On Parvati's advice, Manibhadra took back Chitraangad to the earth. Shiva narrates the story of Vrishdhwaj to Narad. V_rishdhwaj fall's in love with a woman from a painting. Even after knowing that any person who sues that woman in painting will die in a year, he is determined to meet her.
Though Vrishdhwaj and Padmaja secretly get married in front of symbol of Shiva, Ketumati refuses to accept Padmaja as her daughter-in-law. Ketumati orders Vrishdhwaj and Padmaja to leave the palace and they follow the orders but are killed by King Padmanabh in the jungle.
Kanappa, Anjaiya, Veni and Desia remember their previous birth after drinking water. Kanappa's father Shivappa had thrown him out of the house when he said something against killing of animals. When Veni introduced Kanappa to her father, he insulted him. A snake bites Shivappa when an arrow fired by him hit the symbol of Shiva.
When blood doesn't stop from one eye of Shiva's symbol, Kanappa offers both his eyes to Shiva. Pleased with Kanappa's act, Shiva not only blesses Kanappa with eyes but also takes him along with Veni to Kailash.
Sumati shows disrespect towards men, which ends up with a fight between Vajrasen and Sumati. Vajrasen defeats Sumati and She deceitfully runs away to save her life and hides in a temple. Goddess Parvati in the guise of a priestess advises Sumati to fast for sixteen Mondays. Sumati refuses to do so and Vajrasen finds her hiding place and he takes her away with him.
King Bhadrasen requests Dhuranati to save his daughter Sumati, but she refuses to do so. At the same time Vajrasen arrives with Sumati to Dhuranati's hermitage. They get married in the presence of both Bhadrasen and Dhuranati. Pleased to see them getting married to each other, Vajrasen's father dies in happiness. Vajrasen thinks Sumati to be a bad woman and starts disliking her but realizes his mistake later and apologizes for it.