Ruffy will dem Mann helfen, der im Körper des riesigen Drachens feststeckt. Doch als er ihn herauszieht, merkt er, dass der Mann nur aus einem Unterleib besteht. Außerdem macht sich Ruffy Gedanken, wie er endlich zu der schneebedeckten Seite der Insel gelangt, um den unbekannten Mann zu retten, der mit einem Notruf um Hilfe gebeten hat. (Text: ProSieben MAXX)
Luffy, Zoro, Usopp, and Robin are standing near the dead dragon that Zoro killed and Luffy is trying to pull out the man who is stuck in the dragon's body. Luffy succeeds by pulling out only the legs, making everyone think that he killed the man. However, the legs are alive and they run away trying to look for a Shichibukai. Luffy runs after him and gets stuck to the legs after the legs fall on top of him.
Elsewhere, the Straw Hats who were captured by the people in the hazmat suits (Sanji, Nami, Chopper, and Franky) are in a prison cell and were shown to a gaseous figure known as "Master" who is very interested in Franky. They wake up minutes later in a cell and try to figure out how to get out. They then see a man's head which was cut into pieces and put it together. The head is alive and it tells them that his body was cut into pieces by a Shichibukai and he feels shameful for not getting killed after getting sliced.
Back with Luffy's group, Usopp sees a harpy girl on top of a burned down building, but after he yells for everyone to look, she disappears suddenly. They then approach a lake that separates the fiery and icy halves of Punk Hazard. Luffy befriends a centaur that thought that Luffy was one of his kind. The people of Punk Hazard who work for Master see Luffy's group and tell the harpy girl about them.
Una volta sconfitto il drago Luffy e i suoi compagni si trovano di fronte al corpo dimezzato di un misterioso personaggio...
Entre Luffy y Zoro, consiguen reducir al dragón y darle muerte. Es entonces cuando descubren que, atascado sobre la piel del gigantesco reptil, está la mitad inferior de un samurai que intenta huir en cuanto es liberado, pero por accidente acaba pegado a la espalda de Luffy.
Zoro descubre a lo lejos unas montañas nevadas y se dirigen hacia allí para ver si encuentran pistas sobre el origen de la llamada de auxilio en el barco.
Mientras tanto, el resto de la banda que ha sido capturada en el Thousand Sunny, a excepción de Brook que fue dado por muerto por los captores, es llevada a un misterioso lugar donde permanece retenida junto a lo que parece ser la cabeza de un samurái con vida.
Luffy e seu bando salvaram alguém do dragão, mas ficam extremamente chocados com sua aparência bizarra. Enquanto isso, Sanji e os demais foram capturados e estão trancafiados em uma sala misteriosa... E lá veem algo inacreditável!
يواجه لوفي ساوراي لا يملك إلى نصفه السّفليّ! وفي مكان آخر، يجد كلّ من نامي وسانجي وتشوبّر وفرانكي أنفسهم محبوسين في غرفة مع أجزاء متناثرة لرأس ما.