Saitama gibt Genos einen Schlüssel zu ihrer Wohnung, und beide überlegen, was sie für das Abendessen einkaufen sollen. Als sie sich jedoch an ein zeitlich begrenztes Angebot in zwei verschiedenen Supermärkten erinnern, trennen sich die beiden. Genos wird aber von mehreren Sachen abgelenkt und verpasst das Angebot. Nachdem er Saitama seine Verspätung erklärt hat, genießen die beiden ein paar Sukiyaki.
Saitama gives Genos a key to their apartment and they both mull over items to buy for dinner; however, upon remembering a limited time sale at two separate supermarkets, the pair split up. Genos then senses a monster at a nearby shopping strip and defeats it. However, this makes him miss one of the sales. Once he reaches the other (closed down) supermarket, Genos bumps into the Dai Fuu Family's No. 2 man and the rival C-Class Pacino Family, headed by Don Pacino. Pacino mistakenly believes Genos is associated with the Dai Fuu Family; he steals the apartment key and kidnaps both men, promising to let them and the keys go once Genos states his case. Once Genos finishes telling his worthless story to the Pacino family, Don Pacino becomes angry with Genos and the family opens fire. Genos easily defeats them and takes his key and the Dai Fuu Family's No. 2 man with him. After explaining his tardiness to Saitama, the pair enjoy some sukiyaki.
Cette OAV se situe entre l'épisode 3 et 4. Alors qu'il faisait des courses pour son maître Saitama, Genos se retrouve en plein conflit mafieux et est capturé par Don Pacino, qui le soupçonne d'être de mèche avec l'un de ses rivaux...
ג'נוס קיבל את המפתח לדירה, אך איבד אותו לידיו של מאפיונר המבקש לדעת מה הקשר שלו לאחד האנשים המחוייבים לשלם לו דמי חסות. כשג'נוס מתבקש לספר סיפור, הוא עושה זאת ללא מעצורים.
Saitama dà a Genos una chiave per il loro appartamento e entrambi rimuginano sugli oggetti da comprare per la cena; tuttavia, dopo aver ricordato una vendita limitata in due supermercati separati, la coppia si divide. Genos poi percepisce un mostro in una vicina striscia commerciale e lo sconfigge. Tuttavia, questo gli fa perdere uno dei saldi.
Genos es atrapado accidentalmente por Don Pacino, viéndose involucrado en un conflicto de la mafia. Genos que está en un apuro, necesita a Saitama para explicarle a Don Pacino los acontecimientos.
Дженосу его случайно заманил в ловушку Дон Пачино, немного попавший в мафию конфликта. Дженосу, которые спешат за покупками, попросили сделку в Сайтаме, чтобы объяснить дону Пачино, но...