OPMs Cyborg-Freund wird von dem, von einem besessenen Wissenschaftler erschaffenen „Käfer des Gemetzels“ übel zugerichtet. Für Saitama ist der Schlussverkauf im Supermarkt extrem wichtig.
The narration describes the story of Doctor Genus, brilliant young scientist with ideas of artificially evolving humanity becoming disillusioned with the world, eventually discovering the secret to immortality and creating multiple clones of himself. Saitama cuts off the narration in his impatience and Armored Gorilla then explains that Doctor Genus wants Saitama for his experiments. Genos and Saitama decide to attack immediately, since the store discount day is the next day. Before they leave, Genos asks Armored Gorilla about any cyborgs active four years ago that have destroyed any towns, which Armored Gorilla denies. In preparation for Saitama's arrival, the House of Evolution sets traps in their facility and reluctantly decide to release Asura Rhino. Once they arrive, Genos destroys the above-ground facility with a single blast before heading underground. The released Asura Rhino fights with Genos, taking no damage in the process. Asura Rhino then faces off against Saitama, but backs off when he detects how powerful Saitama really is. Saitama then reveals to the room his somewhat mundane daily training regime of 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats and 10 km of running, much to Genos's disbelief. Asura Rhino unleashes his Asura Mode and appears to be beating Saitama back, but it transpires that Saitama was just shocked by the realization that the store discount day was that day instead of the next and defeats Asura Rhino easily, leaving soon after with Genos to catch the rest of the discount day. Having witnessed this, Doctor Genus abandons his plans of artificial evolution. After the credits, officials from the Heroes Association inspect the House of Evolution blast site and discuss Genos's destructive power.
Un savant fou en veut à Saitama ! Attaqués par ses sbires dont ils n’ont fait qu’une bouchée, Genos et notre héros interrogent l’un de ces animaux mutants puis décident d’aller rendre visite à leur maître pour régler la situation sur-le-champ ! Quels dangers attendent nos héros dans l'antre du scientifique, la Maison de l'Évolution ?
Il dottor Genus cerca di sovvertire l'evoluzione terrestre creando una serie di mostri. Per poter studiare il corpo di Saitama, manda alcune delle sue creature a rapirlo.
'진화의 집'에서 온 자객을 무찌른 사이타마와 제노스. 두 사람은 자객에게서 조직과 관련된 정보를 얻는다. 진화의 집을 창설한 '지너스 박사'가 인류의 인공적 진화를 위해 사이타마의 강인한 육체를 연구하려고 했던 것. 사이타마와 제노스는 진화의 집으로 쳐들어가는데…
Эпизод начинается с рассказа о Докторе Генусе, гениальном молодом ученом, который разработал идеи искусственной эволюции человечества. В ходе своих экспериментов он случайно раскрыл секрет вечной жизни и создал множество копий самого себя.
Un científico loco está obsesionado con la evolución humana. Saitama se cruza en su camino y decide vencerlo para poder examinarlo mejor.
När doktor Genus får reda på att Genos och Saitama är på väg för att stoppa honom släpper han lös sitt ultimata vapen: ett monster som inte ens han själv kan kontrollera.
Doktor Genus dowiaduje się, że Genos i Saitama zamierzają go powstrzymać. Sięga więc po swoją przepotężną broń — potwora, którego nawet on sam nie potrafi kontrolować.