Todd's new one-hit wonder retrospective series. Come, check out these Norse gods' only work before they disappeared in a day or twooooooo...
He was long, and strong, and down to get the friction on... but was there more to Sir Mix-a-Lot than his love of big butts?
Review of the artist Carl Douglas's musical career surrounding his one hit wonder song "Kung Fu Fighting".
Come found out who Dexy is and why he or she had people running at midnight!
In 1976, Wild Cherry stood up for the funkiness of white boys everywhere, but what ever happened to them?
They got knocked down. Did they ever get back up again?
Grandma got run over by a reviewer.
Before Norbit, before Pluto Nash, before Daddy Day Care, Eddie Murphy was embarrassing himself with his music, and it was less than o-tay.
Where did you come from, Rednex, and where did you go?
WARNING: Category 5 Eighties Hair approaching
Ayyy wooed woak five hundrrrred maiyls and ayyyyyyyy wooed woak five hundrrred moawr...
Hair metal's last glorious day in the sun!
Rockwell felt like somebody was watching him, but they weren't watching him for very long.
Alien Ant Farm's career could have gone a whole lot smoother.
Admit it, the first line of this song instantly started playing in your head, didn’t it?
WEEOOOOOOOOoooooOOOOOOOOO pop! snap snap snap one two three PBLBLBLBL
In-foooooooooooor-mah! YanosaydiggadosaynoIgoblaaaaam a licky licky boom down!
Ooga chaka ooga chaka ooga ooga ooga chaka.
I’m blue da ba dee da ba die da ba dee da ba die da ba dee da ba die da ba dee da ba die da ba dee da ba die da ba dee da ba die da ba dee da ba die da ba dee da ba die da ba dee da ba die da ba dee da ba die da ba dee da ba die da ba dee da ba die
Who the heck is St. Elmo anyway?
Mmmbopdubadopbopdubopdoobydopbopdubopmmmbopdopdooooo. Yeah? Yeah.
Is this song about what you think it is? I really don't think so...
Sugar! Baby!
An elegant dance song for a more civilized age.
A song so fine to blow your mind!
You just don't get enough pop songs about the complete and total annihilation of the human race, you know?
They see me reviewin', they hatin'...
Hello The Darkness, my old friend...
Spoilers: It's about living in a box.
Always. FOREVER.
I don't want anybody else...
I wish I was in Tijuana, eating barbecued iguana...
It's the return of the One Hit Wonderland Spooktacular!
Oh, Jesus... literally. Todd takes a look at the briefly mainstream mid-'90s Christian rock band Jars of Clay!
Presenting the band Midnight Oil, the '80s rockers who taught us all about Australian social issues. Once.
Eine kleine Synthpopmusik...
The radio star has been KILLED! MTV = MURDER TELEVISION
One to the two to the two to the three, Adina do you wanna get freaky with me?
Whyyyy... why do you always kick me when I'm, highhhh....
In the summertime, when the weather is hot, we grow a big old 'fro, and giant muttonchops
New Kids on the Block had a bunch of hits, but their frontman Jordan Knight only had one when he tried to go solo...
So sexy it hurts.
Rick Derringer! The All-American Boy! The Real American! The man who stood tall for rock and roll AND hoochie koo!
This obscure rapper from 1990 has got some ex's and oh's.
Haddaway makes us dance to the eternal question.
They were surfing on some buttholes, they were doing it in Texas.
A look back at Scatman John, the most unexpectedly inspiring goofy novelty of the '90s!
A long look at the career of Everything But the Girl, the band that missed you like the deserts missed the rain and then vanished into the shifting sands. Or did they??
Love me, love me, say that you love me! Do the Cardigans count as a one-hit wonder? Let's find out!
And now a look back at the surprisingly long and varied career of the guy who made the novelty song about love and science!
This week's request takes us back to a bizarre moment in 1998 when a dance remix of a Celtic folk artist's pagan festival song became a mainstream hit. Yes, this really happened.
The alternative scene of the '90s reached its final endpoint in 2001 with The Calling: The teen idol grunge band.
Ain't no episode like an S Club episode! How did the UK teen pop smash only manage to break their least interesting hit in America?
They weren't sick but they weren't well... certainly not well enough to have a second hit! Who were Harvey Danger and why was the irony killing them?
Here it OK goes again! OK Go: the first band to understand how the Internet worked.
Pack it up, pack it in, and listen to Todd try and unpack the eternal greatness of the only Irish rap song in history!
How about we cover a real blast of '70s lameness sure to make you irritated for the rest of the day! Get ready for "The Night Chicago Died," the world's happiest song about gang murders!
You got the music in you! Todd breaks down the long shelf life of the pop masterpiece "You Get What You Give" and the brief career of the band behind it.
Three words ("do the hustle!") changed the course of pop music history! The dance that made disco, on One Hit Wonderland!
Todd revisits a dumb frat rap from 2009 because it's his ten-year Toddiversary! But whatever happened to the great white hope of the 2009?
At last, a jam for all the fellas trying to do what those ladies tell us! Young MC brought hip-hop to the masses but what happened to him after that?
Find out the story of "Funkytown," the earworm that managed to survive the death of disco!
DAY BOW BOW. Who were the European weirdos who turned experimental dance music into one of the '80s most overused music cues?
Sorry, I had to. The '90s dance hit that's making an ironic comeback in 2020 because... yeah.
Are you Jimmy Ray? Also who the hell is Jimmy Ray? Well if you're someone who wants to know, check out this video on the briefly popular '90s teen idol!
The best one-hit wonder of the '80s?? Modern English made the most intensely romantic new wave song ever but where did they go after that?
The infamous, gruesome song that got banned from radio stations nationwide in 1971! Come find out what happened to poor, poor Timothy...
Wait, their one hit wasn't "Christmas Wrapping"? The Waitresses's ode to toying with boys and their stupid emotions got them on the charts, but a tossed-off holiday novelty has dwarfed their hit in hindsight...
In 1993, with pop-rap was nearly dead and gangsta music bringing controversy, but Tag Team found a way to make hip-hop palatable to White America again in 1993, but "Whoomp! There It Is" didn't set up Tag Team for any further success after whoomp there it ended.
Mark Morrison debuted with a comeback, and proved that the Brits could hang in America with his international smash "Return of the Mack," but no one's big enough a mack for their career to survive as many bad decisions as he made. Why did the Mack never return?
It's that song where the guy turns into a disco duck. What on Earth was happening where the dumbest song in history became a #1 single?
Meredith Brooks made it safe for women to be messy and angry in the late '90s, but why did she end up an also-ran in the post-Alanis rush of singer-songwriters?
The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus took pop-punk into serious territory with their one hit "Face Down," but where they wound up may surprise you!
Lou Bega mamboed his way into our hearts and then quickly mamboed his way out! Why did the mambo revival never take hold?
They were two beautiful boys who played the most unthreatening music you've ever heard. Is "minivan rock" a real thing, and if so, were Evan and Jaron worth remembering as a part of it?
How does a minor '70s bubblegum band become a one-hit wonder five different times?
Poor jazz singer Bobby McFerrin just wanted to write a little song to make the world happy. What happened?
Mims made a big promise -- that he would tell you why he was hot -- that he never followed through on. What ever happened to that guy?
It's the most insane dance craze to ever exist. Two decades later we are still no closer to understanding the phenomenon known only as the Macarena.
Bedroom pop was invented in 1997, by one obscure computer nerd with a catchy sample. (It's not the Imperial March.)
They got in on the ground floor of hair metal and then got left behind? Why couldn't Autograph turn up the radio a second time?
Could a bunch of balloons end humanity? The German band Nena thought so in 1983, and somehow made one of the best songs of the '80s.
He wished he was a little bit taller, and that his career lasted a little bit longer.
Mattel may like "Barbie Girl" now, but back in 1997, there were scandals in lawsuits when one Danish band defamed Barbie's good name with one of the maddeningly catchy songs ever made.
The Exorcist theme was a top ten hit. Seriously. There's more to it than that though.
Let this wonderful '80s classic soothe you...
Did you know the guy behind the "Cars" song is treated like royalty up north? Get ready to learn a lot about the Canadian music industry!
Tarzan the ape man inspired one of the weirdest hits of the '80s, but was there more behind the band who made it?
You had a bad day, you're getting one song. And after that, you're going nowhere. The biggest one-hit wonder of the 2000s, everybody!