Luffy is furious, punching Blackbeard, making the latter fly into the wall. Blackbeard takes revenge and activates Kurozou, making Luffy sent flying to his hand. He then grabs the pirate captain and throws him into the ground, with causes blood to drip from his mouth, to surprise of Crocodile. Jinbei sees Luffy getting up, only to strike him down and talk about his main priority: Ace. Blackbeard sees Luffy leave, telling him Skypiea and One Piece exists. Then, Minotaurus comes from the level 3 staircase, punching the New Kama and level 4 prisoners rioting down the stairs. As Minotaurus enter level 4, Luffy steps right to him, causing others to warn him. Jinbei replies the should let him be, as he is infuriated. He then stands still, face to face with the Demon Guard, only to punch him right into the other walls. The two break-in crews separate, only for Luffy and co. to get to level 3.
In between the actions, Emporio Ivankov battled Sadi-chan, and caused her huge embarrassment when 'Okamakov' used the whip from Sadi-chan to tie her up and hang her on the ceiling. Magellan finds her, telling his following guards to set her loose. He then goes on, only to find the Blackbeard Pirates. As infuriated as he is, he doesn't take time to give Blackbeard a speech, and primarily used Hydra. The Blackbeard Pirates get poisoned, only to scream from Hellish suffering. Magellan goes on, to the staircase of level 3, only to find the unconscious Hannyabal, who he tells in his mind is his succesor. He then, angry as he gets, screams Luffy's name, telling him he won't escape.
Luffy est furieux, frappe Barbe Noire, faisant voler ce dernier contre le mur. Barbe Noire se venge et active Kurozou, faisant voler Luffy dans sa main. Il attrape alors le capitaine pirate et le jette à terre, faisant couler du sang de sa bouche, à la surprise de Crocodile.
Dopo che Rufy e Barbanera si sono colpiti a vicenda, Jinbe convince Cappello di Paglia a proseguire e non sprecare tempo con Teach. Crocodile chiede a Barbanera il motivo per cui ha attaccato Impel Down rischiando di compromettere il suo posto come membro della Flotta dei 7, ma questi gli risponde che fa tutto parte di un piano più grande. Intanto, mentre Magellan si avvicina ai fuggitivi, Ivankov sconfigge e lega Sady-Chan, Rufy abbatte Minotauros e Bagy e Mr. 3 raggiungono il Livello 1. Nel frattempo Magellan, dopo aver avvelenato Barbanera e la sua ciurma, procede alla volta di Rufy e dei suoi compagni.
Después de que Luffy golpe a Barbanegra, Barbanegra lo agarra y lo asota contra el suelo, hiriendo a Luffy por anular sus poderes de goma. Jimbei convence a Luffy que no puede permitirse el lujo de perder tiempo luchando contra Barbanegra cuando tiene que salvar a Ace. Crocodile se pregunta porque Barbanegra atacaría la prisión, al hacerlo significaría que renuncia a su título, pero Barbanegra revela que es parte de un plan más amplio. Como Magellan se enfoca en los prisioneros, Luffy derrota fácilmente al revivido minotauro, mientras que Ivankov derrota a Sadie. Buggy y Mr. 3 alcanzan el Nivel 1 con los presos. Magellan envenena a Barbanegra y a su tripulación, ahora se enfoca totalmente en Luffy.
Ruffy und Blackbeard treffen vor der Treppe zum dritten Stock von Impel Down aufeinander. Doch der Strohhut muss sich beherrschen, denn es bleibt ihm keine Zeit für einen Kampf, wenn er Ace noch rechtzeitig retten will …
Enquando Luffy Quer Continuar Com A Batalha Contra Barba Negra, Jinbe Lembra A Ele Que Eles Não Tem Tempo E Que A Execução Do Ace Acontecerá Em Poucas Horas. Lamentando Luffy Se Move. Magellan Que Está Nervoso Tem Um Rápido Encontro Com Barba Negra Que É Derrotado Facilmente.
بينما كان لوفي يحاول الهرب في وسط الفوضى، تواجه مع اللّحية السّوداء. ويطلعه اللّحية السّوداء عن تورّطه في إعدام إيس. فيقاتله لوفي والغضب يعتريه بعد سماعه لذلك.