Kartikeya narrates the story of Shiva - Mahananda to Parvati who is in the guise of Parvatiya. She laments on this development. Kartikeya destroys the temple of Mahananda in anger. On the disappearance of gems studded 'Shivling', Somsen decides to end his life in a pyre. Everyone is petrified on this news. On Somsen's entering the pyre. Mahananda also jumps in. On request of all present there, Shiva appears and blesses Mahananda and also orders Ganesha to control the situation.
Nagrani admonishes Manibhadra on being attracted towards a prince from earth. Even then she protects prince Chitraangad from enemies. Simantini coaxes out the prophecy of an astrologer from her parents that she will become a widow at the age of 20. She decides to stay spinster throughout her life but her father King Chandrasen orders her wedding. In the light of astrologer's prediction, Chitraangad advises Simantini to worship Parvati who then goes to an unknown place to worship.
Simantini could not be traced in spite of best efforts. Parvati assures Simantini about her future. All the princes who have gathered to be selected by Simantini leave after hearing the prophecy about her. Simantini & Chitraangad get married. Once while traveling in a boat, Chitraangad drowns and reaches the bottom of earth.
In Hindu religion each and every auspicious work begins only after worshipping God Gajanana i.e. Ganpati. This practice of worshipping God Ganpati has been continued since ages. People believe that by worshipping Ganpati all their problems and tensions are solved and happiness spreads everywhere. Ganpati, son of Shiva and Parvati also has various other names that suggest the qualities in him.
Snake queen accepts arrival of Chitraangad as will of Shiva. On the suggestion of snake Queen, Shiva orders Vasuki for the wedding of Chitraangad with Manibhadra, Vasuki declares Chitraangad as future King. Shiva explains to Parvati