Ruffy, Franky und Robin wollen Caesar entführen, doch Smoker versucht, Ruffy festzunehmen. Law schleicht sich währenddessen mit Chopper ins Labor, um die Zusammensetzung der Drogen herauszufinden. In der Höhle sind mittlerweile die Kinder aufgewacht und zeigen starke Entzugserscheinungen. (Text: ProSieben MAXX)
Luffy declares that he will capture Caesar. Law says he will deal with Monet while Chopper tries to find an antidote. Luffy and his group try to find the entrance to lab. Tashigi and Smoker attack Luffy, with Smoker gaining an advantage until Luffy uses Gear Second and tells Smoker to fight him later when he is at full strength. Back in the lab, the children start to wake up until Usopp puts them to sleep again. They then see pieces of Smiley falling onto the stolen warship. Franky, not being able to find an entrance, uses his Radical Beam to make an opening. The Marines try attacking it but discover that it emits poison gas when they touch it. One of them tries to burn it but it explodes when it catches on fire, destroying the ship. Back in the burning lands, Zoro, Sanji, Brook and The Samurai see Smiley shooting pieces of itself across the lake. Caesar then appears on top of the lab, explaining that Smiley was his experiment and that it is weak against water which is why it is shooting itself across the lake. After his speach, Luffy jumps up and grabs him.
Rufy, Franky e Robin cominciano a combattere con i centauri ed i marine mentre Law e Chopper entrano nel laboratorio. I bambini sorvegliati da Usop e Nami si svegliano e vengono colti da un'altra crisi: il cecchino utilizza un'altra Stella Soporifera, ma il suo effetto è molto più debole della precedente. Rufy viene attaccato da Smoker e Tashigi, ma si rifiuta di combattere contro nemici non al pieno delle proprie capacità; allo stesso tempo Franky, con il suo laser, sfonda l'entrata del laboratorio.
Mientras Law y Chopper se cuelan en el laboratorio por la puerta trasera, en la entrada principal tiene lugar un enfrentamiento a tres bandas entre el G-5 de Smoker, los centauros y Luffy y compañía. Franky derriba con su láser la puerta principal y en ese momento un trozo del monstruo Smiley llega desde el cielo y destruye el barco con el que la Marina pretendía salir de la isla. De repente, más y más trozos van cayendo desde el cielo y Caesar Clown entra en escena.
Após uma violenta batalha entre os Chapéus de Palha e o G5 de Smoker, Smiley, a arma mortal de Caesar, ataca ambos os grupos, causando medo e caos.
قتال لوفي مع عدوه القديم سموكر يتوقف بوصول السم المرعب، والشرير العبقري الذي اخترع الوحش!