Auf der arktischen Seite von Punk Hazard schießen sich Smoker und seine Leute den Weg durch die Eisberge frei und gelangen schließlich über einen Fluss zu Dr. Vegapunks ehemaligem Labor. Dort stellen sie fest, dass nur das Ufer des Sees mit Giftgas eingenebelt wurde. Als sie in das Labor eindringen wollen, öffnet ihnen Trafalgar Law, ein Samurai der Meere. (Text: ProSieben MAXX)
At the lake, Luffy's group have been attacked by Brownbeard and his centaur unit who's job was to intercept and eliminate any obvious intruders.
In the lab, Chopper is fighting off the hazmat soldiers who were attempting to get into his, Nami and the children's way. Sanji and Franky continue to fight off their hazmat soldiers and discovers that they look like sheep. Meanwhile outside of the lab, Brook is seen fighting against the sword wielding torso and after trying to talk to it, gives up and runs away from it.
With the G-5 marines and Smoker, the group blasts their way into the island and discovers a hidden river which they quickly enters, unaware that the river was being monitored. At the Lab, a hazmat soldier warns "Master" that the marines have almost reached the harbor. Master says he doesn't want to reveal himself to them, but his accomplice says he will greet them instead. The G-5 Marines finally reaches the shore and after Smoker rings the doorbell the marines decides to blow the door open. This was interrupted when the door suddenly opens and out comes the former supernova, Trafalgar Law. His sudden appearance makes all the marines except for Smoker and Tashigi scared. Tashigi claims he is now part of the Shichibukai after Law gave the World Government 100 pirate hearts in exchange for the position. Smoker then demands to know why Law is on the island at all since no one is permitted to set foot on the island, to which Law calmly replies with that Smoker and the marines are not allowed to enter here either.
Smoker e i suoi marines si fanno strada attraverso l'isola fino ad arrivare al laboratorio, dove incontrano Trafalgar Law. Nel frattempo Rufy e i suoi vengono attaccati dai centauri di Barbabruna...
Nami y Chopper, seguidos de los niños que había en la Sala de las Galletas, buscan la salida de las instalaciones donde están encerrados mientras Sanji y Franky entretienen a unos extraños soldados.
Lejos de allí, Luffy, Zoro, Robin y Usopp están en el lago del centro de la isla dirigiéndose a la zona helada, pero un grupo de Centauros les para el paso.
Por otro lado, Brook es atacado por el torso de un samurái sin cabeza ni piernas.
Por su parte, el buque de Smoker penetra en la isla y llega hasta las instalaciones, donde es recibido por alguien que no esperaban.
Brook enfrenta o misterioso tronco de Samurai que encontrou em frente ao misterioso centro de pesquisa, enquanto Nami e Chopper fogem com as crianças e Sanji e Franky enfrentam os soldados do centro.
تجد مجموعة لوفي نفسها في مواجهة عصابة من القناطير بينما يقاتل بروك جذع ساموراي شرس، كما يقابل النّقيب سموكر شخصًا غير متوقع!