Mocha flieht vor den anderen Kindern, die sie verfolgen, um an die Süßigkeiten zu kommen. In einer Rückblende wird erklärt, was in den letzten Jahren passiert ist. (Text: ProSieben MAXX)
Mocha runs off with the candy and she thinks back in a flashback. Mocha and Sind are on a ship to escape from the poison gas. Mocha wants to go back home to her family, cries, and Sind tries to calm her down but he cries too. Caesar Clown finds them later and tells them that his own son died from the gas and he hoped to not see anymore children die from the poison gas. Mocha is still getting chased by the children who are drugged by the candy and she is making sure they don't get their hands on the candy. Monet introduced new children to the other children in a flashback. Zoro is fighting against Monet while Nami, Robin and Chopper are going after Mocha and the children. She uses her devil fruit powers to reach the three and Zoro blocks her attack from hitting Nami. Monet hopes to finish off the weaker Straw Hats because it is a strategic tactic. Monet blocks the entrance with a snow wall and is about to bite Nami on the arm until Robin prevents that from happening. Zoro opens up a pathway out of the room so that Nami, Robin and Chopper to get away from Monet. Luffy and Momonosuke is still getting out of the garbage chute until Momonosuke stopped and they both fell back down the chute. Caesar Clown is watching Monet fighting Zoro and the children chasing after Mocha. He talks about Shinokuni getting inside the facility being an important use. He says that they'll be killed soon. Usopp, Kinemon and Brook are getting chased by the poison gas and are trying to find the sea stone cuffs and Momonosuke. Monet asks Zoro why he is only blocking her attacks instead of attacking her. Sanji and the G-5 Marines arrived and Sanji sees Zoro and makes fun of him and the marines do the same. Sanji and the marines see Monet and are admired by her beauty. Monet uses her devil fruit powers and bites off a shoulder of a few marines causing them to panic. Sanji and the marines run off while Tashigi stays with Zoro to fend off Monet.
Mocha scappa dagli altri bambini e riesce ad allontanarli dalla Stanza dei Biscotti mentre Zoro combatte con Mone riuscendo a far fuggire Nami, Chopper e Robin, che inseguono i bambini. Momonosuke sviene per la fame e lui e Rufy precipitano di nuovo. Usop, Brook e Kin'emon si dividono per cercare le manette di agalmatolite. Sanji ed il G-5 arrivano nella Stanza dei Biscotti e Tashigi, dopo avere ordinato ai suoi uomini di salvare i bambini, si unisce a Zoro nel combattimento contro l'arpia.
Monet pone en serios aprietos a los Sombrero de Paja, pero Zoro consigue abrir un camino a sus compañeros para que vayan en busca de los niños y se queda combatiendo contra Monet. Cuando el grupo de Tashigi y Sanji llega a la Sala de las Galletas, el combate aún continúa. Por otra parte, Brook, Usopp y Kinemon buscan unas esposas de kairoseki por el laboratorio.
Mesmo à mercê da habilidade de manipulação de neve de Monet, Zoro ainda tenta fazer com que Nami e os demais escapem, apesar dos incessantes ataques. Monet transforma-se, então, em um monstro aterrorizante, piorando ainda mais a situação. O bando se vê encurralado.
يركب لوفي على تنّين بينما تحاول موتشا أن تبعد حلوى السّيّد عن أصدقائها، وزورو يواجه موني وسط الثّلوج!