Home / Series / Not Just Bikes / Aired Order / Season 2020 / Episode 18

Rotterdam: the City Rebuilt for Cars

Rotterdam is a city very different from any other in the Netherlands. After being nearly flattened in 1940, the city underwent a major transformation in the 1950s and 1960s to become a "modern" city, designed with cars in mind. This video explores what Rotterdam is like today, and what the city is doing to undo some of the damage caused by decades of car-centric policy. Want to support Not Just Bikes? Visit https://patreon.com/notjustbikes Twitter: https://twitter.com/notjustbikes Reddit: https://reddit.com/r/notjustbikes --- BB-7534 En Hollande Rotterdam, la Venice du Nord Stadsarchief Rotterdam (Public Domain): https://hdl.handle.net/21.12133/8AFBCEAAB66B4949953CFD1DAADE7B55 BB-0716 Met de paardentram naar Overschie Stadsarchief Rotterdam (Public Domain): https://hdl.handle.net/21.12133/2AA65760456045468F09AC8347624D74 BB-0868 Stadsbeelden Rotterdam Stadsarchief Rotterdam (Public Domain): https://hdl.handle.net/21.12133/C890FA7E43E34069A816344C29B71A6C BB-0986 Opnames van de puinhopen na het bombardement. Stadsarchief Rotterdam (Public Domain): https://hdl.handle.net/21.12133/76A4E0DCBB2D43E9B48A29FA0311E33D Rotterdam centre after the 1940 bombing of Rotterdam Wikipedia (Public Domain): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotterdam#/media/File:Rotterdam,_Laurenskerk,_na_bombardement_van_mei_1940.jpg King Street, north side between Richmond and Clarence Streets, London, Ontario London Public Library, Ivey Family London Room Digital Collections http://images.ourontario.ca/london/70144/data?n=5 Dundas Street, south side looking east towards Clarence Street, London, Ontario London Public Library, Ivey Family London Room Digital Collections http://images.ourontario.ca/london/70147/data?n=7 Luchtfoto naar het westen van de Bijlmermeer in aanbouw Stadsarchief Amsterdam (Public Domain): https://archief.amsterdam/beeldbank/detail/2ec21329-2802-42b1-01e8-b27a6446f79e Jan Hanzenstraat (1974) Stadsarchief Amsterdam (Public Doma

  • Originally Aired August 18, 2020
  • Created October 15, 2021 by
  • Modified October 15, 2021 by