problems. Will they take a chance at rewiring this RC truck to make a buck or will this deal run out of batteries?
Join the Pawn Stars as they are presented with an Abraham Lincoln campaign ribbon from the 1860 presidential race. Will this historic piece of presidential memorabilia win their vote or will a tough debate leave the shop divided? Then, Chumlee and the Old Man have a chance to buy a fully functional 19th century dynamite detonator. Will they wire up a deal and blast through a negotiation or will it blow up in their faces? And later, a man comes in with a pair of classic 1990 Air Jordan basketball sneakers. Will the guys make an easy slam dunk or will a late whistle on the play call foul?
Mount up and ride with the Pawn Stars as they take aim at a hat believed to have been worn by Western movie legend John Wayne. Will the gang decide to rustle up some quick cash or will they be forced to put up their dukes? Then, Rick and Chumlee are presented with an etching allegedly from one of the greatest artists in history--Rembrandt. Uncovered at a yard sale, will this artwork turn out to be a hidden masterpiece or a case of mistaken identity? And later, a woman hopes to sell her classic 1950s clapping chimp toy. Will the Old Man and Chumlee offer to play nice or will there be too much monkeying around?
Take a ride with the Pawn Stars as they check out a 1962 mobster-style Cadillac Fleetwood limousine. Will the guys make an offer the seller can't refuse or will the deal become too much of a stretch? Then, Rick and Chumlee are presented with a collection of 1990s Atlanta Braves championship World Series rings. Will Rick step up to the plate and take negotiations into extra innings or will he strike out looking? And later, a man walks into the shop with two vintage pistol lighters. Will Corey pull the trigger to fire up a deal or is this seller just blowing smoke?
At high noon the Pawn Stars look at a collection thought to belong to our country's most legendary Western lawman--Wyatt Earp. Will a tough negotiation lead to a showdown at the O.K. Corral or will the peacemaker save the day? And later, a man brings in a gold medal from the 1984 Olympic games in Los Angeles. Can Rick put everything on the line to compete for sport's highest honor or will he stumble at the start? Then, when presented with a perfect pair of 19th Century pistols, Rick has some concerns. Will he take his best shot at these perplexing old pistols or will a hasty decision halt the handgun deal?
The Pawn Stars meet a man with a handwritten lost poem from rock legend Jimi Hendrix. Will the rare Hendrix verse provide new insight into the '60s icon or will the cryptic words remain locked in a purple haze of mystery? Then, the guys are presented with a chessboard made with wood from one of the most famous ships in history, the Titanic. Will the shop navigate the icy waters to make a deal or will they be forced to stop engines and jump ship? And later, Rick and Chumlee check out a classic child's pedal car from the 1950s. In need of major repair, will the gang take a chance on restoring this miniature beauty or will missing pieces keep them from trying?
Help the Pawn Stars solve the crime of the century when a man brings in a detective's case file from the infamous Lindbergh baby kidnapping. Will these 79-year-old forensic files contain a hot lead or is this cold case unsolvable? Then, Rick and Chumlee stare down the barrel of a 17th century gun believed to be a musketoon. A shorter version of a musket used by sailors and pirates, will this gun's history shoot the price up or will the negotiation misfire? And later, a 1974 Lotus Europa sports car rolls up to the shop. Can Rick rev up a deal for this ultra sweet ride or will he push it into the red and blow the deal?
Make sweet music with the Pawn Stars as they check out a 1763 Stradivarius violin. Found in an attic, could this violin play a tune worth a million bucks or will this deal hit a sour note? Then, Rick and Chumlee meet a man selling life-sized Star Wars figures. Will Rick use the force and buy these rare pieces of galactic memorabilia or will this deal end up in a galaxy far far away? And later, Rick and the Old Man check out the World War II airplane's version of GPS, an octant. Can they successfully navigate their way to a deal or will they hit turbulence?
The Pawn Stars have a chance to buy a 450 year-old book once owned by Sir Isaac Newton, but when hand-written notes and formulas are discovered in the margins the gravity of the situation becomes clear. Can they postulate a proper price or will this deal require an equal and opposite reaction? Then, a man walks in with his grandfather's Army jacket from the Spanish American War. Will Rick and Corey offer up the shirts off their backs or will one loose thread cause the whole deal to unravel? And later, Rick and Chumlee check out a collection of John Wayne memorabilia. Will they sound a charge to secure pieces of the western legend or will Rick be forced to retreat?
The Pawn Stars take aim at an incredibly rare 18th century half-size musket. Designed for a child, will the gang hit a miniature bull's-eye or will a pint-sized problem cause them to shoot themselves in the foot? Then, Rick and the Old Man are presented with a WWII pilot's jacket flown in the legendary P-38 Lightning. Will the guys dive into a dogfight for this leather bomber or will this deal fall from the sky? And later, a man brings in the first three years of Sports Illustrated magazine. Will Corey and Chumlee go the distance for this iconic collection or will one brutal round cause them to throw in the towel?
The Pawn Stars are presented with a rare 18th century book documenting the first laws of congress, but things change after discovering a possible connection to the Declaration of Independence. Can the gang empty their treasury for this historic page-turner or will the deal be vetoed? Then, Rick and Chumlee come across an extremely rare handmade Gibson mandolin from the early 1900s. Potentially worth over $100,000, will negotiations call for an encore or end on a sour note? And later, a man brings in a "high-tech" robot from the 1980s. Will the guys buy this talkative techno-tot or will the batteries for the deal run out of juice?
The Pawn Stars are presented with a piece of fabric believed to be from William Henry Harrison's presidential campaign. Will the Harrison name get the vote, or will a loose thread unravel the deal? Then, Corey and Chumlee meet a man hoping to sell his fully functional antique arcade claw machine. Can they clasp the deal, or will it slip through their fingers? And later, Chumlee and the Old Man have an opportunity to buy a box of unopened, pre-embargo Cuban cigars. Will they fire up some cash for these 60-year-old stogies or will this deal go up in smoke?
The Pawn Stars take a mission briefing when presented with a fully functional 1941 M3 Armored Scout Truck from World War II. Will the gang head to battle for this bulletproof piece of military history or will an auto ambush force them to retreat? Then, Rick and Corey meet a man hoping to sell a check signed by notorious mobster Carlo Gambino. Will Rick make him an offer he can't refuse or will this deal sleep with the fishes? And later, Rick and Chumlee check out a 1987 Apple II GS Computer. Will they boot up some cash for this classic piece of technology or is the deal bound to crash?
The Pawn Stars work their magic when they're presented with handcuffs and leg shackles once owned by the legendary magician Harry Houdini. Will a sleight of hand help them unlock an amazing deal or will everything disappear in a puff of smoke? Then, a seller rushes in with a Vince Lombardi Super Bowl Trophy from the 1999 St. Louis Rams. Will Rick and Chumlee throw a Hail Mary for the game-winning touchdown or will a bad negotiation force a fumble? And later, Corey and Chum come across a collection of comic buttons found inside Pep cereal in the 1940's. Will this old nutritious breakfast give the boys an edge or will they find it's all too much to stomach?
The Pawn Stars run for their lives when they come face-to-face with the fire-breathing, 31-ton mammoth Robosaurus. Will the guys stare down this car-crushing behemoth to make a deal or did they bite off more than they can chew? Then, Rick and Chumlee are presented with a cast iron Uncle Sam coin bank from 1886. Can they convince the seller to make fair withdrawal or will he cash out? And later, a computer meltdown threatens to bring the shop's business to a standstill. Can the guys figure out how to operate without technology or will they close up shop for the first time in 22 years?
The Pawn Stars zoom in on a long lost picture by America's most famous photographer Ansel Adams. Will the gang snap up this scarce print or will a lack of focus keep this negotiation out of frame? Then, Rick and the Old Man meet a guy hoping to sell his Jaguar XJ6. Will they shift into overdrive for this luxury automobile or will this exclusive kitten put up a fight? And later, Corey is thrown a 1942 Chicago Bears football autographed by the entire legendary team. Will he make a move for this prized pigskin or will a tough defense force a fumble?
Make money with the Pawn Stars as they are presented with a one of a kind U.S. postage printing plate from 1862. Will the guys trek through rain or heat or gloom of night to make a deal or will they return this one to sender? Then, a guy comes in with a rare recording of a speech given by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Made just months before his assassination, will Rick stand strong and buy this American icon's recording or will the tiniest scratch make it all worth skipping? And later, Rick and Chumlee encounter a Star Wars collector's dream, a recalled poster for Return of the Jedi. Will Rick use the force and battle for this holy grail of galactic memorabilia or will a tough negotiation have him retreating to a galaxy far far away?
The Pawn Stars have an opportunity to buy one of the most recognizable cars of all time: The Batmobile. Will they use every gadget on their tool-belt for this legendary set of wheels or will they decide crime fighting doesn't pay? Then, Rick and Chumlee are presented with a mysterious 19th century letter signed by Founding Fathers Thomas Jefferson and James Madison. Can Rick read between the lines and decode the decrepit document or will it fall to pieces in their hands, sealing it's secrets for all time? And later, a small antique writing desk comes into the shop packing more than just stationary. Will this locked and loaded spy-desk trigger their interest or will the deal end up shooting blanks?
Batter up with the Pawn Stars when an autographed photo of Babe Ruth slides into the shop. Will Rick go into extra innings for this rare piece of baseball memorabilia or will a tough negotiation cause him to swing and miss? Then, the guys take a peek at a collection of 400 antique prosthetic glass eyeballs. Made from hand-blown glass, will they see eye-to-eye on this deal or will this collection have to stare down a new buyer? And later, Corey and Chumlee are presented with a classic 1970's Evel Knievel pinball machine. Broken and beat up, will Corey rev up a death-defying leap to restore this cool rider collectable or will one look have him say "Game Over"?
Get revved up with the Pawn Stars as they check out a rare REO Flying Cloud hot rod from the 1930s. Will Rick muster the strength to crank up an offer for this classic ride or will the deal take a detour and sputter out? Then, Rick and Corey are presented with a well-known Picasso etching called "Poor Roby." Will the guys draw themselves a masterpiece of a deal or will critic reviews call it "Poor Rick?" And later, Rick and Chumlee meet a man trying to sell his pair of pants -- miniature gold plated pants awarded to Ohio State football players when they beat Michigan. Will the guys cautiously step into this deal one leg at a time or jump right in with both feet?
The Pawn Stars prepare for battle when a one-man submarine surfaces at the shop. Will the guys journey deep down into their pockets for this nautical treasure or will this deal remain 20,000 leagues under the sea? Then, Rick and Corey are presented with an officer's commission from the Revolutionary War. Issued to a member of a New Hampshire militia, will Rick bring out the big guns for this piece of history or will a tough battle push him into retreat? And later, the guys meet a man hoping to sell his miniature Model T Ford. Complete with working motor, will Rick put this deal on the fast track or will negotiations force him to hit the brakes?
The Pawn Stars take evasive action when a Cold War era heat-seeking missile guidance system locks onto the shop. Will the guys engage and try to blast this deal out of the sky or is this former military secret still too hot to handle? Then, Corey and Chumlee check out a 1986 Buick Regal. Customized from top to bottom, can Corey shift into gear and hit cruise control or will a bumpy negotiation make this low rider hit rock bottom? And later, a man hops into the shop looking to sell an original 1960's Playboy Bunny uniform. Will Rick jump up his offer to buy this iconic costume or has the price for this sexy rabbit become over inflated?
The Pawn Stars become a house divided when a Confederate Civil War knife marches into the shop. Known as an "Arkansas Toothpick," will the guys sharpen their tactics to take a stab at this rare piece or will a tough negotiation leave them licking their wounds? Then, Rick and Chumlee are presented with a 1936 Rolex formerly owned by infamous con man Bernie Madoff. Will Rick give this watch all the time it deserves or will one false tick cause him to lose his shirt? And later, the gang checks out something that's right up their alley, a 1950's arcade bowling game. Will they prove it's all in the wrist as they strike up a deal or does this vintage machine belong in the gutter?
Take a seat with the Pawn Stars as a chair from the U.S. Senate floor rolls through their doors. Will a motion to buy this chair result in a resounding "Yay" or will the Old Man veto the deal? Then, Corey and Chumlee have their heads in the clouds when a guy brings in a signed photo of NASA's Gemini launch. With over a dozen astronautical autographs, will the guys take one giant leap to buy this piece of space history or will they forced to abort the mission? And later, a man races into the shop with a NASCAR driver's suit that once belonged to Ryan "The Rocket Man" Newman. Will the guys set a new lap record to make a deal or will negotiations crash before reaching the finish line?
The Pawn Stars prepare to be boarded when a customer brings in a 1600's naval blunderbuss. A small weapon thought to be for a child, will this pint-size gun bring an adult-size price or will this deal end up shooting blanks? Then, Rick is presented with the ultimate Coca Cola collectible--a 1978 GMC Coke sponsored motor home. One of just five made for a promotional giveaway, will Rick drive this fabulous prize away or will a tough negotiation bring everything to a screeching halt? And later, a San Francisco 49ers cheerleader hopes to sell her 1989 Super Bowl ring. Will Corey show some spirit for this rare piece of football memorabilia or will a fumble on the play get him booed?
The Pawn Stars snap to attention as they check out a photo album signed by one of history's greatest military leaders--General George S. Patton. Containing pictures labeled as "classified," can the gang make a strategic advance for these images from World War II or will they be out-maneuvered and forced to retreat? Then, it's off the races when Rick and Chumlee come across a pair of jockey boots autographed by horse-racing legend Willie Shoemaker. Will Rick chomp at the bit for this rare piece of sports history or will he back the wrong horse? And later, a man comes in hoping to sell his Kevlar bulletproof vest. Will Corey take aim at buying this heavy-duty body armor or is this deal too tough to penetrate?
The Pawn Stars call Houston with a problem when they are presented with a piece of the heat shield from NASA's most heroic flight--Apollo 13. Can the team complete their mission and return to profit, or will the price send them spinning out of orbit? Corey and Chumlee hit the dirt when a seller brings them a classic 1973 Husqvarna enduro motorcycle. Will they pay up to fuel the deal or will an unseen engine problem cause the deal sputter out? Rick and Corey are drawn into a web of intrigue when a customer brings in some original artwork from the comic book "Spider Man." Will the guys find they have the super powers to stick this deal or will their spidey sense tell them to let this one go?
The Pawn Stars prepare for battle when a collection of secret plans from the WWII D-Day invasion marches into the shop. Will the guys storm the beach for these former top-secret wartime documents or will a ferocious negotiation force them to retreat? Then, Corey and Chumlee are presented with the head of a rare 1970's toy called Stretch Serpent. Will Corey try to charm this slithering snake head or will this bodiless deal come back to bite him? And later, a man walks in hoping to sell a leather football helmet from the 1940's. Can Rick keep his head in the game or will he be forced him to punt?
The Pawn Stars reach for the sky when an 1890's Colt .45 "peacemaker" rides into the shop. Considered the ultimate cowboy gun, will the guys square off and draw quickly for this collectible classic or will a lack of firepower have them running for cover? Then, Rick meets a man hoping to sell his photos of a Japanese Zero shot down during World War II--in Alaska! Will Rick reach new heights to make a deal or will he fall into a tailspin? And later, Rick and Chumlee get up close and personal with the King of Rock & Roll when a man brings in Elvis Presley's medical records. Will Rick give this sale a clean bill of health or is the prognosis not looking good?
The Pawn Stars take the stage when a Harry Houdini straitjacket magically appears in the shop. Will the guys be tied up with a locked offer or will they narrowly escape with their wallets intact? Then, a guy slides into the shop with a loudspeaker from the former home of the Brooklyn Dodgers--Ebbets Field. Can Rick make the call to buy or will some painfully high-pitched feedback get him booed out of the shop? Then, a man comes in with a letter written and signed by Helen Keller. Considered one of the most amazing women in history, will Rick over come all odds to secure this piece or will a suspicious pencil signature end negotiations?
The hunt is on when the Pawn Stars are presented with one of the most sought after items in American history, a John Wilkes Booth Wanted Poster. Will this priceless piece give them the slip or is Rick determined to bring it in dead or alive? Then, a guy buzzes the shop with a fighter pilot's G-Suit. Designed to prevent pilots from passing out, will the guys lock their radar onto this item or will a tough negotiation leave them feeling woozy? And later, Rick is flashed a Police badge from 1930s Al Capone controlled Chicago. Will Rick follow the strict letter of the law to make a deal or will the seller need some extra "convincing?"
The Pawn Stars hit the road to check out the forefather of modern machine guns, a Gatling Gun. Introduced during the Civil War, will Rick use all his firepower to secure a deal or will he be outgunned? Then, Corey and the Old Man try to hail down a piece of automotive history, a 1915 Ford Model T taxi. Completely restored from top to bottom, will the guys run up the meter on this negotiation or will they find they're being taken for a ride? And later, Rick gets his hands on the gun that helped win the Civil War, an 1863 Sharps rifle. Decisive in the Union's victory at Gettysburg, will Rick rally up the troops and charge or will a counterattack force him to retreat?
The Pawn Stars mount up and charge the front lines when a Civil War cavalry jacket advances on the shop. Found among costumes donated to a school theater program, will this rare garment get the leading role or will it get booed off the stage? Then, a man comes in hoping to sell a limited edition book signed by cowboy legend Will Rogers. Known for his quick folksy humor, will these one-liners have Rick laughing all the way to the bank or will they get nothing but crickets? And later, when an employee gets sick, Chumlee is forced to work the dreaded triple shift! Will he find the stamina to rise to the challenge or will he be caught sleeping on the job?
Go cruising with the Pawn Stars as they check out a classic 1932 Lincoln roadster. Exceptionally maintained, will Rick and the Old Man strike gold and ride off in this vintage beauty or is the seller not firing on all cylinders? Then, the guys nearly lose their pants when a Civil War Confederate belt buckle walks into the shop. With a lifesaving bullet lodged in the front, will the guys lay down some cover fire to seize this deal or will a tough negotiation have them sounding a retreat? And later, a man comes in hoping to sell his first edition copy of Ernest Hemingway's "For Whom the Bell Tolls." Will Rick play this negotiation by the book and strike a deal or will this story have a tragic ending?
Run for cover with the Pawn Stars when a World War I helmet blasts into the shop. The first metal helmet used by U.S. forces, will the guys butt heads to buy this piece or will they dig in for a long negotiation? Then, Corey and Rick are presented with a gun holster used on the long running TV show Gunsmoke. Will they round up a posse and go after this prop with guns blazing or are they just blowing smoke? And later, Rick decides the guys could use some exercise and hires them a personal trainer. Can he convince these couch potatoes to "feel the burn" or will they decide there's no gain to pain?
The Pawn Stars declare their independence when a document signed by John Hancock comes into the shop. Will this famous Founding Father's signature be from the real thing or will they find it's not worth the paper it's written on? Then, a guy strums by with a 1934 Rickenbacher "frying pan" guitar. One of the first electric guitars ever made, will Rick cook himself up a fantastic deal or will he end up getting burned? And later, Father's Day gets off to a rocky start when Rick presents a gift to the Old Man. Will he be able to smooth the tension at the shop or will this rift become a full-blown family feud?
Come party with the Pawn Stars as they prepare the ultimate gift for the Old Man's 70th birthday, a fully rebuilt 1957 Chevy 150. With the restoration coming down to the wire, can Rick keep this gigantic present on track or will the Old Man be singing the birthday blues? Then, a man comes to the shop with a rare 19th century pistol ring. Worn by gamblers as an ace in the hole, will the guys ante up big for this extraordinary finger-sized firearm or is this piece simply not in the cards? And later, a man brings in an unused ticket from one of the most famous performances of all time--the 1966 Beatles concert at Shea Stadium. Will Rick come down with a severe case of Beatlemania or is a deal for this ticket about a half century too late?
The Pawn Stars consider sending a search party out for Chumlee when he takes off to look at a 1950's Bally's coin operated kiddie ride. Will he step up and make a rocking buy or will he drop too much change on a shaky deal? Then, Rick and Corey meet a woman hoping to sell a script from the legendary classic film The Godfather. Signed by Al Pacino, will the guys make an offer she can't refuse or will the seller look to skim a little off the top? And later, the guys get ready to polka when a vintage Excelsior accordion chimes its way into the shop. Will the guys look to play a happy tune or will negotiations hit a sour note?
The Pawn Stars are blown away when a seller limps in with a 19th century shotgun disguised as a cane. Will Rick take a shot at buying this legendary concealed firearm or will his offer miss the mark? Then, Rick and Chumlee race to check out a 1940 Indian Motorcycle once owned by the King of Cool, Steve McQueen. Will this negotiation take off like a Bullitt or will Rick let this one make a Great Escape? And later, the guys are presented with a book printed by founding father Benjamin Franklin. Will Rick shell out some of his own Benjamins for this rare piece or will he find it's not worth the paper it's printed on?
The Pawn Stars seek counsel when the business card of the infamous Old Western outlaw turned-lawyer John Wesley Hardin moseys into the shop. Will the guys afford the ransom or will this deal meet its end at high noon? Then, Chumlee has a chance to buy a pristine Gibson mandolin. Can he hit a high note with his solo performance or will he be out of tune and get booed? And later, Rick and the Old Man tool around with a 1950's Shopsmith woodworking machine. Will the seller get crafty and convince them to nail down a deal or will Rick grind negotiations to a halt?
The Pawn Stars prepare to charge when a man brings in a Civil War musket once carried by an ancestor wounded in battle. Complete with rare documentation, will the guys execute a brilliant battle plan for this firearm or will the customer secede from the shop? Then, Rick blows a gasket when his son Corey sells an extremely rare movie poster from his personal collection--can Corey make it up to him, or will this movie memorabilia mess-up bomb? And later, a rusted-out 1950s atomic missile-themed pedal car squeaks its way into the shop. Will the seller hit his target to turn his trash into cash or should this Cold War relic been dismantled years ago?
The Pawn Stars hope to win by a landslide when President Ronald Reagan's high school yearbook comes into the shop. Complete with a signed letter from The Gipper, will the guys make an executive decision to buy this presidential memorabilia, or will a tough negotiation force them to veto? Then, a man comes in hoping to sell some puppets and props from the original Buffalo Bill Wild West Show. Tied to an obscure performer named Buffalo Ben, will Rick pony up some cash for this collection, or will he send it out to pasture? And later, Rick and the Old Man get a call to check out a vintage phone booth. Will they try to dial up a deal for this piece of telephone history, or drop the call before negotiations begin?
The Pawn Stars fire off to the shooting range to check out an antique signal cannon from the 1980's TV series Magnum P.I. Will the guys bring out the big guns to make an offer or will they decide this deal doesn't have enough bang for their buck? Then, the guys feel the heat when a lighter and photos from a top-secret 1950's atomic bomb testing program come into the shop. Will these items ignite Rick's interest or will a charged negotiation blow up in his face? And later, a guy beams by the shop with a carload of is signed Star Trek memorabilia. Will Corey and Chumlee boldly go where no deal has gone before or will they send this guy away at warp speed?
The Pawn Stars are on hallowed ground when a piece of marble from Abraham Lincoln's tomb enters the shop. Without any documentation to authenticate the item, can Rick trust the seller to be honest like Abe or will the negotiation die a quick death? Then, a seller comes in with an antique African sword apparently used for beheadings. Will the guys lose their minds over this piece and buy it, or will they not be sharp enough to execute a deal? And later, Chumlee and the Old Man are speechless when a nearly hundred-year-old Charlie Chaplin wind-up doll tramps into the shop. Will they manage to make a blockbuster buy, or will this negotiation turn into a comedy of errors?
The Pawn Stars travel to Utah for a rare shot at a 19th century Hotchkiss Revolving Cannon. A rapid-fire weapon used decisively in the Spanish American War, will Rick overwhelm the seller with an explosive offer, or will negotiations hit a turn for the worse and blow up in his face? Then, Corey and Chumlee try to get the party started, when an antique Wurlitzer jukebox grooves its way into the shop. Will the guys be able to stay in tune long enough to make a deal or will they be left singing the blues? And later, a woman comes in hoping to sell her antique medical quackery device. An electric zapping machine called a "Master Violet Ray," will this piece of weird science heal all of the shop's problems or cause them to seek a second opinion?
The Pawn Stars snap to attention when an 1830's percussion musket from West Point marches into the shop. One of only a couple hundred ever made, will this rare cadet training weapon pass inspection, or will it end up with a demerit? Then, get ready to take flight when a guy soars in with a collection of letters and pilot licenses signed by the father of flight, Orville Wright. Will Rick be able to get this deal off the ground, or will a tough negotiation send him back to the drawing board? And later, Rick and the Old Man get ready to spend all their nickels when a guy brings in an antique slot machine from the 1930's. Will they take a gamble and hit a jackpot with this deal, or will a cold streak leave them busted?
The Pawn Stars are off to the races when a guy brings in a 2000 Porsche Carrera engine that has been recovered from a junkyard. Can this deal go through firing on all cylinders, or will the engine's questionable history make the negotiation run out of gas? Then, the guys pace themselves for a showdown when a seller brings in an early 19th century dueling pistol. Just half of the original two-gun set, will they drop some Hamiltons on this rare piece, or will they misfire and have to run for cover? And later, Rick is ready to rock when a hat once owned by Lynyrd Skynyrd front man Ronnie Van Zant comes into the shop. Will he give a sweet home to this piece of music history, or will the seller fly free and keep the hat for himself?
The Pawn Stars hope to remain civil when a man brings Robert E. Lee's silver spoon and Ulysses S. Grant's meerschaum pipe. Can Rick scoop up these pieces of American history or will the seller just be blowing smoke? Then, Corey and the Old Man place their bets when a shoe from the legendary Triple Crown racehorse Secretariat gallops in. Will this horseshoe prove to be their lucky charm or will the race to the finish line come up short? And later, a seller hopes he has found hidden treasure when he strolls in with a vintage metal detector. Do the guys detect a deal or is the seller's excitement a false alarm?
The Pawn Stars are presented with a necklace once owned by the King of Rock and Roll himself, Elvis Presley. Made of an entire pound of gold, will Rick get all shook up with excitement, or is the King's chain just an impersonator? Then, a guy brings in a collection of over 200 vintage Matchbox cars from the 50's, 60's and 70's. With the seller hoping to pawn them for a big loan, will the guys bank on the value of these toys, or will they worry about collateral damage? And later, a man comes in with a pair of German Pickelhauben helmets from World War I. Sporting traditional Prussian spikes on top, can these rare helmets draw Rick onto the negotiation battlefield? Or will he be too hard-headed to make an offer?
The Pawn Stars lock and load when a percussion pistol from the 1830s pops into the shop. A rare weapon known as a "man stopper," will the guys take a shot at buying this pocket pistol, or will a tough negotiation stop them dead in their tracks? Then, Corey faces a monstrous challenge when a signed copy of Bram Stoker's "Dracula" creeps through the doors. Will Corey be entranced with this rare book, or will a scary asking price put a stake through the heart of the deal? And later, a guy charges in with an Orange Bowl championship ring. From Penn State's undefeated 1973 season, can Rick make a winning play for this MVP item, or will he fumble the deal and end up on the bench?
The Pawn Stars find themselves sailing on strange tides when a street-legal pirate ship parade float cruises their way. Will Rick surrender some booty for this one of a kind vehicle, or will a tough negotiation have him walking the plank? Then, a woman drops in with a World War II bomber jacket and flight mission logs. After surviving 29 missions, including D-Day, will these items continue to fly high and enjoy a hero's welcome, or will heavy flak force the seller to retreat? And later, Rick and the Old Man are presented with an antique carriage strong box. Used to protect travelers from thieves in the 18th century, will the guys lock up a solid deal for this rare piece, or will it be a highway robbery?
Look out below when the Pawn Stars set their aim on a World War II era bomb-sight. Used by U.S. bombers to direct their big-bang cargo, will the guys be able to keep this negotiation on target, or will heavy flak blow the deal out of the sky? Then, Corey and the Old Man hope their fortunes will rise when they go check out a stock ticker from the 1930's. Will this deal pay big dividends, or will the market crash and burst their bubble? And later, when Antwaun the shop security guard shows interest in learning the pawn business, Chumlee agrees to teach him how it's done. But can Chumlee go from class clown to teacher's pet without a trip to the principal's office?
The Pawn Stars get revved up when they check out a classic 1941 Indian motorcycle. A rare version made for military use, will this bike kick-start their engines and drive them to make an offer, or will the guys feel they're being taken for a ride? Then, a woman putters into the shop with a golf club once owned by the King of Cool himself, Dean Martin. Can Rick sink a hole in one on this deal, or will negotiations slice off course and get stuck in the sand? And later, Corey and Chumlee get animated when a seller arrives with a Bugs Bunny poster autographed by the voice of Bugs, Mel Blanc, and the animator Friz Freleng. Will the guys go loony for this cartoony, or will the wylie wabbit evade capture as usual?
The Pawn Stars march to a different beat when a customer presents them with a drum from the Civil War. Will Rick try to snare this rare piece, or will he simply tell the seller to about face? Then, a guy roars into the shop with a uniform from one of America's first motorcycle clubs, the Royal Riders. Can Rick and Corey rally up a sweet deal for this piece of biker history, or will a long, bumpy negotiation leave them in the dust? And later, when Antwaun the shop security guard has to take some time off, Chumlee volunteers to cover for him. Will Chumlee be able to fill those extremely big shoes, or will Rick decide it's not worth the risk?
It's a high stakes proposition when a man saddles up to the shop with a 19th century professional gambling set. Complete with knife and pistol for when the going gets rough, will Rick go all-in to buy this rare piece, or will a suspicious marking make him call the seller's bluff? Then, a man bops in with the doll version of Chumlee's favorite rapper, Snoop Dogg. Will Chumlee scratch up a platinum deal for this collectable piece, or will the negotiations go up in smoke? And later, all bets are off when the guys have an after hours back room poker game. Will the Old Man live up to his King of Cards claim, or will one of the guys make him look like a joker?
The Pawn Stars are ready for Halloween when a 19th century vampire killing kit stakes out the shop. Complete with a gun and silver bullets, will Rick try to hunt down these terrifying tools or will an eternal negotiation spook the deal? Then, a couple appears in the store with a set of equipment used for paranormal investigations. Everything for recording evidence of spirits, will this ghostly gear capture Rick's attention, or will lack of proof leave him feeling skeptical? And later, Rick tries to get the guys into the holiday spirit when he holds a costume contest in the shop. Will they dress to impress, or will this haunted holiday become a bust?
Hit the gridiron with the Pawn Stars when they check out a 2004 Super Bowl ring. A genuine player's ring from the New England Patriots, will the guys rush for extra yardage for this ultimate piece of sports memorabilia, or will a tough negotiation leave them three and out? Then, a guy brings in a diary written by his ancestor during almost every major battle of the Civil War. With a handwriting style nearly impossible to decipher, will they be able to unlock the secrets of the past, or are these memories lost to history? And later, a poster from the movie Bullitt comes roaring into the shop. Signed by Steve McQueen, Robert Duvall, and Jacqueline Bisset, will Rick jump into the chase for this rare piece of movie history, or will some suspicious signatures leave him idling at the side of the road?
The Pawn Stars prepare for a dogfight when their radar locks onto an L39 Albatros fighter jet. Used by the Soviets to train their pilots, can Rick and Chumlee fly away with this Cold War era prize, or will they get shot down before they make it back to base? Then, a guy slides in with a bat and glove signed by Babe Ruth. Complete with letters of authenticity, will the guys be able to knock this deal out of the park, or will this negotiation go into extra innings? And later, Rick and the Old Man are presented with a set of antique glass target balls from the 1800's. Similar to the type used by Annie Oakley, will they hit a bull's-eye on this deal, or end up missing the mark?
The Pawn Stars pray to the rock gods when a collection of unpublished photos of Jimi Hendrix blasts into the shop. Taken by Jimi's personal photographer, will Rick be able to contain his excitement and make a deal, or will he tip his hand and see the signal go from green to red? Then, the guys see history repeat itself when they check out two high-performance dune buggies in the same day. Will they jump at a chance to buy these tricked out toys, or will both deals sputter out when negotiations get stuck in the sand? And later, Rick and the Old Man check out a rare 1930's Levi's jacket. Will Rick be busting at the seams to snatch up this highly sought after denim, or is this old piece just not a good fit?
The Pawn Stars go gangster when they check out a 1937 Oldsmobile. Allegedly owned by mobster Bugsy Siegel, will the guys go to the mats over this rare luxury ride, or has this classic car seen its last drive-by? Then, a guy comes in with a genuine Olympic torch. Carried in the opening ceremonies of the 1984 summer games, will this piece burn a hole in Rick's pockets, or will a marathon negotiation make the deal flame out? And later, Rick and Chum reach for the sky when the world's smallest pistol pops into the shop. Will this tiny Austrian gun aim its way onto Rick's shelves, or fail to make a big impression?
The Pawn Stars fasten their seat belts when a 2003 Lamborghini Murcielago speeds into the shop. Originally purchased for $400,000, will Corey keep the negotiation on track, or is this 200 mile-an-hour super car more than he can handle? Then, Rick is presented with a true one of a kind, when a guy brings in a set of Saddam Hussein's fingerprints. Taken in Baghdad by the FBI, will Rick try to capture this rare piece at all costs, or will he play this one by the book? And later, Rick and Corey check out a sterling silver Tiffany Walkman originally owned by a member of the rock band "The Who." Will the guys try to win this one for a song, or is this antiquated device worth its weight in silver?
Hat's off to the Pawn Stars, when a man brings in a signed print of Abraham Lincoln. Will Rick write off this presidential paper as an impostor or will he decide this Abe truly is honest? Then, the guys are presented with a turn of the century parade cannon. Originally used to salute Civil War veterans, will Rick pay tribute to this rare piece of ordnance, or will he rain on the seller's parade? And later, Corey and the Old Man encounter a steel mandolin from the 1940's. A bit worse for wear, does this rusty relic have a few songs left in it, or will the seller be strumming the blues?
The Pawn Stars gain access to classified information as a collection from former Attorney General J. Howard McGrath enters the shop. Complete with his Secret Service I.D. and some counterfeit money, will this political memorabilia be a hot sale, or land the guys in hot water? Then, Rick and Chumlee encounter a 1960's U.S. Marines vehicle called a "Mighty Mite." Capable of driving nearly submerged in water, will Rick charge into hostile territory for this all-terrain truck, or will the negotiation get mired in the mud? And later, the Old Man is off to the races when he gets his hands on an electronic horse race analyzer. Will this 1970's technology help him beat the odds, or should this gadget have been put out to pasture years ago?
The Pawn Stars try to stay focused when a limited edition photograph of Albert Einstein comes in the shop. An iconic image from the cover of Time Magazine, if the price goes up, it must come down. Then, Rick and Corey are presented with a collection of confidential documents from the Pentagon. Possibly found at a yard sale, will Rick seal the deal on these Vietnam-era reports or will this classified treasure get him into hot water? And later, the Old Man takes the day off to tour a World War II era B-17 Bomber. With Chumlee along as his driver, will these two have the guts to fly in this 65-year-old Flying Fortress, or will they chicken out and keep their feet on the ground?
The Pawn Stars feel a jolt of history when a guy brings in the original AC motor built by Nikola Tesla. Considered one of the most important inventions of the 19th century, will they power up a high voltage deal for this national treasure, or will the negotiation run out of juice? Then, Rick and Corey check out a 1968 VW Bug convertible. Nearly restored, but with a broken motor, will Rick try to convert this busted bug into cash, or will this deal crash on arrival? And later, Chumlee nearly loses his grip when a pair of Marty McFly high tops levitates into the shop. A limited edition Nike shoe, will Chumlee tie up the deal, or will he send these kicks back to the future?
The end is near for the Pawn Stars when they check out an alleged original print by Renaissance artist Albrecht Durer. Known for his depictions of the apocalypse, will the guys battle demons to capture this valuable work, or is this demonic image more than they bargained for? Then, Corey feels like a third wheel when he checks out two trike-style motorcycles in the same day. Both equipped with V8 engines, will Corey be overpowered by these tricked out machines, or will a tough negotiation "tri" has patience? And later, a guy comes in with a statue of 80's advertising icon Spuds McKenzie. Will Rick and Chumlee try to tame this party animal, or has this dog already had his day?
Take a ride with the Pawn Stars when they check out a 1924 Dodge Brothers sedan. Complete with the original wooden wheels, will the guys make a move for this piece of automotive history, or will a questionable restoration have them dodging the deal? Then, a guy drags in a 19th century ball and chain that's inside a Wells Fargo strongbox. Will Rick be able to put these rare pieces on lockdown, or will he get distracted and let them slip away? And later, Corey and Chumlee check out a Terminator "skill stop" slot machine. Will the guys save the future by defeating this terminator, or is this killer robot more than they can handle?
The Pawn Stars lock and load as a triple barreled firearm made by famous European gunsmiths blasts its way into the shop. Will the guys hold their fire on this combination rifle and shot gun, or will they pull the trigger and make a deal for the rare weapon? Then, a man drops in with a collection of antique children's toy piggy banks made of cast iron. A favorite among collectors, will these tot toys cost Rick a pretty penny, or will he save his money for a rainy day? Later, the shop is looking to hire a new broker to help cover the night shift, and Rick puts Corey and Chumlee in charge of recruiting. Will the guys be able to attract some major league talent, or will they get stuck in the minors? TVPG
The Pawn Stars are back in school when a first edition of Henry David Thoreau's "Walden" comes into the shop. Will the guys be on the same page about this novel's value, or will the seller throw the book at them? Then, Corey focuses his sights on a 19th century rope gun. Used on ships to shoot ropes a long distance, will he try to tie this one up, or is it knot a good deal? And later, Corey and Chum conduct interviews to find the shop's newest night shift broker. Can they sift through the candidates to find a diamond in the rough, or will they bring Rick a bag full of fool's gold?
The Pawn Stars see their spirits soar when a guy brings in a Charles Lindbergh doll from the 1920s. Will the appeal of this rare toy fly over Rick's head, or will he take the pilot's seat and make a deal? Then, the shop becomes a real freak show when a guy brings in an antique poster advertising a sword swallowing act. Will Rick cough up the cash for this piece of show biz history, or will the asking price be too hard to swallow? And later, a guy comes in with a harmonica that once belonged to Aerosmith front man Steven Tyler. Played by Tyler, can they make a deal with some "Sweet Emotion," or will they tell the customer to "Walk This Way" right out of the shop?
The Pawn Stars are blown away when a pair of WWII bomb fins drop into the shop. Designed to keep bombs on target, will the guys try to blast out a deal for these rare military items, or will they run for cover as the negotiation implodes? Then, Rick tries to get in tune with a guy who brings in a Martin guitar signed by 60's super group Crosby, Stills and Nash. Will Rick's offer be music to the seller's ears, or will he get nothing but feedback? And later, the guys continue their daunting search for a new employee to work the night shift. Will they pick beauty over brains or go with a safe bet?
The Pawn Stars are amazed when a first issue Spider-Man comic book swings into the shop. Potentially worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, will the guys have the spidey-sense to buy this super rare book or will they tangle up the negotiation? Then, a guy moseys in with an antique 1860 Colt Army Pistol. Considered the assault weapon of it's day, will Rick have the firepower to draw up a deal? And later, Old Man checks out a gold mining stock certificate issued to author Mark Twain. Issued in 1876, will the deal pan out, or will the guys end up in a deep hole?
The Pawn Stars prepare for blast off when a piece of heat shield from Apollo 11 rockets into the shop. Will this relic of NASA's most famous flight have the guys seeing stars or will it turn out to be a waste of space? Then, Rick is presented with a book written by FBI founder J. Edgar Hoover. Allegedly signed by Hoover himself, will Rick's investigation turn up any positive proof? And later, a man brings in a WWII pilot's jacket. Flown over the Himalayas on a route known as "The Hump," will the Old Man deliver up a tempting offer or will he eject for crashing down?
Get strung along with the Pawn Stars as a 1961 Les Paul SG guitar jams into the shop. Owned by a member of Les Paul's family, will the guys be able to fine-tune their offer, or will the deal de-tune? Then, Rick and the Old Man are presented with a copy of National Geographic from 1969 covering the momentous Apollo 11 moon landing. Will this special issue drag in some moon rock sized profits or will they abort their mission? And later, when Rick brings in a new hire to work the night shift, Chumlee volunteers to help train them into a pawn superstar.
The Pawn Stars prepare to fire when an 1830's musket made by cotton-gin inventor Eli Whitney shoots into the shop. Can Rick come up with a perfect battle plan to secure this rare weapon or will he shoot himself in the foot? Then, when a man brings in a golf ball once owned by President Lyndon B. Johnson, Rick attempts to tee up a good deal. Will he sink a hole in one or miss his mark and land in the sand? And later, a man comes into the shop with a 1929 Chicago Cubs World Series press pin. Will Rick and Chum make headlines with this deal, or end up buried on the back page?
The Pawn Stars get ready to rock when a man brings in an extremely rare original poster from one of Jimi Hendrix's final performances. Will Rick play along with the seller's asking price and make a deal, or will the negotiations hit a sour note? Then, Rick and the Old Man get revved up when a race suit worn and autographed by actor Paul Newman roars into the shop. But will a lack of official paperwork bring the deal to a screeching halt before it reaches the finish line? And later, Rick and Corey are in scoring position when a customer brings in a photo signed by three baseball Hall-of-Famers: Mickey Mantle, Willy Mays and Harmon Killebrew. Can Rick and Corey make a record breaking deal or will they strike out?
It's a blast from the past for the Pawn Stars when they check out a huge collection of mini bikes from the 1970's. Will the guys saddle up and buy the micro machines, or will they hold out for the full-sized counterparts? Then, an early 1900s baseball bat swings into the shop. Will Corey and Chumlee hit a hum-dinger of a deal, or will they let it walk? And later, Rick is presented with a piece of mail flown by Charles Lindbergh on the Spirit of St. Louis. Will he soar to new heights for this historic piece of airmail or will the negotiations stall out and take a nosedive?
The Pawn Stars get the royal treatment when autographed memoirs from English nobility parade into the shop. Signed by King Edward VIII and the Duchess of Windsor, will Rick find these books fit for his kingdom, or will he abdicate them from his shop? Then, the Old Man and Chumlee are presented with an antique collection of 1950's tin army trucks. Will the Old Man make a play for these classic metal toys, or should they have been recycled years ago? And later, a man rolls up with a Sun Tune-up Tester. Used for fixing cars in the 1970's, will Rick crank up a good deal or will this outdated technology be in need of its own fine-tuning?
Get fired up with the Pawn Stars as they set their sights on a rare 1870 Volcanic pistol. Can Rick and Corey make a deal on this forefather of the Winchester repeating rifle or will an unseen problem cause the deal to backfire? Then, the guys are breathless when a World War II gas mask made for the U.S. Navy floats up to the counter. Will Rick and Chum sniff out a good deal for this piece, or will the negotiations start to stink? And later, the Old Man finally wakes up from hibernation when an early 1900s life-sized Steiff bear prowls into the shop. Can he work up the grizzly courage to buy this rare toy, or will he only offer the bear minimum?
The Pawn Stars huddle up when a 1966 Miami Dolphins playbook rushes into the shop. A relic from the short lived American Football League, will Rick think buying the book of secret strategy is a worthy goal, or will he have to pass? Then, a woman reels in who claims she has unseen footage of U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Can Corey and the Old Man make a blockbuster deal for the celluloid stash or will the film be a flop?
The Pawn Stars feel their noses growing when some hand crafted Pinocchio dolls walk in the shop. Will the guys pull some strings and make this deal happen, or get tangled up in a rough negotiation? Then, a guy brings in a Cy Young baseball card from 1909. Potentially worth thousands, will Rick play hard ball for this rare item, or is this deal out of his league? And later, a guy comes in with a harmonica that once belonged to Aerosmith front man Steven Tyler. Can they make a deal with some Sweet Emotion, or will they tell the customer to Walk This Way right out of the shop?
Prepare for battle with the Pawn Stars as one of the rarest guns in American history pops into the shop. A 9-shot LeMat revolver used by the Confederate Army, will Rick charge into this deal guns blazing, or let it fire right past him? Then, it's a race to the finish when a tire signed by legendary NASCAR driver Dale Earnhardt rolls on by. Will Corey be burning rubber to get this piece of racing history or will the negotiations lose their traction and hit the wall? And later, Corey and Chumlee are presented with a 1980's handheld Donkey Kong game. The pre-cursor to Game Boy, will Chumlee go bananas over this Nintendo classic, or is it game over?
Gang up with the Pawn Stars when original photographs of Old West outlaw Jesse James ride into town. Will the guys break the bank on these incredibly rare items, or will the seller make a quick getaway? Then, Chumlee and the Old Man get an earful when they're presented with a Leslie organ speaker from the 1950's. Can they turn up the volume on this negotiation, or is the deal too far out of tune? And later, a guy walks in with a Boy Scout first aid kit from the 1930's. Will Rick be prepared to make an offer, or will he think it lacks merit?
The Pawn Stars are blown away when a signet ring that belonged to mob boss Lucky Luciano comes out of hiding. Can the guys make the seller an offer he can't refuse, or will this deal go to sleep with the fishes? Then, Rick is in the red zone when a letter signed by legendary football coach Knute Rockne steps up to the line of scrimmage. Will Rick win one for The Gipper, or will he fumble the negotiation? And later, Chumlee is presented with a collection of antique Cracker Jack toys. Will he go three strikes and out on these classic collectibles or will he win one for the home team?
The Pawn Stars see dollar signs when a $1 bill signed by Clark Gable comes into the shop. Allegedly signed while he served in WWII, will the guys try to cash in on this rare bill, or is it not worth the paper it's printed on? Then, Corey and Chumlee are presented with a rare 1800s Wells Fargo double barrel shotgun. Made to protect stage coaches in the Old West, will the guys bravely ride shotgun on this deal, or will a misfire cause them to surrender? And later, a souvenir from Ulysses S. Grant's funeral makes its way into Rick's hands. Will he see this tribute as a vital piece of presidential memorabilia, or will this keepsake be dead on arrival?
The Pawn Stars sing "Hail to the Chief" when an autographed collection of presidential memoirs comes into the shop. Written and signed by President Harry S. Truman, will Rick campaign to buy these rare books, or is the seller just not on the same page? Then, Corey and Chumlee are presented with a toy "Robby the Robot" from the 1956 movie, Forbidden Planet. Can this mechanical gizmo automate the deal or will it run out of batteries?
The Pawn Stars are up in arms when a late 1700's flintlock four-barrel handgun takes aim at the shop. Will Rick bite the bullet for this 4-piped pistol, or does he let it shoot by? Then, Rick and the Old Man are presented with a book of misprinted Eisenhower postage stamps. Are these first class mistakes or will they be returned to sender? And later, when Rick finds broken merchandise in the warehouse, he uses the shop's security camera to try and track down the guilty party.
The Pawn Stars prepare to play rough when an original program from the very first NFL championship rushes into the shop. A 1932 game between the Chicago Bears and the Portsmouth Spartans, will the guys push this deal into overtime, or will damage cause them to pass? Then, Rick sees dollar signs when he's presented with an exploding dye pack of $10 bills. Used by banks to catch thieves, can Rick steal the deal, or will it blow up in his face? And during the night shift, a 1960's Schwinn tandem bike rolls into the shop. Will Chumlee and Olivia take this classic bike for a pawn-paired spin, or will the negotiation go flat?
Make it rain with the Pawn Stars, when a collection of paper money from the Republic of Texas comes into the shop. Printed when Texas was an independent country, can Rick and the Old Man cash in on this deal, or is it not worth a dime? Then, it's a real life shoot-out when the guys compete in an "old vs. new" rifle shooting competition. Can Rick keep his antique Winchester on target and blast out a win, or will some modern, high-power weapons have him outgunned? And later, Rick and the Old Man are presented with a pair of printing plates for a movie poster. From the controversial 1943 film "The Outlaw," do the guys rustle up some dough for this classic Hollywood item or just put it out to pasture.
The Pawn Stars get fired up when a rare three-trigger Stevens shotgun barrels into the shop. Will the third trigger be the charm, or is this gun a three-time loser? Then, Corey and Rick are presented with a movie camera used by the U.S. military during WWII. Built to operate on the battlefield, can it draw Rick's focus or will he shoot it down? And later, an Abraham Lincoln campaign token comes in on the Night Shift. Handed out during Lincoln's 1864 re-election campaign, will Olivia elect to bring in a second opinion or will run solo on this deal?
The Pawn Stars are flying high when a panel off the world's fastest airplane, the SR-71 Blackbird, soars by the shop. A supersonic spy jet from the Cold War, will the guys have the intelligence to make a deal? Then, a solid bronze 16th century cannon fires into the shop. Specially made for use on ships, can the guys battle on the high seas for this antique weapon or will the deal sink their fortunes? And later, a customer brings in a vintage pair of gigantic Levis jeans. Used as a display in stores, will Rick and Chum wear the pants in this deal or will they need to button up their skills?
Go off-road with the Pawn Stars when they're presented with a 1960's Mercedes Unimog. A German military vehicle built to go just about anywhere, will the guys cross rocky terrain for this rare truck or will they tell the seller to hit the trail? Then, a guy marches in with a sign that hung on the Berlin Wall. Will Corey and Rick make a deal or will the item divide them? And later, a collection of 1980's Garbage Pail Kids trading cards has Chumlee reliving his childhood. Can he convince Rick that these are worth picking up, or do they belong in the trash?
The Pawn Stars try to cash in when a seller presents them with rare $1 and $5 bills from the 1800's. Will they see dollar signs or will the asking price break the bank? Then, the guys plug their ears when a Big Bang Cannon pops in. A tiny toy that makes a big boom, but will it work? And later, a guy pings the shop with a memento given to U.S. sailors who sank U-68, Germany's most feared WWII submarine. Will Rick set his depth charges on "buy" or let this deal sink to the bottom?
The Pawn Stars experience some family drama when a rifle from the Hatfield-McCoy feud ambushes the shop. Formerly owned by the notorious "Cap" Hatfield, can Rick get this antique Winchester for a fair price, or will the seller force him into a bidding war? Then, a work by rock and roll artist Denny Dent rocks and rolls through the shop. Will this painting of John Lennon be a deal to remember, or will the asking price force Rick to just let it be? And later, a guy comes in with an inkwell owned by William Andrews Clark. Known as the man who helped build Las Vegas, can the guys ink the deal on this piece of local history?
Take a shine to the Pawn Stars when a guy brings in 100 pounds of pure silver. Including a single brick worth over $35,000, will the guys mine a deal, or will a led center cause the deal to sink? Then, Rick gets stumped when a seller brings in a mysterious book. Hand-written in Cyrillic, can this ancient text turn a successful chapter for the store, or is the end written in stone? And later, the guys flash back to the '90s when a collection of movie props from "Batman Forever" come into the shop. Will nostalgia lead them to bite, or will they not even bat an eyelash?
Take a load off with the Pawn Stars when a 1955 Chevy Pickup rolls by the shop. A rare "first edition" model, will the guys offer a truck full of cash for this sweet ride, or will they haul ass out of there? Then, a guy pops in with a Smith and Wesson "top break" revolver. Favored by Police Departments in the late 1800's, can Rick lay down the law and make a deal, or is he simply outgunned? And later, Rick and the Old Man are presented with a 1950's admiral's telephone from a U.S. Navy ship. Complete with a line for ordering nuclear strikes, will they navigate through this deal unscathed, or will the Old Man go down with the ship?
Pop goes the Pawn Stars when four original paintings by Andy Warhol brush by. Do the guys give these rare works 15 minutes of fame, or just send them back to the factory? Then, a baseball signed by members of the infamous 1919 Chicago Black Sox has Rick and Corey seeing green. Will the guys signal for a steal, or does a tough negotiation knock the price out of the park? And later, a pair of 10k gold sunglasses comes in on the night shift. Can Chumlee and Olivia eye a good deal on these vintage specs, or will the seller have it made in the shade?
The tension is sky-high for the Pawn Stars, when a book signed by Charles Lindbergh flies into focus. Chronicling his historic flight, can they stay alert during a grueling negotiation, or nod off and lose control? Then, a medal commemorating the sinking of the Lusitania torpedoes into the shop. Issued by Germany to celebrate their infamous attack, do they navigate dangerous waters for this rare piece, or let it sink without a trace? And later, a guy tries to throw Rick off balance when he brings in a rare 17th century Dutch money scale. Will the deal tip in Rick's favor? .
Play detective with the Pawn Stars when they try to discover the origins of a mysterious rifle brought into the shop. Will Rick pull the trigger on the deal of his life, or will the negotiation blow up in his face? Then, Corey and the Old Man are presented with a signed print by Leroy Neiman. Considered one of America's greatest living artists, do the guys draw up an offer for this highly collectable piece of art, or get painted into a corner? And later, a collection of old sports pins needle their way into the shop. Can they nail down a deal or will this one fall apart? .
Rock out with the Pawn Stars when an Elvis Presley contract gyrates into the shop. Signed before The King got famous, will the guys try to buy this piece of music history, or will they send the seller to Heartbreak Hotel? Then, Chum and Corey look down the barrel of a rare Winchester rifle. Made for the popular 1800's sport of target shooting, can the guys score a bulls eye with this deal? And later, a seller brings in a set of buttons that belonged to the Queen of France, Marie Antoinette. Will Rick be able negotiate without losing his head?
The Pawn Stars call "shotgun!" when a 1918 Buick Touring Car journeys to the shop. Top of the line for its day, will the Old Man's soft spot for old cars make him loosen up his wallet? Then, Rick and Chumlee encounter a tennis racket signed by tennis legend Arthur Ashe. Can Rick serve up a monster offer for this rare piece of sports memorabilia, or is the price too far out of bounds? And later, a guy sneaks in with a set of fake books used to smuggle guns out of Germany after WWII. Will the guys try to conceal their interest, or is the seller trying to sneak one by?
Take aim at the Pawn Stars when a Colt Paterson revolver pops into the shop. Believed to be a prototype of Colt's first gun, will the guys draw up a plan to own this piece of firearms history, or does the seller's story need a little work? Then, the Old Man relives the glory days when a 1955 GMC truck drives in. The last GMC with a classic rounded body design, does what's under the hood live up to the iconic look? And later, life imitates art when a guy brings in an animation cel from the 1960's cartoon "Tennessee Tuxedo and His Tales." Complete with a picture of "Chumley the Walrus," will Corey break the bank over his best friend's namesake, or is the cel simply not suited for the shop?
The Pawn Stars are presented with the most collectable Smith & Wesson gun out there, the Model 320 Revolving Rifle. With only 977 ever made, will the guys be able to keep a bead on this incredibly rare weapon, or will some condition issues make the deal misfire? Then, Chum and the Old Man are craving pizza when they take a look at a collection of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comics. Can Chum convince the Old Man to invest in these 1980's classics? And later, the night shift gets creepy when a seller brings in a collection of custom taxidermy pieces. Will Corey and Olivia be able to buy them without getting skinned alive?
Take aim at the Pawn Stars when a guy brings in a Wesson over and under pistol. Nicknamed "the ladies friend" due to its popularity with women, will Corey and the Old Man charge into this deal with both barrels blazing? Then, a 19th century pocket watch winds into the shop. Inscribed with a "thank you" from one Civil War veteran to another for saving his life, will Rick be a hero to the seller, or will he have bad news? And later, Rick and the Old Man are flying high when a collection of Boeing aviation memorabilia jets in. Including a rare patch from Boeing's first missile tests, will the guys try to knock this deal out of the sky?
Take the field with the Pawn Stars when a World Series ring from the 1995 Atlanta Braves slides into the shop. Known as "the team of the 90s," will the guys try to push the negotiation into extra innings, or is this item out of their league? Then, Corey and the Old Man hear the sweet sound of cash when a Sho-Bud steel guitar comes in. A classic instrument in country music, can the Old Man get it for a song, or is the seller singing a different tune? And later, a guy brings in an oilcan used for fueling a 19th century lighthouse lamp. Will the Old Man guide this deal through treacherous waters?
Burn some rubber with the Pawn Stars when they check out a 1968 Ford Mustang GT fastback. Just like the car driven by Steve McQueen in "Bullitt," will Rick get into a high-speed chase for this classic muscle? Then, a guy moseys in with an 1858 Smith & Wesson Model 1. The same model used to kill Wild Bill Hickok, will this Old West pistol still pack a punch, or is the seller drawing dead? And later, a man dashes in with a WWII telegraph set. A wireless version often associated with spies, will the guys tap out a good price, or will the seller s bottom line force them to stop?
The Pawn Stars prepare to invade when Rick is offered a memoir written and signed by Dwight D. Eisenhower. Detailing his command during WWII, is Rick willing to pay big bucks for this rare book, or will the negotiation force him to retreat? Then, a shop regular piques Rick s interest with a Remington New Model Army. Considered the second most popular pistol of the Civil War, will Rick make an offer, or has popularity diminished its value? And later, Corey and Chum orbit a set of food bags made for Apollo 11. Are the guys hungry to make a deal, or are the seller s expectations out of this world?
Hail a ride with the Pawn Stars when a taxi from the 1992 sci-fi movie "Free Jack" pulls up to the shop. Specially built just for the movie, do the guys give this prop some props, or send it back to the future? Then, a San Francisco Giants uniform owned by baseball legend Willie Mays has Chum and Corey seeing green. Will they try to take this deal into extra innings, or will something make them cry foul? And later, a guy walks in with a fully functioning brass hand cannon. Looking like something from a pirate movie, will Rick see a buried treasure, or is this unusual weapon just a swashbuckling novelty?
Step up to the plate with the Pawn Stars as Rick takes a swing at a book signed by "Shoeless" Joe Jackson. One of the sporting world's rarest signatures, has Rick found baseball s holy grail, or is the scribbled signature a strike out? Then, the guys check out a Savage Navy pistol. Commissioned by the U.S. military during the Civil War, will they see a profit in the uniquely designed gun, or will the deal fail to set sail? And later, Corey and Chum orbit a Moonman statue from the MTV Video Music Awards. Do the guys deliver an acceptance speech, or send their regrets?
Take the Pawn Stars hostage, when a $20 bill from infamous hijacker "DB Cooper" skydives into the shop. The only unsolved airplane hijacking in U.S. history, do the guys pay a king s ransom, or will negotiations get lost to the wind? Then, a guy marches in with a sword from the Civil War. Made for the foot artillery, does Rick see a sharp profit to be made or will he lose his edge? And later, Rick and Corey check out a collection of paintings by actor Tony Curtis. Will these works give them a whiff of the sweet smell of success?
Take flight with the Pawn Stars as they check out a fork from the wreckage of the Hindenburg. Considered one of history's greatest disasters, will Rick fork over some cash for this rare item, or will the deal crash and burn? Then, Old Man and Chum are offered a high-caliber Winchester rifle. Nicknamed the "elephant gun" for its ability to take down big game, can the guys separate this piece from the herd, or are they taking a shot in the dark? And later, Rick and the Old Man check out a 1958 Packard Baker. Will the Old Man be able to say no to this combination of a Packard and a Studebaker, or is this one too far gone even for him?
Light some candles with the Pawn Stars as the guys prepare a surprise for Chumlee's 30th birthday. Will Corey's plan to buy him a Harley-Davidson FXR make it past the Old Man? Then, a guy brings in a set of statue molds. Used to make souvenir statues of Joe DiMaggio and John McGraw for the Baseball Hall of Fame, can the guys sculpt a fair deal, or will the seller s asking price break the mold? And later, Rick and Chumlee eye an Identi-Kit used by police to make eyewitness sketches of criminal suspects. Will Rick want this item in his lineup?
Pledge allegiance to the Pawn Stars when the guys check out a flag cut straight from a WWI fighter plane. Flown in the same famous squadron as Teddy Roosevelt s son Quentin, will the guys engage in a dogfight for these stars and stripes or will this deal cry mayday? Then, Rick checks out a gun that belonged to Old West lawman Fred Coates. Used to fend off cattle thieves during the Wyoming Range Wars, will Rick be quick to draw his cash, or will this deal be put out to pasture? And later, when Chumlee gets caught faking his timecard, Corey has to fix the problem. Will he find a way to beat the clock?
The Pawn Stars say their prayers when a guy brings in a ring believed to have been owned by a Catholic Cardinal. A symbol of status and power in the Church, does Rick see a chance for cathedral-sized profits, or lose faith in the item s worth? Then, a woman pops in with a collection of four antique pistols from the 1800 s. Will the guys load up a giant offer, or is this deal shooting blanks? And later, Corey and Chumlee remember their own high school days when they check out John Wayne's yearbook. Can this deal be voted most likely to succeed, or will the seller look like the class clown?
Go cruising with the Pawn Stars when Rick and the Old Man eye a 1949 Hudson Commodore. A premium luxury ride of the post-war era, will the guys add this classic car to their collection, or put the brakes on negotiations? Then, when a guy brings in a 2,000 year-old fire starter, the guys challenge Chumlee to create fire the old fashion way. And later, Rick is blown back to the ice age when he s presented with a fossilized mastodon tusk, but can he sink his teeth into the deal before Chumlee burns down the shop?
All hail the Pawn Stars when they check out a uniform from the King of England s royal guard. Used by those guarding the royal palace in England since the 1700s, can the guys get the seller to crack a smile, or is he strictly business? Then, Rick checks out a guitar made from a tortoise shell. Does a slow and steady negotiation win this rare piece, or will the price leave Rick shell shocked? And later, when a seller brings in an antique BBQ built in the shape of a pig, the Old Man reminisces about the good old days smoking pork in the South.
In an attempt to prove he should get an ownership stake in the Gold & Silver, Corey buys a sword without getting a second opinion. Rick and the Old Man think he got ripped off, but Corey s convinced he got a deal. They call in a local expert to determine who s right. And a one of a kind item from the beaches of D-Day creates a lot of noise in the shop.
Start your engines with the Pawn Stars as the guys check out a 1956 Chevy drag racing car. Custom built for the 1/4 mile, will the guys race to make an offer or will negotiations stall before the light turns green? Then, when a guy brings in a historic magician s "sawing in half" box the guys learn that cutting Chumlee in half is the easy part... putting him back together is a bit tougher. And later, Corey shocks Rick and the Old Man when he tells them he s considering a job offer from another pawn shop.
Kick off your shoes with the Pawn Stars when Rick and the Old Man are offered a pair of slippers owned by Pope Leo XIII. Considered one of history's most influential popes, will the guys have a prayer of making a deal? Then, Chumlee and Olivia are working the night shift when a guy brings in a driver's license owned by god guitarist of Guns N Roses: Slash. Is this rock memorabilia worth waking up Rick? And later, the Old Man's 20 cup-a-day coffee habit sparks a family intervention. But can you really teach this old dog a new trick?
The Pawn Stars start a cola war when a 1950 s Pepsi Machine pops into the shop. An incredibly rare unit painted "Coke red" instead of "Pepsi blue," is this mysterious machine worth big bucks, or will the deal go flat? Then, a guy brings a copy of John Milton s "Paradise Lost." The first edition with engraved illustrations by Gustave Dor , has Rick found the holy grail of literature? And later, the guys challenge each other to a high stakes game of mini-golf. With the loser having to wash everyone else s car, how far will they go to win?
Hold steady and fire with Pawn Stars as Rick checks out a Japanese Knee Mortar. Used in WWII for fighting in the dense jungles of the Pacific, will Rick see the chance to make a deal, or does the seller not even have a leg to stand on? Then, Corey and Chumlee read the fine print when an original signed copy of Wayne Gretzky's NHL contract skates into the shop. Will the guys pass, or take off the gloves and fight for it? And later, Corey continues to push for a partner's stake in the pawn shop by betting Rick he can make bigger deals. Will the gamble pay off?
Things get surreal for the Pawn Stars when the guys check out an original painting by Salvador Dali. Known for his eccentric artwork, is this just too strange for the shop? Then, Chumlee is on the hunt for deals when he checks out a Silent Scope sniper arcade game. Can he win the negotiation with a kill shot, or will he shoot himself in the foot? And later, Rick and the Old Man check out a French suit of armor. Dating back to the time of Napoleon, will the deal sparkle in the setting sun or rust away before their visored eyes?
Take aim with the Pawn Stars when the guys check out a Kentucky Long Rifle. Made famous by frontier marksmen like Daniel Boone, will the guys take a long shot on this iconic big-game gun? Then, Rick gets a geography test when he's offered a 1700s map depicting California as an island. Can he plot a course towards a sale, or will this piece just get him lost? And later, Corey's longtime demand to be made a partner in the shop comes to a head when he says "now or never." Will Rick and the Old Man cut him a deal, or kick him from the nest?
Do time with the Pawn Stars when a Christmas dinner menu from Alcatraz Prison from 1912 comes into the shop. Will Rick sentence this piece to life in the pawn shop, or let it escape? Then, Rick and the Old Man check out a bomber jacket worn by a member of the famous WWII fighter squadron, The Hell Hawks. Can the guys make an offer, or is the asking price sky high? And later, Chumlee is put in charge of the annual Christmas party. Can Christmas be saved?
Gather round the tree with the Pawn Stars as the guys get ready for their annual Christmas Party. With Chumlee in charge of the planning, can he keep it under budget and earn his Christmas bonus? Then, Rick and Corey check out a collection of military promotion documents signed by six different U.S. Presidents. Covering a single soldier s rise through the ranks starting in the Civil War, will this collection have the guys eager to enlist in negotiations? And later, Corey is offered an Italian movie poster for "Bullitt" starring Steve McQueen. Knowing Rick s love of everything McQueen, will Corey race at the chance to buy the poster, or will the deal crash and burn?
Huddle up with the Pawn Stars when they eye a football signed by the 1967 Chicago Bears. The final season for famed coach George Halas, can the guys break down the seller's defense for the win? Then, Rick and the Old Man duel for a 1925 Gibson banjo. Will they get this piece for a song, or will negotiations hit a sour note? And later, some props from the movie "Child's Play" inspire Chumlee to make a movie. Is he bound for Hollywood stardom, or will Rick pull the plug on the project?
Set your sights on the Pawn Stars, as they check out a Sharps buffalo rifle from the 1870s. Renowned for its accuracy, can the guys separate this antique weapon from the herd? Then, Rick is offered an aphorism signed by one of America's greatest writers, Mark Twain. Will Rick be clever enough to make a deal, or get outwitted? And later, the guys try to avoid a sour deal when some Victorian-era pickle castors drop by. Highly valued by collectors, will Rick make an offer, or is something not quite Kosher?
The Pawn Stars get a fast break when the ex-wife of NBA star Dennis Rodman drops by. Trying to sell a collection of Rodman's signed jerseys, will the guys jump at the chance to own a piece of sports history, or will heightened emotions cause them to foul out? Then, Rick and Chumlee prepare to flee when they're presented with a jury questionnaire from the O.J. Simpson trial. Do they vote unanimously to buy, or is the jury still out? And later, a BMC pedal tractor from the 1950s plows into the shop. Will the guys make hay while the sun shines, or put this relic out to pasture?
Get boxed in with the Pawn Stars as they check out an original work by Pablo Picasso. Will the guys shell out some green, or leave the seller feeling blue? Then, a guy moseys in with a saddle used by John Wayne in the movie "True Grit." Do Rick and Corey duke it out over this rare piece, or send the seller riding off into the sunset? And later, a scissor katar knife from the 1800 s slices into the shop. Can Chumlee talk the guys into cutting a deal?
Float on air with the Pawn Stars when the guys check out a hovercraft. Originally designed for the 2000 Olympic ceremonies, will it have them walking on water or drowning in sorrow? Then, Rick and Corey are offered a trading card containing a strand of George Washington s hair. Will they try to cut a deal? And later, the guys decide it s time for Chumlee to lose weight. Can a trip to the nutritionist change his unhealthy ways?
Keep it surreal with the Pawn Stars when Chumlee and Olivia are offered a sculpture by Salvador Dali. Without any proof of authenticity, will they take a night shift risk? Then, the guys are spinning over an atlas from 1862. Showing the world as it stood during the Civil War, can they map out a deal? And later a 1930 s pinball machine rolls into the shop. Will Chumlee s expertise on pinball machines help the Old Man score a good price, or will it just put him on tilt?
Fly high and aim low with the Pawn Stars as they check out a Japanese machine gun camera. Used to train fighter pilots during WWII, will the guys have the skills to keep this deal on target? Then, Chumlee and Corey take a look at some sketches drawn by Spider-Man creator Stan Lee. Known as a writer, but never an artist, are they legit, or a web of lies? And later, Rick and the Old Man eye a $1,000 Federal Reserve note from 1918. Will they fork over a stack of hundreds, or is this G note past its prime?
Court is in session for the Pawn Stars when the guys check out a collection of sketches from the 1954 Sam Sheppard trial. The man who inspired "The Fugitive," is Rick willing to deliver a verdict on these rare drawings? Then, a baseball signed by the entire 1962 American League All Star team slides into the shop. With signatures from Yogi Berra and Mickey Mantle, do the guys play hardball, or strike out looking? And later, when Chumlee calls in sick, the guys are on the case to see if he s faking it. Will his story check out?
Press play with the Pawn Stars as Chumlee checks out a gold video game cartridge from the 1990 Nintendo World Championships. Considered the "holy grail" of video game collectibles, will Chumlee drop enough coins to win it for the shop? Then, Rick and the Old Man eye a set of keys to Al Capone's jail cell. From Capone's stretch at Cook County Jail, can the guys nab this artifact, or will it evade capture? And later, the guys discover that the Old Man is a bit of a hoarder, but it's what he's hoarding that raises eyebrows.
Get your kicks with the Pawn Stars as Rick and Chumlee check out a massive collection of Nike shoes. With an asking price of $1 million, is this deal a slam dunk or an air ball? Then, an Arnold & Son longitude watch finds its way into the shop. Used for navigation on ships since the 1700's, will Rick offer a boatload for this rare timepiece? And later, Corey and Chumlee eye a vintage handcuff collection. Featuring some of the most painful, and illegal, restraint devices ever made, do the guys try to lock this deal up, or does something rub them the wrong way
Lock and load with the Pawn Stars as Corey and Chumlee check out an 1838 Colt Paterson. Formerly owned by a Civil War colonel, will the guys take a shot at this rare firearm? Then, a letter written by Franklin D. Roosevelt gets hand-delivered to the shop. Written shortly after FDR's bout with polio, can Rick endure a tough negotiation for this piece of presidential history? And later, when Rick's lunch keeps disappearing, he's on a mission to find the culprit. Will evidence point to the usual suspect?
Put the pedal to the metal with the Pawn Stars as the guys check out a completely customized 1932 Ford Roaster. With less than 500 miles on it, will a high asking price put a red light on negotiations? Then, Corey and Chum lee face off against a guy trying to sell a Marilyn Manson Clayton doll. Used in the making of "Celebrity Death match," will they make an offer or is this deal DOA? And later, Rick eyes a diploma from the 1912 Olympics. Awarded for a 2nd place finish in swimming, can Rick turn it into pawn shop gold?
Put up your dukes with the Pawn Stars as the guys check out a postcard signed by legendary boxer Jack Johnson. The first African American to become heavyweight champ, will the card knock Rick out? Then, Corey and Chum set their negotiating skills on stun when some props from the original Star Trek series beam into the shop. Will the price go where no deal has gone before? And later, when Chum decides he needs his own desk, can he convince the guys he's worthy?
Empty your pockets with the Pawn Stars when the guys eye a 2,000 year old Shekel of Tyre. The same type of coin given to Judas to betray Christ, will they make a deal of biblical proportions? Then, Rick and the Old Man are up in arms over a pair of engraved Colt pistols from the 1860s. Worth a small fortune if they're factory engraved, can they connect them back to the Colt Armory? And later, when one of Rick's purchases turns out to be stolen, will the guys ever let him forget it?
Read up on the Pawn Stars when one of the first books ever printed comes in the shop. An incunable from the 15th century, will the guys judge this worm-eaten work by its cover? Then, Corey and the Old Man hear the sweet sound of music when a sitar strums by the shop. An Indian instrument popularized by the Beatles, can it score a big hit? And later, the guys jump through flaming hoops for an ID card belonging to the late stuntman Evel Kneivel. Will the deal hit the mark or crash and burn?
The Pawn Stars prepare for battle when a guy brings in a Smith carbine from the Civil War. A problematic weapon known for blowing up in battle, can they keep this rare gun in their sights? Then, a campaign poster and convention hat from JFK's 1960 Presidential campaign drops by the shop. Will Rick vote to keep it, or will it not poll well? And later, the guys are horrified that Corey has never seen the movie "Star Wars," and force him to watch it on company time. Will he enjoy his trip to a galaxy far far away?
Ask not what your Pawn Stars can do for you, when the guys get a chance to own JFK's personal cigar box. A piece that sat in the Oval Office, will the guys light up at the opportunity or will negotiations go up in flames? Then, a guy pops in with one of the most powerful handguns ever made, a Colt Walker. A model used by the Texas Rangers, can Rick get the seller to surrender this rare gun? And later, an Olympic gold medal makes it's way into the shop. From the 1988 games in Seoul, will Corey stretch out for the win?
Get by with a little help from the Pawn Stars when alternative artwork for "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" rocks into the shop. One of the Beatles' most iconic albums, will the guys twist and shout for this piece of music history? Then, Rick eyes a pair of lithographs by Joan Mir and Marc Chagall. Both leaders of the Surrealist movement, can he dream up a deal? And later, the guys get a little starstruck when actor Steve Carell wanders into the shop. Will it be just another day at the office?
Turn it up to 11 with the Pawn Stars when Rick attends Rock and Roll Fantasy Camp. Performing with rock legend Roger Daltrey of "The Who," will Rick hit all the right notes? Then, Chumlee and the Old Man check out a collection of tin toys from the early 1900s. Can they turn this play date into a payday? And later, a tonsillotome finds its way into the shop. Used to remove human tonsils in the 1800's, will Corey try to cut a deal, or will the asking price make him choke?
Keep it reel with the Pawn Stars when Rick checks out a recorded telephone conversation of President John F. Kennedy. Capturing a rare moment in which JFK was angry, can Rick keep this deal on track? Then, the guys are flying high when an F16 flight suit buzzes by the shop. Will their offer meet the sky high expectations? And later, the Pawn Shop becomes a hostile work environment when Chumlee tries to secretly record the Old Man yelling at him.
The Pawn Stars prepare for a duel when a check signed by Aaron Burr comes in the shop. Will Rick try to turn this check into cash, or will a tough negotiation make the seller bounce? Then, Rick and Corey check out a 1960 Chevy Corvair. Will the guys have the guts to take this car, once considered "Unsafe at Any Speed," out for a spin? And later, Corey is determined to pay Chumlee back for a prank gone awry. Can he pull one over on the self-proclaimed "Prank Master?"
It's the surprise of a lifetime, when the Pawn Stars give Chumlee a customized Harley-Davidson FXR for his 30th birthday. Will he join them on their trip to the motorcycle rally in Sturgis, or faint from the shock? Then, Rick and the Old Man look at a collection of original blueprints from the U.S.S. Maine. A battleship whose sinking led to the Spanish-American War, do the guys score a direct hit with these rare drawings? Then, Rick is spinning over a wooden 1940s airplane propeller. Hand-carved by master propeller maker Ole Fahlin, will negotiations go sky-high, or never even get off the ground?
Start your hog and ride with the Pawn Stars as they head to the annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally. Can Rick relax and enjoy the trip, or will he stop and hunt for deals along the way? And back in Las Vegas, the Old Man and Olivia are holding down the shop. Will school be in session as he teaches her the pawn biz, or will he just take a nap and make her do all the work? And later, the guys arrive in Sturgis, but Rick spots a sweet deal, a 1966 Honda CB160 motorcycle. Is he just window-shopping, or will he insist on mixing business with pleasure?
Step up to the plate with the Pawn Stars as they check out a Babe Ruth baseball card from when the Bambino was a pitcher with the Boston Red Sox. Will they swing for the fences for this rare card, or will the seller throw them a curveball? Then, Corey eyes an officer's artillery sword from the War of 1812. Will he keep his edge or will the deal be cut short? And later, Corey and Chumlee are offered a keyboard used by the band Three Dog Night. Can this piece of classic rock memorabilia have the guys singing "Joy to the World?"
Rock and Roll all night with the Pawn Stars when a seller brings in a gold record signed by the band KISS. Can this rare piece of rock history convince the guys to join the KISS Army? Then, a Confederate pinfire revolver marches into the shop. Known for its sensitive firing mechanism, will negotiations blow up in Rick's face? And later, when Corey pranks Chumlee with a fake lottery scratcher, is there any way this won't end badly.