Auf der Fischmenscheninsel ist König Neptun völlig außer sich, als sich die riesige Noah auf sie zu bewegt. Sein Sohn Fukaboshi meint, dass das gewaltige Schiff nur ein Relikt aus der Vergangenheit sei und keinen Nutzen habe. Doch sein Vater erklärt ihm, dass genau das Gegenteil der Fall ist und dass es verboten sei, das Schiff bis zu einem bestimmten Tag zu bewegen. (Text: ProSieben MAXX)
King Neptune watches in shock over the sight of the giant ship Noah as Fukaboshi asks whats so important about a relic of the past, but the king replies that the ship must not be damaged no matter what. Luffy and Hody continue their fight with Luffy getting the upper hand with Haki and Hody's attacks being ineffective against Luffy.
Then the ship Noah looms over the plaza and everyone who is fighting in the plaza now notice it. As the ship gets closer, Wadatsumi falls from the ship and onto the plaza. He shouts at Vander Decken decken to stop the ship or he'll die. Vander then shouts out his desire to kill Shirahoshi and everyone in Fishman Island because of her rejection. Hody is seen angry over Vander Decken's betrayal. Shirahoshi is worried that the ship will kill everyone and so decides to use herself as a lure to divert Noah's course away from Fishman Island. Luffy decides to follow her to protect her while Hody grabs on to the giant chains to get revenge on his supposed ally.
Luffy commence le combat contre Hody et montre de nouvelles techniques. Noah approche et met la population en panique. Pour éloigner Noah de l'île des Hommes-Poissons, Shirahoshi s'éloigne. Hody et Luffy se retrouvent aussi sur Noah.
Re Nettuno è sconcertato, in quanto l'arca Noah è stata mossa poiché, a suo dire, non doveva essere fatto fino al "fatidico giorno". Nel frattempo, nella piazza, Rufy combatte contro Hody dimostrando di essere nettamente superiore, ma l'uomo-pesce si rivela particolarmente resistente.
Hody Jones no está a la altura de la fuerza de Luffy y el combate se muestra muy desigual, pero la repentina aparición de la enorme arca Noah, guiada por el poder de Vander Decken, paraliza la batalla de la plaza Gyoncord. Toda la isla está en peligro ya que si la burbuja que la cubre se rompe, la presión del agua mataría a todos los que están en su interior, al mismo tiempo que el arca caería sobre ellos.
Shirahoshi, que sabe que el arca se dirige hacia ella, decide por su cuenta ofrecerse como sacrificio y se aleja de la isla para que el arca vaya detrás de ella.
Luffy e Hody começam sua batalha quando, de repente, sobre a Praça Conchárdia, A silhueta gigante de Noé surge nos céus e aterroriza os cidadãos. As esperanças se perdem, e Shirahoshi tenta impedir Noé para salvar a Ilha dos Homens-Peixe.