Raiko, Tsuna and Sadamitsu venture on a new journey to the Western provinces, and this time they are accompanied by a girl named Urabe, who has been appointed by the Emperor himself. Their first task is to reach an island in the Seto Inland Sea, known as the Cursed Island, where a gang of pirates is said to store the Water Magatama. Dressed in female outfits to disguise their true identities, the travellers are welcomed without any suspicion by the inhabitants of a village on the coast near the island. Raiko is confident that her plan to capture the Magatama is proceeding well, but due to a terrible accident caused by Urabe, the fellowship seems to be on the verge of disruption. Will Raiko be able to hold her team together?
Путешествие за могущественными артефактами - магатамами Воды и Огня - занесло Хикару на отдалённые проклятые острова. Тем временем мстительный Сютен Додзи одолел сопротивление клана Кумасо и планирует атаковать саму столицу! Хикару приходится спешить домой с пустыми руками, и ей предстоит пикировка с представителями императорского двора - а времени всё меньше и меньше!