The whole city of Heian welcomes Raiko, who's succeeded in bringing the legendary jewel Magatama back to the capital. But sadness fills Hikaru's heart, as she has been unable to save the life of her brother. Hikaru retreats in solitude by the Rashomon Gate, and while sadly looking over the city from the top of the gate, she starts playing the flute she had received from her brother. Suddenly she realizes that a young and handsome jester is silently dancing by her side. His name is Mansairaku. But there is no time to think: a shower of arrows coming from the bottom of the stairs invests Hikaru. The Rashomon Gate is commonly believed to be a haunted place where demons and other supernatural creatures appear, and the guards, alarmed by the sound of the flute and the mysterious dance, have rushed to the spot. Will Hikaru and Mansairaku escape?
都に持ち帰られた伝説の勾玉を, 人々は歓喜の声とともに迎え入れる。
悲嘆に暮れ笛を奏でるうち, いつしか現れた申楽師,万歳楽(まんさいらく)が,光の笛の音にあわせて舞い始めるのだが・・・。