Die Fellfreunde trainieren eifrig Fell-Fu. Marshall ist der Beste und kann die Prüfung für den 'Grünen Gürtel' ablegen. Aber dann kommt alles ganz anders.
When Marshall tests for his green belt out in the woods, he and Sensei Yumi are accidentally cut off from communication. The PAW Patrol must warn them about an incoming windstorm and then get them safely down off a cliff ledge. During the rescue, Marshall demonstrates both bravery and mastery of physical skills, which prove that he has what it takes to earn his belt!
Samppa ja Taimi joutuvat pulaan metsäretkellä, eikä uhkaava myrsky helpota tilannetta.
Marcus passe son test de Chien-Kido pour obtenir sa ceinture verte, mais le test se transforme en sauvetage.
Una violenta tempesta minaccia gli ignari Marshall e Yumi.
Una tormenta amenaza a Marshall y Yumi.
Mae Bini yn mynd a Fflamia allan i'r goedwig i orffen ei hyfforddiant ci-ffŵ pan mae storm yn codi. Mae'n rhaid i'r Pawnelu eu hachub o ddibyn peryglus.