Auf dem See versucht Team Ruffy, weiter den Kugeln von Brownbeard auszuweichen. Als Ruffy sich über Brownbeard lustig macht, weil er behauptet, den großen Brownbeard nicht zu kennen, befiehlt der seinen Männern, auf das Wasser zu schießen, um das Boot zum Kentern zu bringen, worauf die Strohhutpiraten ins eiskalte Wasser fallen. (Text: ProSieben MAXX)
Luffy, Zoro, Usopp and Robin try to get to the ice side of Punk Hazard but their ship gets capsized by Brownbeard. As Brownbeard's troop prepares attack them again, Zoro gets ready to destroy their bullets but gets dragged down by sharks. At the last second, Brook saves them and defeats Brownbeard's shooters. Once Luffy and the gang got out of the freezing water after killing the sharks, they opted to take the centaur's warm coats.
The Straw Hats who rescued the children attempt to go back into the building to find another escape route, but their "hearts" get switched by Law, making them swap bodies. Law then returns his attention to the marines and destroys their ship. The G-5 marines attempt to contact marine headquarters about Law but he takes away all their Den Den Mushi. Smoker then fights Law and warns his men to stay back from the fight unless they want to get cut to pieces (which they did). Feeling useless in the situation, Tashigi attempts to strike the Shichibukai but was promptly bisected.
I centauri riescono ad affondare la barca di Rufy, facendolo finire in mare insieme alla ciurma che viene così attaccata da un banco di squali. Intanto Law, mentre fronteggia Smoker, cerca di impedire che il gruppo di Sanji lasci l'isola ...
El bombardeo al que es sometido el grupo de Luffy provoca que su barca se hunda en el lago helado y el capitán, Zoro, Usopp y Robin caigan al agua. Pero cuando peor pintaban las cosas, Brook llega para hecharles una mano.
Mientras, en la puerta del laboratorio, Trafalgar Law tiene la intención de impedir al vicealmirante Smoker y a su tripulación abandonar la isla, por lo que empieza a enfrentarse a ellos. Al mismo tiempo, utiliza sus poderes contra Nami, Sanji, Franky y Chopper que huían del lugar.
O poder de Law, capaz de erguer um Navio da Marinha, supera o do G5 da Marinha. Sanji e Nami também acabam em uma situação inusitada graças a Law. Enquanto isso, Luffy e os demais chegam a um lago nas terras gélidas e também enfrentam mais problemas!
قوّة لو الّتي تستطيع رفع حتّى السّفن الحربيّة تكتسح جي 5 البحريّة! كما ينتهي المطاف بمجموعتَي سانجي ونامي في وضع غير مسبوق بسبب لو.