Ruffy versucht verzweifelt, rechtzeitig zu seinem Bruder zu gelangen und dessen Exekution zu verhindern. Allerdings muss er dafür an den Gefängniswachen vorbei – und die sind äußerst hartnäckig. Und zu allem Übel droht Gefahr aus dem Hinterhalt durch Gefängnisdirektor Magellan… (Text: ProSieben MAXX)
Magellan reaches level 2 and Luffy heads back to avenge the fallen Inazuma and Ivankov. He is stopped by Mr. 2, who reminds him what happened last time when he tried to battle the Chief Warden. Magellan blasts a Hydra to the escapees. Right in time for Luffy's second poisoning, Mr. 3 shows up and uses a Candle Wall to block the poison. Crocodile comments Mr. 3 is not so useless after all. Jinbei overhears the conversation between Magellan and some guards. Mr. 2 and Mr. 1 team up and take down the guards with ease. They get in an argument and Jinbei agrees with Mr. 2 on the fact this wouldn't be to hard. Meanwhile, Luffy and Mr. 3 team up with some escapees who shoot Magellan. Although the bullet just barrage through him (though not being a Logia, but Paramecia), Magellan gets hurt. Mr. 3 armors Luffy's fists and feet so the latter can finally attack Magellan. The two get in a fight between venom and wax.
At level 1, Buggy takes the rioting prisoners outside, only to see the plan fail right before their eyes. Jinbei shows up and explains the prisoners about the warships being not to far away. He takes a door and throws it in the water. Mr. 1 (who caught up), Crocodile and Buggy jump on the made platform and get driven by Jinbei to the warships. After being attacked by the ships, Jinbei throws the ships in the air with Fishman Karate, and the three land on one warship. Ready to battle they attack their opponents. Back at level 2, Luffy's and Magellan's fists clash, for Magellan to pledge Luffy on never escaping.
Magellan atteint le niveau 2 et Luffy revient pour venger Inazuma et Ivankov tombés au combat. Il est arrêté par M. 2, qui lui rappelle ce qui s'est passé la dernière fois lorsqu'il a tenté de combattre le directeur en chef. Magellan lance une Hydra sur les évadés.
Magellan raggiunge gli evasi che si dividono in due gruppi. Crocodile, Jinbe, Mr. 1 e Bagy proseguono verso l'esterno nel tentativo di rubare una nave mentre Mr. 3 supporta Rufy nel combattimento col Direttore, essendo la sua cera in grado di proteggere Cappello di Paglia dal veleno del loro avversario. Raggiunto l'esterno della prigione, il gruppo di Bagy si rende conto che Magellan ha ordinato a tutte le navi di allontanarsi rendendone impossibile il furto. Jinbe, tuttavia, trasporta Crocodile, Mr. 1 e Bagy su una delle navi a nuoto.
Luffy se enfurece al enterarse de que Magellan derroto a Ivankov y Inazuma, pero Mr.2 y Jimbei lo persuaden de que escapar tiene prioridad. Magellan inicia un plan para mover los barcos marinos fuera de Impel Down, atrapando a los fugados. Mr. 3 bloquea a Magellan con su cera, a Luffy se le ocurre que le tape los puños y pies con una capa de cera para que él pueda golpear a Magellan sin ser envenenado. Jimbei encuentra una manera de llegar a los barcos.
Magellan Finalmente Chega Ao Level 2 E Luffy Quer Se Vingar Pela Queda De Ivankov E Inazuma. Ele É Parado Por Bon Clay, Que Lembra A Ele O Que Aconteceu Da Última Vez Que Lutou Com O Diretor. Magellan Ataca Os Fugitivos Com Sua Hydra, Para Que Luffy Não Seja Envenenado Novamente Galdino Se Mostra E Usa Candle Wall Para Bloquear O Veneno, Crocodile Comenta Com Mr. 3 Que Isso Não Pode Ser Usado A Todo Momento.
أخيرًا، وصل ماجيلان للوفي والبقيّة. لوفي، من أجل مساعدة البقيّة للخروج من المستوى الأوّل، يردع ماجيلان بمساعدة من السّيّد 3.