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  • TheTVDB.com Season ID 1962614
  • Created October 15, 2021
  • Modified February 11, 2025
When available, episode names will be translated into your preferred language. Otherwise they will be shown using the series' origin language.
Name First Aired Runtime Image
S2020E01 Life without Stop Signs in the Netherlands
January 11, 2020
S2020E02 The Faster Way to Move House in Amsterdam
February 8, 2020
S2020E03 Traffic Calming is Everywhere in the Netherlands
February 21, 2020
S2020E04 Do Your Buses Get Stuck in Traffic? Traffic solutions & the Downs-Thomson Paradox
March 5, 2020
S2020E05 Copenhagen is Great ... but it's not Amsterdam
March 15, 2020
S2020E06 Coronavirus in Amsterdam and the Taiwan Response
March 24, 2020
S2020E07 Why Great Cities Let You (Easily!) Cycle to IKEA
March 20, 2020
S2020E08 Bicycle Ride - Amsterdam Rivierenbuurt to IKEA
April 6, 2020
S2020E09 A Faster Commute in Amsterdam - My Commute to Amsterdam Noord
April 3, 2020
S2020E10 The Incredible Underground Bicycle Parking Garages of the Netherlands
April 28, 2020
S2020E11 Why Cars Rarely Crash into Buildings in the Netherlands
May 15, 2020
S2020E12 The Miniature Microcars of Amsterdam
May 29, 2020
S2020E13 The Best Way to Cycle - Bicycle Only Roads in the Netherlands
June 11, 2020
S2020E14 The Lively & Liveable Neighbourhoods that are Illegal in Most of North America
June 26, 2020
S2020E15 Why Passenger Trains Suck in Canada - Part 1 - VIA Rail
July 9, 2020
S2020E16 Why the Dutch Wait Less at Traffic Lights
July 22, 2020
S2020E17 Car-free travel in Rotterdam (Netherlands)
August 6, 2020
S2020E18 Rotterdam: the City Rebuilt for Cars
August 18, 2020
S2020E19 Why We Won't Raise Our Kids in Suburbia (and moved to the Netherlands instead)
September 3, 2020
S2020E20 Invisible Bicycle Infrastructure of the Netherlands (Hoofdnetten)
September 21, 2020
S2020E21 I am not a "Cyclist" (and most Dutch people aren't either)
October 3, 2020
S2020E22 Introduction to Strong Towns & Financially Insolvent American Cities [ST01]
October 26, 2020
S2020E23 How Suburban Development Makes American Cities Poorer [ST02]
November 9, 2020
S2020E24 The Foreigner's Guide to Sinterklaas & Zwarte Piet
November 28, 2020
S2020E25 The Most Dangerous Places to Cycle in Amsterdam
December 13, 2020
S2020E26 Empty Amsterdam on a Friday Night during Corona [No Commentary]
season finale
December 20, 2020

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