The Romance Dawn anime remake retells the story of Romance Dawn V.1. This remake occurs after the Thriller Bark Arc and before the Sabaody Archipelago arc in the anime series. As such, all 9 members of the Straw Hat crew are present, as oppose to the original story, which only featured Luffy.
The Straw Hat Pirates run out of food stocks, and Luffy was sent out on the Mini-Merry, only to get lost and drift off course. Luffy arrives at an island to venture out in search of replenishing their provisions. He encounters a girl named Silk, who has mistaken Luffy as a pirate from Crescent-Moon Galley's crew. Galley, who was tied up on his ship by Luffy, has threatened her town and Luffy promises Silk that he'll help her defeat him. After a short fight, Luffy makes short work of the Crescent-Moon Galley, while explaining to Silk about his abilities. After Galley runs off, Luffy remembers he left the Mini-Merry tied to Galley's ship. On his way back, the Mayor and various townspeople, mistake Luffy for Galley. They proceed to subdue him and tie him up. As he tries to explain himself, Galley interferes and attacks Silk. Galley, Silk and Luffy trade words about the meaning of treasure. Galley proceeds to throw Luffy's straw hat into the nearby ocean. Luffy stretches to get, with his head extending, but falls short and into the water. Silk dives in, rescues him, and curses Galley for sailing away. As they leave, Galley orders an attack on the island, destroying several buildings. Luffy slingshots himself towards Galley's ship, only to by shot out of the air by a cannon ball.
Falling towards the water, Luffy is saved the Thousand Sunny and the other Straw Hats. Usopp, Sanji, Nami & Zoro berate Luffy on his being lost, while a fight breaks out on Galley's ship. After some fighting, Galley is given a wanted poster of Luffy, comparing Luffy's 300,000,000 Beli to his small 5,000,000. Luffy proceeds to wreck Galley's ship with his Gear 3rd, Giganto Ax (oddly he doesn't shrink a
L'équipage vogue sur la route de tous les périls lorsque la nourriture vient tout à coup à manquer ! Luffy écoute son estomac et décide donc de partir seul à bord d'un canot à la recherche de nourriture ! En route il croise un navire pirate dirigé par Gary et en prend le contrôle. C'est ainsi que Luffy débarque sur une petite île où les habitants le prennent pour Gary et qu'il y rencontre une jeune fille qui veut protéger à tout prix sa ville bien aimée !
Lo special è tratto dalla prima versione di Romance Dawn, anche se è spostata a dopo gli eventi di Thriller Bark: fra i protagonisti, infatti, c'è anche Brook.
La ciurma di Cappello di Paglia ha finito le scorte di cibo e Rufy viene spedito con la Mini-Merry per procurare qualcosa ma durante il tragitto va fuori rotta e si perde. Incontra il pirata Galley "Falce di Luna", che sconfigge facilmente, e successivamente arriva in un piccolo villaggio dove trova una ragazza di nome Silk che lo scambia per il pirata Galley. Dopo aver chiarito il malinteso ed avergli offerto del cibo, Silk racconta a Rufy che lei è figlia di pirati che l'abbandonarono dopo aver saccheggiato proprio quel villaggio.
[OVA 2] Luffy deja a toda su tripulación hambrienta en el barco para ir en busca de víveres. Llega a un pueblo donde conoce a una chica llamada Silk, cuyo mayor tesoro es el pueblo donde vive. Es entonces cuando unos piratas llegan al pueblo para saquearlo y Luffy ayudará a Silk a deshacerse de ellos.
Os Piratas do Chapéu de Palha, em busca da grande passagem "Grand Line", estão em apuros quando sua comida acaba! Luffy, procurando comida por conta própria, encontra um navio pertencente ao pirata Gally e o toma de assalto!!! Ele aterrissa em uma cidade próxima... Luffy foi atacado por uma jovem garota, Silk, que o confundiu com um membro da outra gangue de piratas. Enquanto os dois fazem uma refeição, contam suas histórias. Enquanto isso, Gally e seu bando estão ardendo de raiva contra Luffy, exigindo pagamento dos cidadãos indefesos da cidade...!!!
One Piece: Romance Dawn Story é uma adaptação do protótipo original de One Piece, reimaginado para se passar após o arco Thriller Bark.
Die Romance Dawn Story ist die Verfilmung der gleichnamigen Vorlage des Prototypen zum One Piece Manga. Eingebaut wurde sie zeitlich gesehen nach dem Gekko Moria Arc. Ruffy wird von der restlichen Crew getrennt und landet, mit Hilfe eines auf dem Weg gekaperten Piratenschiffs, auf einer kleinen friedlichen Insel. Danach spielt sich mehr oder weniger das übliche One Piece Muster in Zeitraffer ab und viele Ähnlichkeiten zum Arlong Arc sind zu erkennen. Quelle: